我公司提供榆林仿皮笔记本加工定做榆林工作会议记事本定制服务,订做各种真皮,仿皮,PU封面的笔记本和记事本,客户可以随便选择自己要制作的笔记本款式,封面可以压印LOGO和标志,也可以选择烫金或者烫印的工艺;内芯里面可以加自己公司和单位的彩页或者企业简介,或者有的公司也加入了自己公司的产品介绍,内页正文部分的页眉和页脚都可以加客户自己公司的公司LOGO和单位名称或者是宣传口号或者标语,本子的款式和材质选料都可以由客户自己的任意选择来搭配。 西卡定制的记事本系列主要有:商务笔记本、礼品笔记本、便携手抄本、高档真皮记事本、仿皮PU记事本、活页记事本、平装记事本、会议记录本、酒店皮册、饭店菜谱等。![](http://img3.makepolo.cn/img3/892/224/100005989224_14021121659217.jpg)
我们提供的服务有:仿皮笔记本设计、仿皮笔记本来样加工、皮面礼品记事本定制、活页笔记本定做、工作会议记事本烫金、记事本压印LOGO等! The notebook is writing and recording meeting information daily used paper book, is a writing tool, a portable commodity is an indispensable part in our daily life. Writing tools in ancient China started a tortoise shell, animal leather, cloth, bamboo slips are the crystallization of ancient Chinese people's wisdom. Then as one of the four great inventions of ancient China's papermaking, paper writing articles for economy of light and its effect of writing good and carry has gradually become the main activities for people to write record. Enterprises and organizations are more and more ordered his company's notebook, as a very practical and cultural products, with high-grade leather, stamped his mark above company LOGO and company name, unique in page you can also print your company's recognition and brand slogan or logo, as a on behalf of the corporate image of the product, can be said to be the best choice. The main types of notebook: We book the main types: business notebook, business notebook, portable manuscripts, high-grade leather notebook, imitation leather PU notebook, loose leaf notebook, notebook, gift the paperback meeting, notebook, work log, manual, the log, the leather diary, hotel, restaurant menu skin book record. Types of leather processing: Notebook cover leather material according to the different grades and prices: imported leather (leather and the first layer of skin and the two layer of skin points), patent leather, high-grade leather, PU leather, skin color, skin color and various colors of grain color and hair color, PU the rain, flat leather, frosted leather leather, sheep 巴皮, elephant lines, cross grid, the lightning lines etc. 主要服务市场: 陕西:西安;延安;榆林;汉中;安康;宝鸡;铜川;商洛;咸阳;渭南;定边;靖边等地区。 山西:太原;运城;朔州;大同;长治;吕梁;晋中;阳泉;临汾;晋城;忻州等地区。 甘肃:兰州;天水;庆阳;定西;固原;平凉;陇南;白银等地区;湖北武汉;十堰;宜昌等。 宁夏:银川;吴忠;中卫;固原;青铜峡等地区;四川成都;广元;南充;重庆市等。 内蒙:乌海;巴彦淖尔;包头;鄂尔多斯;呼和浩特;乌兰察布等地区。 了解更多真皮笔记本定做,榆林仿皮笔记本加工定做,榆林工作会议记事本定制,高档笔记本款式以及活页记事本价格请搜索西卡定制!