SMW 128282 工件夹具
ABB HDP VN22A00200001A000 电机3
HBM K-U15-1M00-DB-S-P-B-B-U 负荷传感器
Desoutter EME51-20J 气动旋转扳手
专业采购 德国及欧元区 工控产品、仪器仪表及备品备件等。部分总代理产品广泛用于钢厂、电厂和汽车厂领域,是德国公司驻中国办事处,欢迎来电咨询,共同开拓市场。如有德国方面的产品需要代购,欢迎来电沟通、合作。
品牌负责人:王小姐 13381453162
Q Q: 1829634388
IGUS CF113.02.04.02
IGUS CF113.02.06.02
IGUS CF11.02.10.02
igus JSM-1012-15,Gleitlager Iglidur J (bearings)
Igus complete L=920 G=46 Ansele=080.40.12PZ
Igus H4.
igus GSM-4044-20
igus GSM-1012-07
igus GFM-101215-12
igus GTM-1020-015
igus GTM-1524-024
igus 2050.12PZ
igus 2700.10.125 .0 L=16 GLIEDER/896MM
IGUS B15I.025.038
igus 1400.100.035.0(E2/000)
igus E4.32.18RDE115.075.0
igus CF 240.02.08 1000m
igus CF 130.25.04 VL 1000m
igus CF 140.02.12 1000m
IGUS CF.92.42;L=1??
IGUS 780.15.250.0??6500mm
IGUS 380.20.250.0;3m
IGUS 1680.250.12
IGUS 1686.03
IGUS 1686.04
IGUS 2210.58
igus E4.42.02.075
igus CFX14.2
igus CFX16.1
igus CFX16.2
igus CF.92.42,l=1m
igus 780.15.250.0,L=6500mm,with Connector and 132 Septa
igus CF10.10.02
igus CF78.UL.07.03
igus CF78.UL.05.04
igus CF78.UL.10.04
igus GUIDING TROUGH 974.31.SL ,10meter
igus GUIDING TROUGH 974.30.SL ,10meters
igus 27.05.150
IGUS The PVC power cable CF30.15.04 of ( 4 * 1.5 square feet ),200M
igus The PVC power cable CF30.25.04 of ( 4 * 2.5 square feet ),200M
IGUS The PVC power cable CF130.10.02 of ( 2 * square ),200M
igus PUR the control cable CF77.UL.10.12.D ( 12 * square),200M
IGUS B17-1-048-0
igus 340.225.200,1M
igus 3400.125.075.0 2.3M
igus 3075.34PZB
IGUS 3PX95/30M
IGUS 3PX16/30M
IGUS 19X2.5/30M
IGUS 4X2X1.0/30M
IGUS 4X16/30M
IGUS 2X2X1.0/30M
IGUS 6G62.5/125
igus CF130.10.07
igus CF211.05.04.02
igus CF31.15.04
igus CF31.25.04
igus CFBUS.PVC.001
igus CFX12.1
igus Cigus0106
igus Cigus0125
igus Cigus020504
igus Cigus0415
igus Cigus04150215
igus Cigus0710
igus Cigus2106
igus E4.42.07R150
igus Igus152025
igus Igus357515
igus Igus357515-1
igus Igus421015
igus R150
Igus E2 Serie 2500 - Bi=125
Igus E2 Serie 2500
Igus E2/000-Serie 2400; L=6900;150G
igus 2400.03.075.0 CHAIN LINK, NUMBER OF 17 LENGTH:782 MM
igus 3400.200.075.0 CHAIN LINK, NUMBER OF 19 LENGTH:1273 MM
IGUS CF30.160.04
IGUS 2700.07.075.0
IGUS 2607.34PZ+
IGUS 2500.03.055.0
IGUS 2030.34PZ+
IGUS 060.16.12
IGUS CF140.10.04.UL
IGUS CF240.02.04
IGUS CF240.02.14
igus CF6.10.07
IGUS GSM-2023-25 13484-00-200-035
IGUS WS-10-40-490
IGUS WW-10-40-15
igus 2500.02.125.0.NC
IGUS 2400.03.100.0 2M
IGUS 2030.12PZB+
IGUS 040.20.12
IGUS GSM-0608-13
igus GSM-0608-06
igus 10.1.038 2.5M
igus 101.12PZ
igus 58050.34
IGUS CF11.05.02.02 LC 2*2*0.5 L=50M
igus 2500.10.150
igus CFBRAID.25.08.C
igus CF.10.07
igus MAT9600001 22m
igus MAT9660001 22m
Igus iglidur-A200 - Form F 20-26-15 AFM-2026-15
igus E6.35.260.10
igus E6.
igus E6.35.260.11
IGUS MAT0179620
IGUS CF6.10.18
IGUS CF211.02.06.02
IGUS CF6.15.04
IGUS CF77.UL.07.04.D,50M
IGUS CF170.15.12.D, 85M
igus CF130.07.18.UL 18G0.75
igus CF130.07.12.UL 12G0.75
igus CF130.07.07.UL 7G0.75
igus CF130.07.05.UL 5G0.75
igus CF30.25.04 4G2.5
igus CF30.25.04 4G2.5
igus CF130.07.18.UL ; 0.75m/?O x18C;300V
IGUS 95MM CF310.UL.950.01 with shielding
igus 380.020.200 20m
Igus iglidur-A200 - Form F 20-26-15 AFM-2026-15
Igus E14.2.028 long.732mm 114.2.12P
Igus E14.3.048 long 915mm 1114.3.12P
Igus TRC.85.135.0
Igus TR.85.01
Igus 0450.20.1
Igus 0450.20.2
Igus CF27.
Igus MAT0179620
Igus 2050.12PZB 2500.05.100.0 1x211 tous les 2 maillons 48 maillons
Igus 2600.10.125.0 / 2610.12.PZB / 261
Igus WS-10-40, 200 mm
Igus WS-10-40 lg 450
Igus temp0
Igus 060-10-12PZ
Igus Z06-10-028-0 (9 links)
Igus WFM-353950-35
Igus Link 10-025-48-0 (25 ea) w/ 1 Pr 1025-12PZ Mtg Bkts
Igus 2607.1PZ
Igus 2607.2PZ
Igus 3075.ZB
Igus 263
Igus 27.07.100
Igus 27-07-100-26
Igus 350.100.100
Igus 3100.ZB
Igus 311
Igus 3100.3PZ
Igus 3100.4PZ
Igus 2400.12.125.0(E2/000)
Igus 2400.12.125.0.NC
Igus 15-015-038-0488-1
Igus 1400.100.145.0 + 14100.34PZ + 250x14011
Igus 3500.200.150.0 3200.34PZB 311
Igus 3500.200.150.0 3200.34PZB 460x311
Igus H002484
Igus H006525
Igus E06.16.028.0
Igus ACN-UNI33629
Igus 2400.07.150.0 (E2/000) 34 LINKS LENGTH 1564 MM 2 END LINKS AND TIEWRAP 2070.34PZB WITH 2 SEPARATORS REF 211 EVERY 2 LINKS
Igus 2500.09.175.0 72 LINKS (3312mm) / 2 END LINKS 211 / SEPARATOR 2090.34PZB
igus 26100.10.12.C
igus B15.015.048.0-1250.5
igus CH-8501 BHL16.24K1024
igus ELR W3-24DC/500AC-91
igus B15I.025.038
igus 2400.05.055.0
igus 2050.12PZ+
igus E4.320.18RDE115.1.12
igus 1400.100.035.0(E2/000)
igus 2050.12PZ+
igus 2070.12PZ+
igus 2090.34PZ+
igus 2100.34PZ+
igus 23-chain-link-2500.10.075.0
igus 2500.03.075.0(80zones)
igus 2500.05.075.0(16zones)
igus 2500.07.075.0(16zones)
igus 2500.09.125.0 L=8m
igus 74Links_14040_20_135_0+140040-20-12P
igus GSM4044-20
igus GSM4044-30
igus GTM4266-015
IGUS CF310.UL.1850.01 200m
IGUS CF9.25.04 350m
IGUS CF9.15.04 150m
订货号 产品描述
643.80.001 Mouse - optical - USB
643.90.000 "Monitor 19"" - TFT"
643.90.020 "Monitor TFT 22"""
643.99.000 "PC Industrial assy-with AD/DA, DI/DO,PCI Ethernet boards"
645.02.1.00 Limit Switch for Translation Module (cable 1m)
645.02.1.02 Limit Switch for Translation Module (cable 5m)
645.02.6.00 Limit Switch - C-Frame
645.02.7.00 Limit Switch - Body - Electrical Drive
645.02.7.10 Contact block - NO
645.02.7.11 Contact block - NF
645.02.8.00 Switch with key - 2 positions - 1 NO
645.02.8.01 Switch 2 Positions without Key
645.02.8.20 Limit switch with rotative head
645.08.6.00 Switch - Lever roller
645.08.6.01 Lever roller
645.08.7.00 Micro Switch 250V/10A
645.08.7.01 Switch - very weak strength
645.09.1.00 Sensor inductive (M8)
645.99.1.00 Switch 8 contacts (4 NO & 4 NC)
647.01.001.000.L Gasket - Cork for Detector Window
647.01.001.001.B Back plate gasket for cable (C-Frame)
647.01.001.004.B Gasket for pneumatic box - tight for kerozene
647.01.001.005.N Gasket neoprene - strip 120 x 6 mm
647.01.001.006.B Gasket for TM 5 Top and Bottom doors
647.01.001.007.K Window Kapton - 1 mils dia. 55 mm
647.01.001.008.C Gasket flat - one adhesive site - 20 x 5mm
647.01.472.000.B Junction box door gasket
647.01.480.000.L Gasket - Detector Window
647.02.0000.030.0.B "Gasket - Source and Detector Side Door (1,80 m)"
647.02.0000.030.0.V Gasket (7 meters) - Source and Detector Side Doors
647.02.0060.010.0.B O-Ring dia. 6 tore 2 Buna N 120°C
647.02.0160.030.0.B O-Ring dia. 16 tore 3 Buna N 120°C
647.02.0250.035.0.B O-Ring dia. 25 tore 3.53 Buna N 120°C
647.02.0320.030.0.B O-Ring dia 32 tore 3 Buna N 120°C
647.02.0320.030.0.V O-Ring dia 32 - tore 3 - Viton
647.02.0360.178.0.B "O-Ring dia 36 tore 1,78 Buna N - ICON"
647.02.0400.030.0.V O-Ring gasket-for X-ray tube cooling jacket-dia 40 tore 3
647.02.0422.030.0.B O-Ring Dia. 42.2 Tore 3 Viton
647.02.0500.030.0.B Gasket - O-Ring dia. 50 mm
