润滑系统采用自动供油润滑装置,主轴电机采用水冷装置,高效节能,具有平面立体旋转多功能雕刻用途,适用于精密五金件加,玉石,工艺品等的三维立体雕刻。 | Lubrication system with automatic lubricating device, the spindle motor of high efficiency and energy saving, using cold water device, with stereo multifunctional rotary carving use, suitable for precision hardware parts, jade, three-dimensional carving crafts etc.. Lubrication system with automatic lubricating device, the spindle motor of high efficiency and energy saving, using cold water device, with stereo multifunctional rotary carving use, suitable for precision hardware parts, jade, three-dimensional carving crafts etc.. |