1,我们选用优质生物塑料PLA和工程塑料ABS,PLA是从淀粉中提炼的新型塑料,在自然环境中可以分解;ABS具有较高抗冲击和延生性。这两款塑料是我们3D打印的理想原材料。 1.Filaments produce with excellent biobase plastic PLA and engineer plastic ABS, PLA is made from starch , biodegreadable materials; ABS has high shock resistance and high strength . 2,PLA的熔点190-230℃,ABS的熔点170-240℃。 2. PLA process temperature is 190-230℃, ABS is 170-240 ℃ 3,PLA、ABS易成型,打印产品没有毛边,颜色逼真鲜艳,整个生产过程无异味。 3.PLA and ABS can be easily shaped when printing , products has no raw edge , bright color . There is no peculiar smell when producing . 4,产品规格有φ1.75mm和φ3mm,精度控制在正负0.05mm。生产过程中采用测径仪器和PLC控制产品直径和圆度。 4.we produce Diameter of 3.0/1.75mm for reprap 3D printer , dimensional accuracy ±0.05mm with laser monitor and interlock device 5,产品生产完工后进烤箱烘干后真空包装,Products will be moved in oven , then vacuum packaging and shipment 