647.02.0820.030.0.B "O-Ring dia. 3,25 x 3,5 x 0,125"
647.02.1250.050.0.B O-Ring dia. 125 tore 5 Buna N 120°C
647.02.1271.053.0.B O-Ring dia. 127.1 tore 5.33 Buna N 120°C
647.03.000.001 Gasket profil for window
647.03.000.002 Gasket profil for edge protection
647.99.999.000 Gaskest (set) for hydrauli cylinder
649.1.635.1.01.01 Laser He-Ne 7.5 mW
649.2.635.1.10.01 "Laser Transmitter 650nm-0,36mW-Body 12 mm+E1+IRM Lens"
649.2.660.1.03.01 Laser - Diode Spot 3 x 1.5 mm 660nm (2.4 -> 3.7m)+IRM Lens
649.2.660.1.11.00 Laser-Diode Spot 3 x 1.5-660nm (2.4->3.7m)-cable 5m+IRM Lens
649.2.660.1.11.01 "Laser Diode Spot-660nm-48mW-3mmx1,5+IRM Lens"
649.2.660.1.11.02 "Laser Diode Spot-660nm-30mW-3mmx1,5+IRM Lens"
649.2.660.2.03.02 Laser - Diode Line 300 x 3 mm 660nm (2.4 -> 3.7m)+IRM Lens
649.2.660.2.11.00 Laser-Diode Line 300 x 3-660nm (2.4->3.7m) with IRM Lens
649.2.660.2.11.01 Laser Diode Line-660nm-48mW-300x5mm+IRM Lens
649.2.660.2.11.02 Laser Diode Line-660nm-48mW-100x3mm+IRM Lens
649.2.675.2.03.01 Laser - Diode Line 300 x 3 mm 675nm (3.5m) + IRM lens
649.9.690.0.03.00 Diode laser 690 nm
651.00.000 Quick fastener
651.00.001 Bracket for preamplifier
651.07.001 Plastic Film Kapton 1 mills (1 feet square)
651.07.002 Plastic Film Kapton 3 mills (1 feet square)
651.12.000 Spring Diameter 20x100-Yellow
651.12.010 Spring Diameter 40x115-Yellow
651.14.01.2300 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 2300 mm
651.14.01.2385 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 2385 mm
651.14.01.2680 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 2680 mm
651.14.01.3210 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3210 mm
651.14.01.3400 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3400 mm
651.14.01.3540 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3540 mm
651.14.01.3600 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3600 mm
651.14.01.3670 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3670 mm
651.14.01.3695 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3695 m
651.14.01.3850 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3850 mm
651.14.01.3880 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3880 mm
651.14.01.3903 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3903 mm
651.14.01.4020 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 4020 mm
651.14.01.4400 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 4400 mm
651.16.020 Silentbloc dia 30-L15-M8-L20-Max 701N B-30/1
651.16.021 Silentbloc - Dia50 L30 M10 L28/M10 L10 MAX1994N B-50/
651.16.022 Silentbloc - Dia 50 L30 M10 L10/M10 L10 C-50/30 M10
651.17.001 Bearing blocks (kit of 2 units)for linear translation module
651.17.020 Bearing-Diameter 10x35
651.17.025 Bearing-Diameter 15x35
651.17.500 Bearing for axis 15 mm
651.17.501 Bearing for Axis 25 mm
651.19.000 Cotter steel-8x7 length 50
651.20.001 Traversing Rail Driving Belt (at Size) 10 m
651.20.010 Vertical toothed belt (/m)
651.20.011 Horizontal toothed belt (/m)
651.21.000 "Rack Rail for Continious Assy-Length 1005,31"
651.21.001 "Rack Rail for Continious Assy-Length 1998,05"
651.21.020 Gear Hub
651.22.000 Handle door tubular - aluminium plastified - 200mm
651.22.001 Handle door plasticized
651.22.002 Door handle
651.23.000 Rotary lock for Rometer
651.23.001 Rotary lock for TVXR-2
651.24.005 Running for Cam/Axis Dia.19x11 mm-Length 32 mm-Watertight+sc
651.24.010 Running for Cam/Axis Dia.47x24 mm-Length 66 mm-Watertight+sc
651.26.001 Chain (/m)
651.26.001.A Chain link fastener
651.99.001 Traversing Rail Protective Belt (at Size) (5 m)
651.99.002 Magnet permanent for FVXR-1 samples
651.99.003 Wheel for rail track
651.99.004 Wheel for rail track
651.99.005 Wheel for rail track
651.99.015 Tensioner of Chain
651.99.020 Free rotating torque limiter
651.99.021 Rotating torque limiter
651.99.030 Drive for encoder-Bore diam. 10mm
651.99.060 Hinge - black plastic
652.000.001 Mechanical bracket for UPS
652.002.010 Support laser diode
652.002.015 Washer support for laser diode
652.416.001 LSM - Air wipe kit
652.440.100 Wheel Diameter 75mm
652.440.101 Wheel Diameter 125mm
652.450.000 Adaptation bracket XR-140 for US source box
653.01.000.D "Motor asynchr.230/400VAC-0,55KW-1500rpm+encod.1024IPT"
653.01.001.D Motor Asynchronous - 230/400 VAC - 0.55 KW - 1500rpm - IP66
653.01.002.D Motor Asynchronous - 230/400 VAC - 0.55 KW - 1500rpm - IP66
653.01.106.C Motor Assy. 115 VAC+gear box+encodeur+forced ventillation
653.01.106.D Motor Assy. 220 VAC + Gearbox + Encoder
653.01.110.D Motor assy 400VAC + gear box + encoder
653.02.100 Motor for calibration tool (horizontal movement)
653.02.101 Motor for calibration tool (vertical movement)
653.05.001 Coil - Shutter Driver
653.05.100 Coil - Rotary shutter driver 24VDC
653.10.002 Gearbox - FVXR-1 Head Sensor
653.10.003 Gearbox - C-Frame
653.10.005 Gearbox - C-Frame
653.10.006 Motor assy 230VAC + Gear box
653.10.007 Gearbox - C-Frame
653.11.001 Unilateral axis
653.20.001 Linear translation module
653.21.001 Stepper Motor - with IRM specific Origin Detector
653.25.012 Controller Stepper Motor Drive with IRM Eprom
653.50.001.C Motor Inverter - 115V - 50/60 Hz - Programmable
653.50.001.F Filter for Motor Inverter - 115 VAC
653.50.002.D Motor Inverter-230V-50/60 Hz-with IRM configuration
653.50.005.F Filter for Motor Inverter 3x400/480 VAC
653.50.005.Q Motor Inverter 3x400/480 VAC with IRM configuration
653.99.000.C Fan for forced ventilation - 115V
653.99.000.D Fan for forced ventilation - 230V
655. "Lens assembly - 16mm, F 1.4 - 33 x 37,0mm"
655. "Lens assembly - 25mm, F 1.4 - 33 x 40,0mm"
655. "Lens assembly - 35mm, F 2.2-40 x 36,6mm"
655. Lens assembly - 50mm - F 2.8 - 34 x 55mm
655. Lens assembly - 75mm - F 2.7
655. Lens assembly - For camera 2048 XSD - F 35
655. Lens assembly - For camera 2048 XSD - F 50
655. Lens assembly - For camera 2048 XSD - F 60 - 685 nm
655. Lens assembly - For camera 2048 XSD - F 60 - 660 nm
655. Lens assembly - For camera 2048 XSD - F 80
655. Lens - for camera - 100 mm - F 5.6
655. Lens assembly - For camera 2048 XSD - F 100 - 660 nm
655. Lens assembly - For camera 2048 XSD - F 100 - 680 nm
655. Window dia. 47 mm
655.03.00.420.40 Window for ICON with special coating
655.04.00.660.10 Filter interferential-660nm
655.04.00.685.10 Filter - Interference filter 685 nm
655. "Lens F20-Diam. 22,4 for ICON"
655.09.01.420.11 Sensor Detector for ICON
655.10.01.420.003 Optical Fiber-1x99mm+15x65mm for ICON
655.10.02.415.002 Optical fiber
655.99.01.420.100 Optical focus assy for ICON
661. Valve - flow regulator - 3/8 FF
661. Regulator Flow
661. Valve Solenoid-24V-CPA-Simple-5/2
661. Valve Solenoid-24V-CPA-Dual-3/2
