处于新世纪的中国医院建筑,正经历着经济体制、医学模式和技术革命的变革。经济体制从计划经济转向社会主义的市场经济,医疗服务从供给型转向经营型;医学模式从生物医学转向生物、心理、社会医学,大大扩展 了医学空间的深度和广度;技术革命使工业社会步入信息社会,医院智能化及覆盖全球的医疗信息网络,将极大地突破医疗的时空界限和原有格局。这变革将在中国医院的价值观念、功能结构、空间形态等方面产生强烈 的震撼和影响。 医院环境进行新的定位,不是简单的对医院环境进行装修粉饰,而是从空间划分、人流物流等方面按照病人的需要和理想进行规划设计。尽可能的把病人的心理、社会需求全面地体现在医院的空间环境之中,真正做到以人为 本。 医院环境是一种极为特殊的公共环境,其组成复杂、科室繁多、走道纵横。人流物流的合理性,将是决定医院环境好坏的关键。而一套完善的环境标识系统将会使这种合理性感知于人,并让人们在使用中感到非常方便、 自然。 |
Hospital buildings in the new century, is undergoing three major changes in the economic system, the medical model and the technological revolution. Economic system from a planned economy to a socialist market economy, health care services from supply-turn to business-type; medical model from the biomedical to the biological, psychological, social, medical, and greatly expanded the depth and breadth of medical space; technology revolution, the industrial society step into the information Society, the Hospital intelligent and global coverage of the medical information network, will greatly breakthroughs in medical and space boundaries and the original pattern. These three changes in the values ??of the Chinese hospital, functional structure, spatial form a strong shock and impact. and strengthen the traditional hospital patient willingness to demand respect and understanding to manage the center was transformed into a patient-centered. Need hospital environment to a new location, not a simple cosmetic renovation of the hospital environment planning and design, but the space is pided, the flow of people and goods in accordance with the patient\'s needs and ideals. As the patient\'s psychological, social needs comprehensively reflected in the space environment of the hospital, truly people-oriented. The hospital environment is a very special environment, and its composition is more complex range of departments, aisle aspect. Reasonable flow of people and goods, will be the key to the decision of the hospital environment is good or bad. A comprehensive environmental labeling system will make this a reasonable sexy to know others, and so that people are very convenient in use, naturally. |
医院标识系统目录 一、室内导向标识 11、公共安全标识牌;12、温馨公益标识牌;13、各类后勤部门功能标识牌;14、病房牌等;15、消防疏散图标识牌。