pe保护膜 在使用OPP保护膜后,揭开被保护的物品表面保护膜后,在被保护表面上发现残留的压敏胶,并且无法轻易清除,不得不说这是让保护膜生产和使用厂家最棘手的残胶问题,它不仅破坏了物品的美观,也造成被保护材料的污染,那么表面保护膜为什么会出现残胶呢? 残胶出现通常有三种情况,其一、内聚破坏:被保护表面和基材上均有压敏胶,且保护膜涂胶面失去光泽;其二、粘基破坏:被保护表面有较多胶皮残留,保护膜涂胶面可见基材;其三、迁移残留:被保护表面上有少量压敏胶残留,保护膜涂胶面光泽保持良好。 出现参加的原因比较复杂,不同机理才造就了上述残胶出现的三种情况,其中比较常见的一个原因是保护膜的剥离强度经过一段时间后发生了变化,被保护材料贴上保护膜之后,要经过一段时间才能揭下来,短的仅仅几分钟,而长的在1年以上,大部分在3~12个月,在这段时间内,保护膜的剥离强度往往会随着时间的延续而增大,通常是先快后慢,最后趋于稳定。当剥离强度上升至超过内聚强度或粘基力时,就会发生内聚破坏或粘基破坏,造成残胶。 另一个原因是OPP保护膜的老化,保护膜是由塑料基材和压敏胶构成,两者都属于高分子聚合物,其老化机理主要有热老化和紫外光老化2种。保护膜老化后,构成基材和压敏胶的大分子链发生断裂,平均分子质量降低,内聚强度随之降低,进而发生内聚破坏。 与被保护物品的表面材料相容也是造成残胶的一个重要因素。根据相似相容原理,结构、性质相近的物质之间容易产生相容现象。随着时间的推移,压敏胶和被保护表面由于相容现象,两者之间逐渐融合,引起剥离强度升高,造成内聚破坏或粘基破坏;或者压敏胶层中的部分小分子物质和被保护表面相容,从而从压敏胶中迁移至被保护表面,造成迁移残留。例如丙烯酸酯油漆面保护膜,这是丙烯酸酯压敏胶保护膜很容易发生残胶的场合。另外,地板油漆未干透时,贴上保护膜,残胶现象也容易发生。 在板材折弯加工中的拉伸效应,在拉伸过程中容易造成粘基破坏,这种情况也容易出现残胶。保护膜还会受温度的影响,在低温环境下或者快速揭开保护膜时,容易引起内聚破坏,出现残胶。
高温保护膜主要从以下几点进行识别:1.味道 ;2.外观;3.点火燃烧后的残留物;4.实际高温测试,过260°的高温,检查是否有残胶、收缩等现象。
此类产品如即时贴、家俱贴、标牌贴等。保护膜是水胶复合的保护膜,主要用于雕刻艺术玻璃方面,还有其他物品的表层保护。水胶即阿敏胶系列,这种胶无毒,对人体无害,是符合国家规定的绿色环保型胶东莞辰泰包装材料有限公司长期供应日韩生产的高端PET保护膜,价格仅和国内生产的PET保护膜持平。因为货源的优势,所以可以做到长期有货,并且价格始终是最低的。欢迎同行及贸易商进货。1.五金行业:电脑机壳,镀锌板冲压,铝板,不锈钢板,钛金板 ,塑钢板,玻璃板,太阳能电池板等等。
2.光电行业:LCD液晶显示器,背光板,冷光片,薄膜开关,手机屏幕等等。 六、储存及包装运输 储存温度:5-35℃ 储存期:自生产日之日起六个月 包装:50kg塑料桶或200kg塑料桶 运输:汽车运输,属非危险品。
5.电线电缆行业:轴装铜线、半成品、成品、打卷成品的保护,可有效防止灰尘污染,有防氧化、防脏污作用。 特点:在无尘工作中,静电膜的产生吸附空气中的灰尘和微粒子使不良率增加,防静电膜的特性将防止空气中灰尘与微粒子被产品表面吸附。
pe protective film applications
1 hardware industry: computer case, galvanized plate stamping, aluminum, stainless steel, titanium plates, steel plates, glass, solar panels and so on.