661. Cable with Socket Connector for Valve Solenoid CPA
661. Valve Distributor - Electro Pneumatic
661. Valve Distributor - Electro Pneumatic 5-2 - 1/8
661. "Valve Distributor - Electro Pneumatic 5/3 - 1/4"""
661. Electrovalve Shutter/flag
661. Switch - Pressure
661. "Pressure Regulator - 1/4 - 0,7"
661. "Pressure Regulator - 1/4"""
661. Air dryer - 230 VAC - 50 Hz- 50m3/h
661. "Air dryer - 230 VAC - 50 Hz - 90m3/h - 1/2"""
661. Air Cylinder-Shutter/Flag-20 mm with IRM Shock Absorber
661. Air Cylinder-Shutter-15 mm with IRM group Shock Absorber
661. Air cylinder with sliding guides - for sample holder arm
661. Air cylinder with sliding guides - for sample holder arm
661. Pneumatic table - stroke 80 mm - dia. 32
661. Air cylinder - lenght 25 mm
661. Air Cylinder C-Frame Drive dia. 63 - Length 1380 mm
661. Air Cylinder - Calibration Arm FVXR-1
661. Air cylinder for standardization tool dia 32 mm
661. Air Cylinder Assy.-Dia. 63mm-Lgt. 500mm
661. Air Cylinder Assy - Dia. 63 mm - Lgt. 1300 mm
661. Air Cylinder Assy-Dia. 63 mm-Lgt.1300 mm-without access.
661. Air cylinder assy.-dia. 63mm-lgt. 1350mm
661. Air Cylinder Assy Double Action-Daim. 63mm-Lgt 1430mm
661. Air cylinder for shutter dia. 20 mm length 40
661. Hydraulic Cylinder-1700 mm
661. Coil for pneumatic valve - 230 VAC - 50/60 Hz
661. "Silent 0/10 bar - 1/8"""
661. Processing block unit for air dryer
663.3.0010K Potentiometer - 10T 10Kohms with support
663.3.0010K.R Potentiometer - 10T 10Kohms with support
664.0008.00M90.R.C Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=8MOhms - TC=0.90ms - with Clamp
664.0010.00M5.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=10MOhms - TC=0.5ms - without Clamp
664.0012.00M22.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=12MOhms -TC= 0.22ms - without Clamp
664.0012.00M22.R.C Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=12MOhms - TC=0.22ms - with Clamp
664.0012.00M22.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=12MOhms - TC=0.22ms - without Clamp
664.0012.01M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=12MOhms - TC=1ms - without Clamp
664.0012.01M20.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R =12MOhms - TC=1.2ms - without Clamp
664.0015.00M22.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=15MOhms - TC=0.22ms - without Clamp
664.0015.00M22.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=15MOhms - TC=0.22ms - without Clamp
664.0020.00M44.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=20MOhms - TC=0.44ms - without Clamp
664.0020.09M40.R.C Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=20MOhms - TC=9.40ms - with Clamp
664.0020.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=20MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0025.00M94.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=25MOhms - TC=0.94ms - without Clamp
664.0025.05M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=25MOhms - TC=5ms - without Clamp
664.0025.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=25MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0030.00M24.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=30MOhms - TC=0.24ms - without Clamp
664.0030.00M24.S.C Preamplifier - SUBD - R=30MOhms - TC=0.24ms - with Clamp
664.0030.01M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=30MOhms - TC=1ms - without Clamp
664.0050.00M26.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=50MOhms - TC=0.26ms - without Clamp
664.0050.00M26.S.C Preamplifier - SUBD - R=50MOhms - TC=0.26ms - with Clamp
664.0050.01M.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=50MOhms - TC=1ms - without Clamp
664.0050.01M.R.C Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=50MOhms - TC=1ms - with Clamp
664.0050.01M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=50MOhms - TC=1ms - without Clamp
664.0050.02M50.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=50MW - TC=2.5ms - without clamp
664.0050.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=50MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0080.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=80MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0100.01M.S.C Preamplifier - SUBD - R=100MOhms - TC=1ms - with Clamp
664.0100.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=100MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0100.22M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=100MOhms - TC=22ms - without Clamp
664.0100.47M.R Preamplifier 11 pins-R 100 Mhoms/TC 47 ms wo clamps
664.0150.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=150MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0150.18M.R.C Preamplifier 11 pins - R 150 Mhoms / TC 18 ms with clamp
664.0150.54M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=150MOhms - TC=54ms - without Clamp
664.0200.10M.R.C Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=200MOhms - TC=10ms - with Clamp
664.0200.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=200MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0200.18M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=200MOhms - TC=18ms - without Clamp
664.0300.18M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=300MOhms - TC=18ms - without Clamp
664.0300.47M.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=300MOhms - TC=47ms - with Clamp
664.0400.47M.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=400MOhms - TC =47ms - with Clamp
664.0500.10M.R.C Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=500MOhms - TC=10ms - with Clamp
664.0500.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=500MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0600.22M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=600MOhms - TC=22ms - without Clamp
664.0760.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=760MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.1000.18M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=1000MOhms - TC=18ms - without Clamp
664.1000.47M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=1000MOhms - TC=47ms - without Clamp
664.1500.47M.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=1500MOhms - TC=47ms - with Clamp
664.1500.47M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=1500MOhms - TC=47ms - without Clamp
664.2000.22M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=2000MOhms - TC=22ms - without Clamp
664.2000.47M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=2000MOhms - TC=47ms - without Clamp
664.2100.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=2100MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.3000.47M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=25MOhms - TC=5ms - without Clamp
