![QD1 拷贝](http://i04.c.aliimg.com/img/ibank/2013/257/901/1014109752_771840609.jpg)
LH型电动葫芦桥式起重机。具有外型尺寸紧凑、建筑净空高度低、自重轻、轮压小等 优点。适用于机械加工车间、冶金厂辅助车间、仓库、料场、电站等的转运、装配、检修和装卸作业;它也可以代替普通双梁桥式起重机,用于轻纺工业和食品工业的生产车间。其工作类型为轻级和中级,工作环境温度为-25℃~40℃,禁止在易燃、易爆、腐蚀性介质环境中使用。
LH model electric hoist overhead crane has such features as tight dimensions,low building headroom,light dead weight and light wheel load.They are applicable to the transfer,assembly,check and repair as well as load and unload at mechanic processing workshop,subsidiary workshop of metallurgical mills,warehouse,goods yard and power station.They can also be used instead of common double-girder overhead crane at production workshop in light textiles or food industry.It has two kinds of classification,that is,light and medium.The working ambient temperature is generally -25℃~40℃.It is forbidden to work in environment with combustible,explosive or corrosive media.
Two operating methods,namely,on floor and in the driver’s cabin,have been designed for such kind of crane.The cabin is pided into open-style.The cabin can be installed on the left or right according to actual conditions.The operator can enter the cabin from one side,rear or top,which depends on the different user’s requirements.