更多图片请点机相册查看平度市华蕾眼睫毛厂创新设计了彩色假睫毛、梅花图案假睫毛、分段色彩嫁接眼睫毛、镭射金银线假睫毛和蝴蝶版系列多彩多图案等等系列假眼睫毛,分段色彩嫁接睫毛可根据客商的要求做出任何分段色彩,长度有10mm,12mm,15mm等。 图片没有编辑,请客商复制粘贴到电脑中留作存档,如有需要请联系我厂,电话:13573218738高建军,平度市华蕾眼睫毛厂彩色假睫毛图片相册地址:
Christmasspecial, color false eyelashes
Hua Lei Pingdu innovative design and production of plant color eyelash fake eyelashes, the same models can be designed in different colors -
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, pink cesium, gold, silver and different colors, etc.
Pattern! Welcome to put forward different customers requirements and design, our plant will do its utmost cooperation!