664.9999.100.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=10000MOhms - TC=100ms - with Clamp
664.9999.10M.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=10000MOhms - TC=10ms without Clamp
664.9999.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=10000MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
665.05.000 Sealing paste
665.50.001 Oil for Cooler - Tank (20 l)
665.99.002 Cooling Liquid - Can 20 Litters
665.99.100 Insulation sheet
667. "Valve - Flow regulator - 1/4"""
669. Connector - quick - female -dia 6 - 3/8 brass pipe
669. Connector - quick - female -dia 6 -1/4 NPT male
669. Connector - quick - male -dia 6 - 3/8 brass pipe
669. Connector 90° T/T 8mm
669. Connector Quick 90° M5-4
669. "Fitting L-shape-12-3/8"""
671. Relais - terminal block 12 DC
671. Relay - 24 VDC
671. Relay - Terminal Block - Inverter - 24VDC
671. Relay contact 3 pole + 1NO/1NF
671. Relay - 24VDC C3A30 FX
671. Relay 115VAC
671. Relay - 220VAC
671. Relay - 115 VAC - MX Serie QRC 1.5 W
671. Relay - 230 VAC
671. Relay - 24VDC C3A30 FX - Socket
671. Relay - 24 VDC - Socket
671. Additional contact for power contactor
671. Relay - Temporised 2 Contacts 24-60V
671. Relay - Temporised 1 Contact 24-60V
671. Relay - Temporised - 1 Contact 24/60V - Socket
671. Safety module
671. Relay safety
671. Relay opto mini - 24VDC In - 3/33 VDC Out - 3A
671. Static relay ID (IDC5)
671. Static relay OA out (OAC5)
671. Static relay DO (OAC5A)
671. Static relay IA (IAC5A)
673. "1,5 K resistor"
673. Dissipative resistance
675.01.001 Resistance - Heating - 230VAC - 700W
675.05.001 Resistance - Heating - 230VAC - 110W - 60°C
675.07.001 Resistance - Heating - 230VAC - 250W - with fan
677.02.002 Breaker Circuit 2 A (Curve C)
677.02.002.03 Breaker Circuit 2 A (Curve D)
677.02.004 Breaker Circuit 4 A (Curve C)
677.02.004.03 Breaker Circuit 4 A (Curve D)
677.02.006 Breaker Circuit 6 A (Curve C)
677.02.006.03 Breaker Circuit 6 A (Curve D)
677.02.008 Breaker Circuit 8 A (Curve C)
677.02.008.03 Breaker Circuit 8 A (Curve D)
677.02.010 Breaker Circuit 10 A (Curve C)
677.02.016 Breaker Circuit 16 A (Curve C)
677.02.020 Breaker Circuit 20 A (Curve C)
677.02.020.03 Breaker Circuit 20 A (Curve D)
677.02.020.A Breaker Circuit 20 A - UL CSA
677.02.025 Breaker Circuit 25A
677.02.032 Breaker Circuit 32 A (Curve C)
677.02.032.03 Breaker Circuit 32 A (Curve D)
677.03.006.03 Breaker Circuit 6 A - Trip. - (Curve D)
677.09.004.D UPS 230 VAC - 600 VA
677.12.001 Additional contact NO/NF for breaker
683.01.00.08 Field Bus - 2 AI Single Ended 0-10V 16 BIT 50?S
683.01.00.10 Field Bus - 2 AI DIFFERENTIAL 0-20mA 16 BIT 50?S
683.01.00.15 Field Bus - 2 AI DIFFERENTIAL 4-20mA 16 BIT 50?S
683.01.00.17 Field Bus - 2 AI Differential +/-10V 16 BIT 60?S
683.01.00.30 Field Bus - 4 AI TEMP PT100 (RTD) -250 TO +850°
683.01.00.40 Field Bus - 2 AI DIFF. +/-10V/5V/2.5V/1.25V 24BIT
683.01.01.00 Field Bus - 2 AO SINGLE ENDED 0-10V 16 BIT 40?S
683.01.01.02 Field Bus - 2 AO DIFFERENTIAL -10V+10V 16 BIT 40?S
683.01.01.03 Field Bus - BECK 2 AO SINGLE ENDED 0-20mA 16 BIT 40?S
683. Field Bus - 2 AO Single Ended +/-10mA 16 BIT 40?S
683.01.01.05 Field Bus - 2 AO SINGLE ENDED 4-20mA 16 BIT 40?S
683.01.02.04 Field bus - 4 DI Opto 24V 2 mA 3mS
683.01.02.05 Field bus - 8 DI OPTO 24V 3 mA 3mS
683.01.02.10 Field bus - 8 DI OPTO 24V 3 mA 10?S
683.01.03.02 Field Bus - 4 DO OPTO 24V 0.5Amp 60?S
683.01.03.03 Field Bus - 4 DO OPTO 24V 2Amp 40?S
683.01.03.05 Field Bus - 8 DO OPTO 24V 0.5A 60?S
683.01.04.00 Field Bus - Incremental Encoder ABC/ A-B-C
683.01.05.00 Field Bus - Coupleur Ethercat 2 X RJ45
683.01.06.00 Field Bus - Serial RS422/RS485
683.01.07.00 Field Bus - 8 x GND Terminal Bloc
683.01.07.23 Field Bus - 4 x 24V + 4 x 0V Terminal Bloc
683.01.07.24 Field Bus - 8 x 24V Terminal Bloc
683.01.07.98 Field Bus - E-BUS End Terminal Bloc
683.01.07.99 Field Bus-End terminal block
685.10.001 Optical power meter for laser with sensor
685.30.001 White Reference for ICON
685.30.010 Light Trap for ICON
687.02.000 Sector adaptator Euro - 100/240 VAC - 24 VDC
687.07.001 Transfomer-Insulation-3 x 400 VAC-1 x 230 VAC-50/60HZ
687.10.001 Transformer - Insulation 4kVA-mono
687.10.002 Transformer - Insulation - 110/220/VAC - 4KVA - 50/60Hz
687.10.003 "Transformer-Insulation-110/220 VAC-mono 1,5 KVA-50/60"
687.10.004 "Transformer-Insulation-230VAC/115 VAC-mono 1,6 KVA-5"
687.10.005 "Transformer-Insulation 380/400VAC-Triph.230VAC-1,6KVA"
687.10.006 "Transformer-Insulation-230/230 V-mono 6,3 KVA"
687.15.020 Constant voltage transformer-multi entry & exit U-50Hz-2 KVA
687.15.030 Constant voltage transformer-110/220VAc-50Hz-3 KVA
687.99.20 Transformer-Insulation-3x440 VAC/1x230VAC-4KVA-IP20
689.1.4.002 Nylon tube dia. 4 mm (/m)
689.1.8.001 Pipe - Polyurethan - OD = 4 mm
689.1.8.002 Pipe - Polyurethan - OD = 4 mm
689.1.8.003 "Pipe Polyurethane 4 x 0,75mm"
689.3.3.001 Teflon tube 4/6 mm (/m)
689.3.4.001 Pipe nylon - OD = 4/6 mm
689.4.4.001 "Nylon tube dia. 1/4"" (/m)"
689.5.3.001 Teflon tube 6/8 mm (/m)
689.5.4.001 Nylon tube 6/8 mm (/m)
689.6.3.001 Teflon tube 8/10 mm (/m)
689.6.4.001 Pipe - Nylon - OD = 10 mm
689.7.4.001 "Pipe - Nylon - 3/8"""
689.7.4.002 "Pipe - Nylon - OD = 3/8"""
689.8.4.001 Pipe nylon - 10/12 mm
691. Air blower
691. Air blower 220V 50Hz 30 m3/h
691. Air Blower
691. Air Blower
691. Air blower - 46
0 VAC -60 Hz
691. Filter for Air Blower
691. Filter Cartridge for Air Blower
691. Motor for Air blower - 230/400V - 50 Hz
695.2.16.60 Screw steel-9321 - M16x60
695.2.16.70 Screw steel-9321 - M16x70
697.02.001.024 Mounting Base for White LED
697.02.003.024 Mounting Base for Green LED
697.02.004.024 Mounting Base for Red LED
697.02.005.024 Mounting Base for Amber LED
697.02.006.024 Mounting base for blue LED
697.02.021.024 Lamp - Light Assembly - White - 24 V
697.02.021.240 Lamp - Light Assembly - White - 240V
697.02.023.024 Lamp - Light Assembly - Green - 24 V
697.02.023.240 Lamp - Light Assembly - Green - 240V
697.02.024.024 Lamp - Light Assembly - Red - 24V
697.02.024.240 Lamp - Light Assembly - Red - 240V
697.02.025.024 Lamp - Light Assembly - Yellow - 24 V
697.02.025.240 Lamp - Light Assembly - Yellow - 240V
697.03.001 Bracket (100mm) for warning light
697.03.002 Bracket (standard) for warning light
697.03.003 Cover for light
697.03.006 Bracket 90° for warning light
697.03.021 Lamp - Lantern light - Orange
697.03.022 Lamp - Lantern light - Green
697.03.023 Lamp - Lantern light - Red
697.03.030.110 LED - (Blue) 110V - for Warning Light
697.03.030.240 LED - (Blue) 240V - for Warning Light
697.03.031.024 LED - (Amber) 24V - for Warning Light
697.03.031.110 LED - (Amber) 110V - for Warning Light