2 optoelectronic industry:. LCD liquid crystal display, backlight, EL, membrane switch, the phone screen, and so on.
3 plastic industry:. ABS, PP injection molding products, PVC sheet, acrylic sheet, instrument, plastic lenses, painting surface protection and so on.
4 printing industry:. PVC, PC boards, aluminum, film and other printed nameplates surface protection, and so on.
5 wire and cable industry: copper shaft-mounted, semi-finished products, finished playing roll protection, can effectively prevent dust pollution, anti-oxidation, anti-soiling effect.
6. Electronics industry, at the time of production, generally start to be used in the protection and semi-finished products in the pipeline is not prone to scratches and break something!
7 digital mobile phone industry, also known as Mobile phone film Beauty film, mobile phone protective film is applied to a cold surface membrane fitted sheet phone body, screen
pe protective film by stick force of mainly: ultra-low viscosity protective film , protective film of low viscosity , low viscosity protective film , protective film in the sticky , viscous protective film , super sticky protective film
An ultra-low viscosity protective film ( ie micro- bottom stick ) :
Characteristics : Thickness (≥ 0.03m ± 0.003), width (≤ 1.3), high ( 100-1500 ) , the substrate (PE), the peel strength (≤ 5g/cm), temperature ( 60 ) , an elongation ( > 400 )
Use: Easy to use and easy to paste tear , no adhesive residue phenomenon for organic sheet , instrumentation , display, glass lenses, plastic lenses , etc.
(2) low viscosity protective film
Characteristics : Thickness (≥ 0.03m ± 0.003), width (≤ 1.3), high ( 100-1000 ) , the substrate (PE), the peel strength (10-20g/cm), temperature ( 60 ) , an elongation ( > 400 )
Purpose : tack stability, good adhesion , good performance and then peeling , no glue residue phenomenon for steel mirror plate , titanium metal , glossy plastic plates, screen printing, Ming brand and so on.
3 low viscosity protective film
Characteristics : Thickness (≥ 0.03m ± 0.003), width (≤ 1.3), high ( 100-1000 ) , the substrate (PE), the peel strength (30-50g/cm), temperature ( 60 ) , an elongation ( > 400 )
Purpose : tack stability, good adhesion , good performance and then peeling , no glue residue phenomenon , for furniture Polaroid plate, stainless steel , ceramic tile , marble , artificial stone and so on.
4 . The sticky protective film
Characteristics : Thickness (≥ 0.05 ± 0.003), width (≤ 1.3), high ( 100-1000 ) , the substrate (PE), the peel strength (60-80g/cm), temperature ( 60 ) , an elongation ( > 400 )
Purpose : tack stability, good adhesion , good performance and then peeling , no glue residue phenomenon applies to lines matte board and general difficult to stick surface protection.
5 . Viscous protective film
Characteristics : Thickness (≥ 0.05 ± 0.003), width (≤ 1.3), high ( 100-800 ) , the substrate (PE), the peel strength (80-100g/cm), temperature ( 60 ) , an elongation ( > 400 )
Purpose : tack stability, good adhesion , good performance and then peeling , no glue residue phenomenon applies to lines matte board, plastic plates, plastic sheets and other difficult to stick .
6 ultra- sticky protective film
Characteristics : Thickness (≥ 0.04 ± 0.003), width (≤ 1.3), high ( 100-800 ) , the substrate (PE), the peel strength (100g/cm above ) , temperature ( 60 ), an elongation ( > 400 )
Purpose : ultra-high viscosity , the choice of water-based acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive for easy to use, easy to paste and easy to tear , no adhesive residue phenomenon for coarse grain aluminum so difficult to stick materials.
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