规 格 书
客 户 名 称 : 客 户 型号 :
C u s t o m e r Customer Part No.
产品系列号 :
S e r I e s . BPAB0001
工 厂 型 号 :
Manufacturer Part No.
产 品 规 格 :
Specification 大功率 LED 1
Device Selection Guide 物料选用指南
Package Outline Dimensions 封装外形尺寸
PCB with below specification are advised for application.
Note: The tolerances unless mentioned is ±0. 15 mm.除非另有说明,以上尺寸的公差为±0. 15 mm。
Absolute Maximum Ratings--- Warm white、White (Ta=25℃)
Electro-Optical Characteristics- Warm white、White (Ta=25℃)
1. Tolerance of Luminous Flux is ±25%.光通量的公差为±25%。
2. Tolerance of Forward Voltage is ±0.2V.正向电压的公差为±0.2V。
电性特征曲线图Electrical characteristic curves:
Note: All temperatures refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface
Moisture Sensitivity湿气敏感度
In testing,High power led to have unlimited floor life in conditions≤30 ℃/85% relative humidity (RH). Moisture testing included a 168 hour soak at 85 ℃ RH followed by 3 reflow cycles, with visual and electrical inspections at each stage.
在测试中,大功率LED 在温度≤30℃、相对湿度(RH)≤85% 的条件下,拥有无限长的落地寿命。湿度测试包括:85% 相对湿度(RH)下浸泡168 小时,再进行3 次回流焊,在每个阶段对元件进行视觉和电气检查。
RoHS Compliance 符合RoHS 要求
The levels of environmentally sensitive, persistent biologically toxic ( PBT ), persistent organic pollutants ( POP ),or otherwise restricted materi als in this product are below the maximum concentration valu es ( also referred to as the threshold limits ) permitted for such substances, or are used in an exempted application, in accordance with EU Directive 2002/95/EC on the restricti on of the use of certain hazardous substances in electronic equipment (RoHS ), as amended through April 21 , 2006 .
本产品中对环境有害物质、持久性生物毒性物质(PBT )、持久性有机污染物(POP )或其它受限制原料的含量低于此类物质所允许的最大浓度值(也称为阈值),或者依照欧盟关于在电气和电子设备中限制使用某些有害物质的2002/95/EC 号指令(RoHS)用于可豁免的应用场合(该指令2006年4 月21日修订通过)。
Vision Advisory Claim 眼睛保护忠告
Users should be cautioned not to stare at the light of this LED product. The bright light can damage the eye.
用户应注意,LED 发光时,请勿直视。LED 的强光可能会伤害您的眼睛。
● Test circuit 测试电路
● Handling precautions 处理注意事项
1. Over-current-proof 过电流保护
Customer must apply resistors for protection; otherwise slight voltage shift will cause big current
change (Burn out will happen).
2. Storage储存
2.1 It is recommended to store the products in the following conditions 推荐在下列环境下储存:
Humidity: 60% R.H. Max. 湿度: 相对湿度≤60%
Temperature: 5℃~30℃(41℉~86℉) 温度: 5℃~30℃(41℉~86℉)
2.2 Shelf life in sealed bag: 12 month at <5℃~30℃ and <30% R.H. after the package is opened,
the products should be used within 24hr s or they should be kept stored at ≦20% R.H. with zip-lock
以密封袋储存保质期: 12 个月,-5℃~30℃ ,相对湿度<30% 。产品开封后应在24小时内使用,或在相对
3. Baking 烘烤
It is recommended to bake before soldering when th e pack is unsealed after 24hrs. The conditions are as followings:
如包装敞开超过72 小时,我们建议焊线前对产品进行烘烤。烘烤条件如下:
3.1 80±3 ℃ x(10~12hrs) and <5%RH, vacuum package真空包装.
3.2 100±3 ℃ x (1hr~2hrs), bulk type 散装
3.3 130±3 ℃ x (45min ~1hr), bulk type 散装
Test items and results of reliability 信赖度测试项目及报告
Label format