697.03.031.240 LED - (Amber) 240V - for Warning Light
697.03.032.024 LED - (Green) 24V - for Warning Light
697.03.032.110 LED - (Green) 110V - for Warning Light
697.03.032.240 LED - (Green) 240V - for Warning Light
697.03.033.024 LED - (Red) 24V - for Warning Light
697.03.033.110 LED - (Red) 110V - for Warning Light
697.03.033.240 LED - (Red) 240V - for Warning Light
697.04.000.24 Display numeric
697.99.100.012 Source Tungstene Halogen Light Assy.-for ICON
697.99.101.012 Light Bulb for Source Tungstene Halogen-for ICON
699.03.02.0020.02 X-Ray tube TLXR-3 N IRMG020-with IRM connection
699.03.02.0020.03 X-Ray tube 20KV with HV cable - quick connector
699.03.02.0060.00 Water jacket for X-ray tube IRMG060 and 080
699.03.02.0060.01 X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 60 KV-750 CU without Water Cooler
699.03.02.0060.01.C X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 60 KV-750 CU + Water Cooler
699.03.02.0060.02 X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 60 KV-200 CU without Water Cooler
699.03.02.0060.02.C X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 60 KV-200 CU + Water Cooler
699.03.02.0060.03.C OBSO-X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 60 KV-750 purple+Water Cooler
699.03.02.0060.04 X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 60 KV-2000 CU without Water
699.03.02.0060.04.C X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 60 KV-2000 CU+ Water Cooler
699.03.02.0060.05 X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 60 KV-3000 CU Without Water
699.03.02.0060.05.C X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 60 KV-3000 CU+ Water Cooler
699.03.02.0060.06 X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 60 KV-4000 CU without Water Cooler
699.03.02.0060.06.C X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 60 KV-4000 CU+ Water Cooler
699.03.02.0070.01 X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 70 KV without Water Cooler
699.03.02.0070.01.C X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 70 KV-750 purple + Water Cooler
699.03.02.0070.02 X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 70 KV CU Cable without Water Cooler
699.03.02.0070.02.C X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 70 KV-750 CU + Water Cooler
699.03.02.0140.01 X-Ray Tube Metal Ceramic 135 KV XR-140N
699.04.02.0075.01 X-Ray tube metal ceramic Delta
699.04.02.0160.01 X-Ray tube 200KV for XR-140-U
699.04.02.0200.01 X-Ray tube 200KV for XR-140
699.04.02.DELT.01 X-Ray tube metal ceramic Delta
699.04.02.DELT.01.RAC X-Ray tube metal ceramic Delta with connector
699.04.02.KAPP.01 X-Ray tube metal ceramic KAPPA with connector
699.04.02.SIGM.01 X-Ray tube metal ceramic SIGMA with connector
699.21.01.0020.01.MD "Detector - Ion Chamber 7,5 - 20 KV+micro dot"
699.21.01.0040.01.MD Detector - Ion Chamber 30 - 40 KV+micro dot
699.21.01.0043.01 Detector - Ion Chamber assembly medium range Zn - for FVXR-1
699.21.01.0140.01 Detector - Ion Chamber 55 - 115 KV
699.22.01.0001.01.MD Detector - Ion Chamber for TM5 + micro dot
699.22.01.0002.01.MD Detector - Ion Chamber for THAM 2 + micro dot
699.22.01.0020.01.MD Detector - Ion Chamber for TVXR1 20 KV+micro dot
699.22.01.0043.01.MD OBSO-Detector - Ion Chamber for FVXR-1 - win 25?+micro dot
699.22.01.0043.21.MD Detector - Ion Chamber high range Zn for FVXR-1 + micro dot
699.22.01.0043.22.MD Detector - Ion Chamber Assy High Range Zn for FVXR-1 + MD
699.22.01.0140.01.MD Detector - Ion Chamber for TVXR2 130 KV+Micro Dot
699.31.00.0050.00 Quick Install XR-70 N Assy 50KV for Long Box Source
699.31.00.0050.00.LP Quick Install XR-70 N Assy 50KV for Small Box Source
699.31.00.0050.00.US Quick install-XR-70N-50KV-transversal shutter (small box)
699.31.00.0065.00 Quick Install XR-70 N Assy 65KV for Long Box Source
699.31.00.0065.00.LP Quick Install XR-70 N Assy 65KV for Small Box Source
699.31.00.0065.00.US Quick install-XR-70N-65KV-transversal shutter (small box)
699.31.00.0070.20 Quick Install XR-70 NCR Complete Unit - Pneumatic Shutter
699.31.00.0070.21 Quick Install XR-70 NCR Complete Unit - Electric Shutter
699.31.00.0075.00 Quick Install XR-70 N Assy 75KV for Long Box Source
699.31.00.0075.00.LP Quick Install XR-70 N Assy 75KV for Small Box Source
699.31.00.0140.00 Source X-Ray - XR 140 - 125 KV
643.80.001 Mouse - optical - USB
643.90.000 "Monitor 19"" - TFT"
643.90.020 "Monitor TFT 22"""
643.99.000 "PC Industrial assy-with AD/DA, DI/DO,PCI Ethernet boards"
645.02.1.00 Limit Switch for Translation Module (cable 1m)
645.02.1.02 Limit Switch for Translation Module (cable 5m)
645.02.6.00 Limit Switch - C-Frame
645.02.7.00 Limit Switch - Body - Electrical Drive
645.02.7.10 Contact block - NO
645.02.7.11 Contact block - NF
645.02.8.00 Switch with key - 2 positions - 1 NO
645.02.8.01 Switch 2 Positions without Key
645.02.8.20 Limit switch with rotative head
645.08.6.00 Switch - Lever roller
645.08.6.01 Lever roller
645.08.7.00 Micro Switch 250V/10A
645.08.7.01 Switch - very weak strength
645.09.1.00 Sensor inductive (M8)
645.99.1.00 Switch 8 contacts (4 NO & 4 NC)
647.01.001.000.L Gasket - Cork for Detector Window
647.01.001.001.B Back plate gasket for cable (C-Frame)
647.01.001.004.B Gasket for pneumatic box - tight for kerozene
647.01.001.005.N Gasket neoprene - strip 120 x 6 mm
647.01.001.006.B Gasket for TM 5 Top and Bottom doors
647.01.001.007.K Window Kapton - 1 mils dia. 55 mm
647.01.001.008.C Gasket flat - one adhesive site - 20 x 5mm
647.01.472.000.B Junction box door gasket
647.01.480.000.L Gasket - Detector Window
647.02.0000.030.0.B "Gasket - Source and Detector Side Door (1,80 m)"
647.02.0000.030.0.V Gasket (7 meters) - Source and Detector Side Doors
647.02.0060.010.0.B O-Ring dia. 6 tore 2 Buna N 120°C
647.02.0160.030.0.B O-Ring dia. 16 tore 3 Buna N 120°C
647.02.0250.035.0.B O-Ring dia. 25 tore 3.53 Buna N 120°C
647.02.0320.030.0.B O-Ring dia 32 tore 3 Buna N 120°C
647.02.0320.030.0.V O-Ring dia 32 - tore 3 - Viton
647.02.0360.178.0.B "O-Ring dia 36 tore 1,78 Buna N - ICON"
647.02.0400.030.0.V O-Ring gasket-for X-ray tube cooling jacket-dia 40 tore 3
647.02.0422.030.0.B O-Ring Dia. 42.2 Tore 3 Viton
647.02.0500.030.0.B Gasket - O-Ring dia. 50 mm
647.02.0820.030.0.B "O-Ring dia. 3,25 x 3,5 x 0,125"
647.02.1250.050.0.B O-Ring dia. 125 tore 5 Buna N 120°C
647.02.1271.053.0.B O-Ring dia. 127.1 tore 5.33 Buna N 120°C
647.03.000.001 Gasket profil for window
647.03.000.002 Gasket profil for edge protection
647.99.999.000 Gaskest (set) for hydrauli cylinder
649.1.635.1.01.01 Laser He-Ne 7.5 mW
649.2.635.1.10.01 "Laser Transmitter 650nm-0,36mW-Body 12 mm+E1+IRM Lens"
