我们: LIAD致力于制造业先进的称重控制系统的塑料、混凝土、食品等加工行业。基于专有技术和多年的经验,我们的解决方案是很准确的,具有成本效益的和精致的,但的装,操作,和维护简单。 我们高度重视倾听客户的需求,我们的凝聚力和熟练的团队电子、机械和软件工程师应用他们的技术专长和能力为客户定制解决方案。 LIAD重量计量的喂料机被安装在塑料生产在以色列和世界各地的工厂和我们LIAD自动系统在预拌混凝土工厂和采石场在以色列的最大的水泥生产商工厂都可以找到。我们ELPACK品牌代名词准确性和可靠性在全球食品加工和包装行业。国际网络的分销商和代理商促进销售和技术支持为我们的全球系统。 创新和质量 LIAD拥有多个国际专利在称重应用。 LIAD致力于它的品量并通过ISO9001:2008。我们的产品设计和制造根据OIML R- 76,欧洲标准的称重和测量。认识到技术支持和服务的必要性,我们不断检讨和改善我们的规程,以确保我们的客户可以享受无忧无虑的,稳定的,可靠的操作系统。 关于我们 LIAD成立于1979年,专注与工程专业称重技术,并继续成长为我们开发新的应用程序,升级现有系统,进入新的市场。 我们是位于以色列北部风景如画的加利利地区——欢迎来访问! | About Us LIAD leads in manufacturing advanced weighing and control systems for the plastics, concrete, food, and other processing industries. Based on proprietary know-how and years of experience, our solutions are highly accurate, cost-effective and sophisticated - yet simple to install, operate, and maintain. We place the highest importance on listening to our customer\'s requirements, and our cohesive and skilled team of electronics, mechanical and software engineers apply their technological expertise and capabilities to translate those needs to customized solutions. LIAD\'s gravimetric dosing feeders are installed in plastics factories in Israel and throughout the world and our LIAD automatic systems for ready-mix concrete plants and quarries can be found in all the plants of Israel\'s leading concrete producers. Our ELPACK brand is a byword for accuracy and reliability in the global food processing and packing industries. An international network of distributors and agents facilitates sales and technical support for our systems around the world. Innovation and quality LIAD holds a number of international patents for its weighing applications. LIAD is dedicated to its quality procedures and has the approval of ISO9001:2008. Our products are designed and manufactured according to OIML R-76, the European standard for weighing and measurement. Recognizing the necessity for effective technical support and service, we constantly review and improve our procedures to make sure that our customers can enjoy worry-free, smooth, and reliable system operation. A little more about us LIAD was founded in 1979 by a band of dedicated engineers specializing in weighing technologies, and continues to grow as we develop new applications, upgrade existing systems, and penetrate new markets. We are based in the picturesque Galilee region in Northern Israel – come visit! |