产品描述 Description
GJBFJV multi-purpose break-out cable use simplex cable(Ф900μm tight buffer fibre,aramid yarn as strength member) as
subunit. A fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) locates in the center of core as a non-metallic strength member.The subunits are
stranded around the cable core.The cable is completed with a PVC or LSZH (Low smoke,Zero halogen,Flame-retardant) jacket
产品特点 Characteristics
Stranded non-metallic strength member structure ensure the
cable endure larger tensile strength
T h e j a c k e t a n t i - c o r r o s i o n , a n t i -wa t e r , a n t i - u l t r a v i o l e t
radiation,flame-retardant and harmless to environment etc.
产品应用 Applications
Indoor any purpose cable distribution
产品标准 Standards
满足YD/T 1258.4-2005、ICEA-596、GR-409、IEC 60794-2-
Comply with standard YD/T 1258.4-2005、ICEA-596、GR-
409、IEC 60794-2-20/21,etc;and meet the requirements of UL
approval for OFNR.