649.2.660.1.03.01 Laser - Diode Spot 3 x 1.5 mm 660nm (2.4 -> 3.7m)+IRM Lens
649.2.660.1.11.00 Laser-Diode Spot 3 x 1.5-660nm (2.4->3.7m)-cable 5m+IRM Lens
649.2.660.1.11.01 "Laser Diode Spot-660nm-48mW-3mmx1,5+IRM Lens"
649.2.660.1.11.02 "Laser Diode Spot-660nm-30mW-3mmx1,5+IRM Lens"
649.2.660.2.03.02 Laser - Diode Line 300 x 3 mm 660nm (2.4 -> 3.7m)+IRM Lens
649.2.660.2.11.00 Laser-Diode Line 300 x 3-660nm (2.4->3.7m) with IRM Lens
649.2.660.2.11.01 Laser Diode Line-660nm-48mW-300x5mm+IRM Lens
649.2.660.2.11.02 Laser Diode Line-660nm-48mW-100x3mm+IRM Lens
649.2.675.2.03.01 Laser - Diode Line 300 x 3 mm 675nm (3.5m) + IRM lens
649.9.690.0.03.00 Diode laser 690 nm
651.00.000 Quick fastener
651.00.001 Bracket for preamplifier
651.07.001 Plastic Film Kapton 1 mills (1 feet square)
651.07.002 Plastic Film Kapton 3 mills (1 feet square)
651.12.000 Spring Diameter 20x100-Yellow
651.12.010 Spring Diameter 40x115-Yellow
651.14.01.2300 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 2300 mm
651.14.01.2385 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 2385 mm
651.14.01.2680 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 2680 mm
651.14.01.3210 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3210 mm
651.14.01.3400 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3400 mm
651.14.01.3540 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3540 mm
651.14.01.3600 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3600 mm
651.14.01.3670 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3670 mm
651.14.01.3695 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3695 m
651.14.01.3850 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3850 mm
651.14.01.3880 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3880 mm
651.14.01.3903 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 3903 mm
651.14.01.4020 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 4020 mm
651.14.01.4400 Linear Translation Module 110x110mm - lenght : 4400 mm
651.16.020 Silentbloc dia 30-L15-M8-L20-Max 701N B-30/1
651.16.021 Silentbloc - Dia50 L30 M10 L28/M10 L10 MAX1994N B-50/
651.16.022 Silentbloc - Dia 50 L30 M10 L10/M10 L10 C-50/30 M10
651.17.001 Bearing blocks (kit of 2 units)for linear translation module
651.17.020 Bearing-Diameter 10x35
651.17.025 Bearing-Diameter 15x35
651.17.500 Bearing for axis 15 mm
651.17.501 Bearing for Axis 25 mm
651.19.000 Cotter steel-8x7 length 50
651.20.001 Traversing Rail Driving Belt (at Size) 10 m
651.20.010 Vertical toothed belt (/m)
651.20.011 Horizontal toothed belt (/m)
651.21.000 "Rack Rail for Continious Assy-Length 1005,31"
651.21.001 "Rack Rail for Continious Assy-Length 1998,05"
651.21.020 Gear Hub
651.22.000 Handle door tubular - aluminium plastified - 200mm
651.22.001 Handle door plasticized
651.22.002 Door handle
651.23.000 Rotary lock for Rometer
651.23.001 Rotary lock for TVXR-2
651.24.005 Running for Cam/Axis Dia.19x11 mm-Length 32 mm-Watertight+sc
651.24.010 Running for Cam/Axis Dia.47x24 mm-Length 66 mm-Watertight+sc
651.26.001 Chain (/m)
651.26.001.A Chain link fastener
651.99.001 Traversing Rail Protective Belt (at Size) (5 m)
651.99.002 Magnet permanent for FVXR-1 samples
651.99.003 Wheel for rail track
651.99.004 Wheel for rail track
651.99.005 Wheel for rail track
651.99.015 Tensioner of Chain
651.99.020 Free rotating torque limiter
651.99.021 Rotating torque limiter
651.99.030 Drive for encoder-Bore diam. 10mm
651.99.060 Hinge - black plastic
652.000.001 Mechanical bracket for UPS
652.002.010 Support laser diode
652.002.015 Washer support for laser diode
652.416.001 LSM - Air wipe kit
652.440.100 Wheel Diameter 75mm
652.440.101 Wheel Diameter 125mm
652.450.000 Adaptation bracket XR-140 for US source box
653.01.000.D "Motor asynchr.230/400VAC-0,55KW-1500rpm+encod.1024IPT"
653.01.001.D Motor Asynchronous - 230/400 VAC - 0.55 KW - 1500rpm - IP66
653.01.002.D Motor Asynchronous - 230/400 VAC - 0.55 KW - 1500rpm - IP66
653.01.106.C Motor Assy. 115 VAC+gear box+encodeur+forced ventillation
653.01.106.D Motor Assy. 220 VAC + Gearbox + Encoder
653.01.110.D Motor assy 400VAC + gear box + encoder
653.02.100 Motor for calibration tool (horizontal movement)
653.02.101 Motor for calibration tool (vertical movement)
653.05.001 Coil - Shutter Driver
653.05.100 Coil - Rotary shutter driver 24VDC
653.10.002 Gearbox - FVXR-1 Head Sensor
653.10.003 Gearbox - C-Frame
653.10.005 Gearbox - C-Frame
653.10.006 Motor assy 230VAC + Gear box
653.10.007 Gearbox - C-Frame
653.11.001 Unilateral axis
653.20.001 Linear translation module
653.21.001 Stepper Motor - with IRM specific Origin Detector
653.25.012 Controller Stepper Motor Drive with IRM Eprom
653.50.001.C Motor Inverter - 115V - 50/60 Hz - Programmable
653.50.001.F Filter for Motor Inverter - 115 VAC
653.50.002.D Motor Inverter-230V-50/60 Hz-with IRM configuration
653.50.005.F Filter for Motor Inverter 3x400/480 VAC
653.50.005.Q Motor Inverter 3x400/480 VAC with IRM configuration
653.99.000.C Fan for forced ventilation - 115V
653.99.000.D Fan for forced ventilation - 230V
655. "Lens assembly - 16mm, F 1.4 - 33 x 37,0mm"
655. "Lens assembly - 25mm, F 1.4 - 33 x 40,0mm"
655. "Lens assembly - 35mm, F 2.2-40 x 36,6mm"
655. Lens assembly - 50mm - F 2.8 - 34 x 55mm
655. Lens assembly - 75mm - F 2.7
655. Lens assembly - For camera 2048 XSD - F 35
655. Lens assembly - For camera 2048 XSD - F 50
655. Lens assembly - For camera 2048 XSD - F 60 - 685 nm
655. Lens assembly - For camera 2048 XSD - F 60 - 660 nm
655. Lens assembly - For camera 2048 XSD - F 80
655. Lens - for camera - 100 mm - F 5.6
655. Lens assembly - For camera 2048 XSD - F 100 - 660 nm
655. Lens assembly - For camera 2048 XSD - F 100 - 680 nm
655. Window dia. 47 mm
655.03.00.420.40 Window for ICON with special coating
655.04.00.660.10 Filter interferential-660nm
655.04.00.685.10 Filter - Interference filter 685 nm
655. "Lens F20-Diam. 22,4 for ICON"
655.09.01.420.11 Sensor Detector for ICON
655.10.01.420.003 Optical Fiber-1x99mm+15x65mm for ICON
655.10.02.415.002 Optical fiber
655.99.01.420.100 Optical focus assy for ICON
661. Valve - flow regulator - 3/8 FF
661. Regulator Flow
661. Valve Solenoid-24V-CPA-Simple-5/2
661. Valve Solenoid-24V-CPA-Dual-3/2
661. Cable with Socket Connector for Valve Solenoid CPA
661. Valve Distributor - Electro Pneumatic
661. Valve Distributor - Electro Pneumatic 5-2 - 1/8
661. "Valve Distributor - Electro Pneumatic 5/3 - 1/4"""
661. Electrovalve Shutter/flag
661. Switch - Pressure
661. "Pressure Regulator - 1/4 - 0,7"
661. "Pressure Regulator - 1/4"""
661. Air dryer - 230 VAC - 50 Hz- 50m3/h
661. "Air dryer - 230 VAC - 50 Hz - 90m3/h - 1/2"""
