东莞横沥绿色pet高温胶带厂家找辰泰企业 PET绿色高温胶带
(8)勿使胶带蛇行或蠕行,要保持拖辊,立辊灵活,张紧力要适度。,服贴性好,耐高温、耐溶剂、不渗锡、不残胶,具备卓越的电气性能: 主要用途 PET to PET film green heat tape coated with silica as a substrate made ??of high temperature, the color is green transparent, viscous good, obedient, good temperature, solvent, no seepage tin, no residue, with excellent electrical performance : 本店明码标价,价格公道,谢绝还价!还价请绕行!本店会不断推出各种优惠活动! 购买前请先看清购物说明,包括宝贝颜色,材质,尺寸等所有的信息。一旦拍下,就表示接受。有问题请及时跟店主咨询,确认对产品都了解后,没有异议再付款比较妥当,以免不必要的误会。因为拍摄受诸多因素的影响,显示器的分辨率及亮度的不同,会存在一定的色差,完全不能接受任何色差的买家慎重考虑。 温馨提示: 非质量问题的退货换货,请与收到货品7天内联系客服,并保证货品未经人为损坏。退换过程中产生的运费由买家承担。 Tips: 联系人:陈礼兵(先生)手机:13556790460 电话:86-0769-83390822 82984581 传真:86-0769-83390833 阿里巴巴网站: 辰泰公司网址: E-mail:jiatai1011@126.com 厂址:东莞市常平镇桥沥马屋管理区 Contact: Chen Bing (Mr) Mobile: 13556790460
短期耐温250℃,长期耐温180℃;●规格:长33m、50mm、66m 最大宽度 970mm(可分切) 总厚度:0.055mm、0.06mm、0.065mm 、 0.07mm、0.075mm、0.08mm、0.085mm
适用于印刷线路板(PCB)、SMT锡炉、波峰焊过程中遮蔽保护金手指; 包装标志:按非危险品处理。
以及试验产品的测试数据。粘着力达到8N/25.4mm,选取相关化学资料:天然橡胶。 使用8mm美纹纸压敏胶在环氧板编至电子元器件在高温150摄氏度/2小时,胶带粘紧环氧板,胶带不松动,不脱落,撕开胶带环氧板,电子元器件线无残胶。通2年的研发,产品在市场上不断得到认可,形成工厂化生产。 耐高温胶带的真正含义 耐高温胶带,即高温作业环境下使用的胶粘带。主要用于电子工业用途,耐温性能通常在120度到260度之间,常用于喷漆、烤漆皮革加工、涂装遮蔽和电子零件制程中固定、印刷电路板及高温处理遮蔽。高温胶带包括KAPTON高温胶带;铁氟龙高温胶带;高温美纹纸胶带;PET绿色高温胶带;高温双面胶等。 ,
基 材: 聚脂薄膜 胶 系: 丙稀型。,
Short-term temperature 250 ℃, long-term temperature 180 ℃;
High insulation, high temperature, low temperature, acid, low electrolysis, good mechanical properties, abrasion, tear;
Special adhesive treatment, adhesion strength, tear after masking the surface without leaving any remnants.
The main purpose
Mainly used for paint, paint, sealing, footwear, packaging fixed, construction and decoration industries;
PET green heat tape is widely used as the electronics industry in transformers, motors, coils, capacitors and variable frequency power supply, such as high temperature insulation winding;
Suitable for printed circuit board (PCB), SMT solder pot, wave soldering process masking Goldfinger;
High-grade electrical insulation protection and lithium positive and negative fixation;
Suitable for solder protection;
Phone lithium battery manufacturing strapping.
Return replacement of non-quality problems, please contact customer service within 7 days of receipt of goods, and to ensure that the goods without man-made damage. Produced during shipping returned by the buyer.
The company take care of the needs of most users, try to make the same picture with the actual product, but due to different display considerably different, really making a subtle color chart and real error is normal, do not quality problems require a non-returnable goods, thank you!
Tel :86-0769 -8,339,082,282,984,581
Fax :86 -0769-83390833
Chen Tai Company Website:
E-mail: jiatai1011@126.com
Address: Changping Town Bridge Lek Estate Management District, Dongguan City, Ma