Chloration polyethylene(CPE) waterproof coiled material for special railway line surfac
Description: Chloration polyethylene waterproof coiled material for special railway line surface is a kind newadvance waterproof coiled material developed specially according to the character of concrete bridge surface ofspecial railway line. Its main body made of special type macromolecule synthetic material chloration
Specifications:thickness:1.5-3.0mm; width: 2-4m; length at ED request.
Properties:good anti-climate and anti-aging, long working life;anti- environment temperature change , can be used at the temperature from-40℃to +120℃
Applications:Used in the waterproof project of railway, concrete bridge, bridge floor, special railway line.
产品性能指标:氯化聚乙烯双面增强防水卷材性能指标(L型)Product specification:the physical property of chloration polyethylene waterproof coiled material on both sides(L type)
产品性能指标:氯化聚乙烯双面增强防水卷材性能指标(L型)Product specification:the physical property of chloration polyethylene waterproof coiled material on both sides(L type)