661. Air Cylinder-Shutter/Flag-20 mm with IRM Shock Absorber
661. Air Cylinder-Shutter-15 mm with IRM group Shock Absorber
661. Air cylinder with sliding guides - for sample holder arm
661. Air cylinder with sliding guides - for sample holder arm
661. Pneumatic table - stroke 80 mm - dia. 32
661. Air cylinder - lenght 25 mm
661. Air Cylinder C-Frame Drive dia. 63 - Length 1380 mm
661. Air Cylinder - Calibration Arm FVXR-1
661. Air cylinder for standardization tool dia 32 mm
661. Air Cylinder Assy.-Dia. 63mm-Lgt. 500mm
661. Air Cylinder Assy - Dia. 63 mm - Lgt. 1300 mm
661. Air Cylinder Assy-Dia. 63 mm-Lgt.1300 mm-without access.
661. Air cylinder assy.-dia. 63mm-lgt. 1350mm
661. Air Cylinder Assy Double Action-Daim. 63mm-Lgt 1430mm
661. Air cylinder for shutter dia. 20 mm length 40
661. Hydraulic Cylinder-1700 mm
661. Coil for pneumatic valve - 230 VAC - 50/60 Hz
661. "Silent 0/10 bar - 1/8"""
661. Processing block unit for air dryer
663.3.0010K Potentiometer - 10T 10Kohms with support
663.3.0010K.R Potentiometer - 10T 10Kohms with support
664.0008.00M90.R.C Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=8MOhms - TC=0.90ms - with Clamp
664.0010.00M5.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=10MOhms - TC=0.5ms - without Clamp
664.0012.00M22.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=12MOhms -TC= 0.22ms - without Clamp
664.0012.00M22.R.C Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=12MOhms - TC=0.22ms - with Clamp
664.0012.00M22.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=12MOhms - TC=0.22ms - without Clamp
664.0012.01M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=12MOhms - TC=1ms - without Clamp
664.0012.01M20.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R =12MOhms - TC=1.2ms - without Clamp
664.0015.00M22.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=15MOhms - TC=0.22ms - without Clamp
664.0015.00M22.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=15MOhms - TC=0.22ms - without Clamp
664.0020.00M44.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=20MOhms - TC=0.44ms - without Clamp
664.0020.09M40.R.C Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=20MOhms - TC=9.40ms - with Clamp
664.0020.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=20MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0025.00M94.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=25MOhms - TC=0.94ms - without Clamp
664.0025.05M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=25MOhms - TC=5ms - without Clamp
664.0025.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=25MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0030.00M24.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=30MOhms - TC=0.24ms - without Clamp
664.0030.00M24.S.C Preamplifier - SUBD - R=30MOhms - TC=0.24ms - with Clamp
664.0030.01M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=30MOhms - TC=1ms - without Clamp
664.0050.00M26.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=50MOhms - TC=0.26ms - without Clamp
664.0050.00M26.S.C Preamplifier - SUBD - R=50MOhms - TC=0.26ms - with Clamp
664.0050.01M.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=50MOhms - TC=1ms - without Clamp
664.0050.01M.R.C Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=50MOhms - TC=1ms - with Clamp
664.0050.01M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=50MOhms - TC=1ms - without Clamp
664.0050.02M50.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=50MW - TC=2.5ms - without clamp
664.0050.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=50MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0080.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=80MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0100.01M.S.C Preamplifier - SUBD - R=100MOhms - TC=1ms - with Clamp
664.0100.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=100MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0100.22M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=100MOhms - TC=22ms - without Clamp
664.0100.47M.R Preamplifier 11 pins-R 100 Mhoms/TC 47 ms wo clamps
664.0150.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=150MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0150.18M.R.C Preamplifier 11 pins - R 150 Mhoms / TC 18 ms with clamp
664.0150.54M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=150MOhms - TC=54ms - without Clamp
664.0200.10M.R.C Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=200MOhms - TC=10ms - with Clamp
664.0200.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=200MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0200.18M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=200MOhms - TC=18ms - without Clamp
664.0300.18M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=300MOhms - TC=18ms - without Clamp
664.0300.47M.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=300MOhms - TC=47ms - with Clamp
664.0400.47M.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=400MOhms - TC =47ms - with Clamp
664.0500.10M.R.C Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=500MOhms - TC=10ms - with Clamp
664.0500.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=500MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.0600.22M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=600MOhms - TC=22ms - without Clamp
664.0760.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=760MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.1000.18M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=1000MOhms - TC=18ms - without Clamp
664.1000.47M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=1000MOhms - TC=47ms - without Clamp
664.1500.47M.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=1500MOhms - TC=47ms - with Clamp
664.1500.47M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=1500MOhms - TC=47ms - without Clamp
664.2000.22M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=2000MOhms - TC=22ms - without Clamp
664.2000.47M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=2000MOhms - TC=47ms - without Clamp
664.2100.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=2100MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
664.3000.47M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=25MOhms - TC=5ms - without Clamp
664.9999.100.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=10000MOhms - TC=100ms - with Clamp
664.9999.10M.R Preamplifier 11 Pins - R=10000MOhms - TC=10ms without Clamp
664.9999.10M.S Preamplifier - SUBD - R=10000MOhms - TC=10ms - without Clamp
665.05.000 Sealing paste
665.50.001 Oil for Cooler - Tank (20 l)
665.99.002 Cooling Liquid - Can 20 Litters
665.99.100 Insulation sheet
667. "Valve - Flow regulator - 1/4"""
669. Connector - quick - female -dia 6 - 3/8 brass pipe
669. Connector - quick - female -dia 6 -1/4 NPT male
669. Connector - quick - male -dia 6 - 3/8 brass pipe
669. Connector 90° T/T 8mm
669. Connector Quick 90° M5-4
669. "Fitting L-shape-12-3/8"""
671. Relais - terminal block 12 DC
671. Relay - 24 VDC
671. Relay - Terminal Block - Inverter - 24VDC
671. Relay contact 3 pole + 1NO/1NF
671. Relay - 24VDC C3A30 FX
671. Relay 115VAC
671. Relay - 220VAC
671. Relay - 115 VAC - MX Serie QRC 1.5 W
671. Relay - 230 VAC
671. Relay - 24VDC C3A30 FX - Socket
671. Relay - 24 VDC - Socket
671. Additional contact for power contactor
671. Relay - Temporised 2 Contacts 24-60V
671. Relay - Temporised 1 Contact 24-60V
671. Relay - Temporised - 1 Contact 24/60V - Socket
671. Safety module
671. Relay safety
671. Relay opto mini - 24VDC In - 3/33 VDC Out - 3A
671. Static relay ID (IDC5)
671. Static relay OA out (OAC5)
671. Static relay DO (OAC5A)
671. Static relay IA (IAC5A)
673. "1,5 K resistor"
673. Dissipative resistance
675.01.001 Resistance - Heating - 230VAC - 700W
675.05.001 Resistance - Heating - 230VAC - 110W - 60°C
675.07.001 Resistance - Heating - 230VAC - 250W - with fan
677.02.002 Breaker Circuit 2 A (Curve C)
677.02.002.03 Breaker Circuit 2 A (Curve D)
677.02.004 Breaker Circuit 4 A (Curve C)
677.02.004.03 Breaker Circuit 4 A (Curve D)
677.02.006 Breaker Circuit 6 A (Curve C)
677.02.006.03 Breaker Circuit 6 A (Curve D)
677.02.008 Breaker Circuit 8 A (Curve C)
677.02.008.03 Breaker Circuit 8 A (Curve D)
677.02.010 Breaker Circuit 10 A (Curve C)
677.02.016 Breaker Circuit 16 A (Curve C)
677.02.020 Breaker Circuit 20 A (Curve C)
677.02.020.03 Breaker Circuit 20 A (Curve D)
677.02.020.A Breaker Circuit 20 A - UL CSA
677.02.025 Breaker Circuit 25A
677.02.032 Breaker Circuit 32 A (Curve C)
677.02.032.03 Breaker Circuit 32 A (Curve D)
677.03.006.03 Breaker Circuit 6 A - Trip. - (Curve D)
677.09.004.D UPS 230 VAC - 600 VA
677.12.001 Additional contact NO/NF for breaker
683.01.00.08 Field Bus - 2 AI Single Ended 0-10V 16 BIT 50?S
683.01.00.10 Field Bus - 2 AI DIFFERENTIAL 0-20mA 16 BIT 50?S
683.01.00.15 Field Bus - 2 AI DIFFERENTIAL 4-20mA 16 BIT 50?S
683.01.00.17 Field Bus - 2 AI Differential +/-10V 16 BIT 60?S
683.01.00.30 Field Bus - 4 AI TEMP PT100 (RTD) -250 TO +850°
683.01.00.40 Field Bus - 2 AI DIFF. +/-10V/5V/2.5V/1.25V 24BIT
683.01.01.00 Field Bus - 2 AO SINGLE ENDED 0-10V 16 BIT 40?S
683.01.01.02 Field Bus - 2 AO DIFFERENTIAL -10V+10V 16 BIT 40?S
683.01.01.03 Field Bus - BECK 2 AO SINGLE ENDED 0-20mA 16 BIT 40?S
683. Field Bus - 2 AO Single Ended +/-10mA 16 BIT 40?S
683.01.01.05 Field Bus - 2 AO SINGLE ENDED 4-20mA 16 BIT 40?S
683.01.02.04 Field bus - 4 DI Opto 24V 2 mA 3mS
683.01.02.05 Field bus - 8 DI OPTO 24V 3 mA 3mS
683.01.02.10 Field bus - 8 DI OPTO 24V 3 mA 10?S
683.01.03.02 Field Bus - 4 DO OPTO 24V 0.5Amp 60?S
683.01.03.03 Field Bus - 4 DO OPTO 24V 2Amp 40?S
683.01.03.05 Field Bus - 8 DO OPTO 24V 0.5A 60?S
683.01.04.00 Field Bus - Incremental Encoder ABC/ A-B-C
683.01.05.00 Field Bus - Coupleur Ethercat 2 X RJ45
683.01.06.00 Field Bus - Serial RS422/RS485
683.01.07.00 Field Bus - 8 x GND Terminal Bloc
683.01.07.23 Field Bus - 4 x 24V + 4 x 0V Terminal Bloc
683.01.07.24 Field Bus - 8 x 24V Terminal Bloc
683.01.07.98 Field Bus - E-BUS End Terminal Bloc
683.01.07.99 Field Bus-End terminal block
INTORQ D-Aerzen BFK458-10N 32W 103VDC 16NM
Hydropa DS307V2-150B
EUROTHERM EUROTHERM M/N:598P/0060/500/00T1/UK/AN/0/230/0
Hawe GR2-1RA 3/4"NPT x 10K x DC24V
KELLER HCW GmbH PS13AF2(0-500??)
KELLER HCW GmbH PS13AF1(0-250??)??
ZIEHL-ABEGG FE080-SDA.6N.2(120816)
R. STAHL 6121+4619160,400W,230V,EExdeIICT3 IP66
TTI EL302P SINGLE 0-30V/0-2A RS232
FMB-Blickle GmbH GmbH LS-SETH 250K 4084
FMB-Blickle GmbH BS-SETH 250K 4087
HTT energy GmbH R2011033
leuze MSI-SR2
leuze PRK46B/442-S12.M12
Marx EGN0323
Salzer Electric Group H226-41300-036M1
Gessmann V8/B3 EP/130-451
Gessmann V8/B3 EP/189-11 NO.06.223.7
WEISS GmbH 175877-001(-002 usw.)
pilz S1WP/9A/UB24VDC/UMO-DD0VAC DC,part no:890030
LAPP 1119304??4G1.5 black+yellow green500m/roll,6200meter
LAPP 1119404,4G2.5 black+yellow green500m/roll,1000meter
LAPP 1119902,2??1.5 Blue Brown,800meter
LAPP 1119018,18??0.5 ,500meter 500meter
LAPP 1119904,4??1.5 ,800meter 800meter
LAPP 1119802,2??0.75 blue brown 300meter
LAPP 1119753,3??0.5 blue brown Gray 400meter
LAPP 1119605,5G6 350meter
LAPP 1119504,4G4 180meter
LAPP 1119012,12G0.5 500meter
LAPP 1119025,25G0.5 400meter
LAPP 0026251,4G1.5 200meter
LAPP 0026230,2X1 200meter
LAPP 0026207,25G0.5 100meter
LAPP 0026205,12G0.5 ,50meter
LAPP 0026271,4G2.5 ,100meter
LAPP 0041047,4G2.5 ,100meter
Siemens b2sv09a No??4501830874.01.001
kuebler 8.9081.3422.2004
kuebler 8.3700.1642.1024
kuebler 8.5862.1224.2003
vogel A-NR.491241 001 ID.Nr.287719 typ.MKSHF 32
Gamar Srl type XS 132S A2
FMB-Blickle GmbH LS-SETH 250K??#4084
FMB-Blickle GmbH BS-SETH 250K??#4087
Moog D061-862B
Moog D664Z1917E
schmersal IFL 20-400-11zTPG
sick type of unit:AGSS 600-1111,SERIAL NO.9835-103
STOEBER K513SG0480C102F0093D71K4 4
Indukey TKS-105c-MODUL-EP-USB-US
Indukey TKS-104c-MODUL-EP-USB-US
VEM motors GmbH 008775404H
siemens 7ML5423-1JBZ0-3CE1-ZY01
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Germany GmbH EXCLUDER 5 680x707.3x16 - REF: WE5506800 - T46 V TURCON T46+ FKM 70 SH
Voith IPVP5-64-101
Arthur Grillo GmbH DS85Z 24V DC, 0 - 2000Pa, 4-20mA 2,5m cable
Arthur Grillo GmbH DS85Z 24V DC, 0 - 1000Pa, 4-20mA 2,5m cable
Arthur Grillo GmbH DS85Z 24V DC, 0 - 500Pa, 4-20mA 2,5m cable
GAI-TRONICS TYPE:1204 20W x 8??
Eurotherm 2404/VC/VH/RD/V2/W2/DL/XX/XXXX/ENG/Z/O/350/C/XR/XX/XX/MR
simens 6DD2920-0AL0
LENORD+BAUER Type GEL 209-TN05000D021 S/N 0833001296 V 5VDC
ENGEL ElektroMotoren GmbH GNM3125-G24 30:1 S/N:1592908 ??35W DC24V 2.3A 4000RPM
Kistler 5073A411
norelem 02000_C
bosch rexroth MSK100C-0450-NN-M1-AP2-NNNN
bosch rexroth MKD071B-061-KP3-KN
Reckmann GmbH Ausfuhrung D??NiCr-Ni Typ K??KIZN1 321350/1-5 nach IEC584??L=1000mm??d=3mm mit flex??Ausgleichsleitung 500mm
Reckmann GmbH Ausfuhrung D??NiCr-Ni Typ K??KI1 nach IEC584??L=2500mm??d=3mm mit flex??Ausgleichsleitung 500mm
Univer GmbH DH-500 10W IP65 10W IP65
CROUZET (SSR) I/P:DC 4-32V O/P:12A * AC24*280V "CROUZET" TYPE:84130101
"INTERNORMEN I/N?s22.1 D/N:HB-A 02.0436 B1.1 TYPE:01.NR 1000.16VG.10.B.P.-
parker R4VP103-0PSP0PN4MAA111
parker RE10M25T1SN1R046
KTR AB40-19/324A-AL/M-6
ABB 3M2JA80L4EEXDIIBT4B14 1415/1720
ABB 3 M2KA100LA4EEXDEIIBT4B14 S/N:3503562 1435/1735
E+H TMR31-A1C113P1AF1A SN:D6017401997
TRAFAG 8202.81.2210,0...10bar
TRAFAG 8202.81.2210,0...6bar
TRAFAG 8202.81.2210,0...40bar
TRAFAG 8202.81.2210,0...2bar
TRAFAG 8202.81.2210,0...3bar
TRAFAG 8202.81.2210,0...4bar
CEMP Electric Motor AB30 160 MB 4B5
ABB M2JA160M ??B5
ABB M2JA112M ??B3
ABB M2JA112M ??B5
rexroth 811404034
Adder AdderLink X200-USB/P-UK
HIMA Paul H 4135 2413560
HIMA Paul Modbus Slave RS485 4000004
HIMA Paul F20 01 2200417
HIMA Paul F1 DI 16 01 2200405
HIMA Paul H 7013 2701302
Berger Lahr SER3910/4L 7SSOCO
AGRAMKOW NTC 10 KOhm,P/N:002-4150000 ;
TR-Electronic D-78647 CM100M 100-00240 SN:0307
Emerson 475HP1EKLUGM9
Ashcroft Instruments GmbH P/N:X-091180-26 ASHCROFT 25-1009-SW02L,0-200 PSI
Lenze Vertrieb AC230/240V 8200 vector "LENZE" TYPE:DDSR60-075-1-075-d04-S-ATEX -3d-e009018
Lenze Vertrieb 15M "Lenze" EWLR015GMST
Bucher QXV32-010/22-005R
Reber Systematic GmbH Filter paper Typ 1040
kuebler 8.5883.H422.G321
kuebler 8.5020.H551.1024
Gruenbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH FS-8 R2
VOGEL 1908 715-499-4259 UC 13.7/35-220/380B1
Layher AG 412 010 211 24
Schmalz SGM 40 G1/4-IG PN??
Apex Tool Group M-490-2
E+H FMU90-R11CA212AA3A\0-20M 220VA#01
E+H FMU230EAA32\
EFFEKTA Regeltecknic Gmbh model 100 I-NET 19'' SER.NO.070216032
schmalz PFG1.5 NBR-55 N002 ??Art.No?? No??21269314/01
HYDROSERVICE dis 100.400 s/n 044/09
telco connect cable for the encoder LT 110 TB38 T3
SAACKE Service GmbH 1904057
parker D1VW101BNJWS75XB072
parker PRDM2PP06SVG15
Minco GmbH S1022195PD3S72
Dittmer G.b.R. 101003945
Dittmer G.b.R. 101003946
Dittmer G.b.R. 101004773
EUTECH P/N??EC620165
Becker Gebr. GmbH & Co. SUPER-EA-TRONIC NR.71.070
E+H \FMU40-ANG2A2\0-150000mm\
E+H \FMR240\DC24V 4-20mA HART
NORD :8.5820.OH30 1024.5093.0015,Mat-Nr: 19551001 ,HTL 10-30 VDC 1024 ppr , S-Nr:1121000087
Rexroth LFA50WEA-71/315
Rexroth LFA50DRW2-7X/315
Rexroth 4WREE10E75-22/G24K31/A1V
Rexroth HCS02 IE-W0070-A-03-NNNN
Rexroth GFB40 T2 9015
Rexroth GFT36T3B117-14
Rexroth A2FE80/61W-VAL100
LANNZ EIQ-A35-1024-D4
Desoutter GmbH DM-05-3000
ABB petl-301e 3BSE019037R0001
Servomex Gmbh SW0240000A
Servomex Gmbh SW1376450C
Servomex Gmbh SW00DK800S
Servomex Gmbh SW000106H
Servomex Gmbh SW0306WV1
Servomex Gmbh SW0305WF1
Servomex Gmbh SW00307J2
siemens 6EP1334-2AA01
siemens 6DD1660-0BH0
siemens 6ES7193-4DL10-0AA0
siemens 6ES7193-4CA40-0AA0
siemens 6EP1311-1SH02
siemens 6AV6643-0CD01-1AX1
siemens 6EP1334-2BA00
phoenix MCR-FL-C-UI-UI-B-DCI-24/230
NORD GHE40L 19141010
SICK UC4000-30GM-IUR2-V15
SICK RVI58N-011K1A61N-01024
SICK AVM58N-011K1R0BN-1213
SICK PVM58N-032AGR0BN-1213
IRM 655.
IRM 655.
IRM 655.
IRM 649.2.660.1.11.01;Laser-Diode;
IRM 649.2.660.2.11.01Laser-Diode-
Barksdale GmbH 160-3200PSI.B2T-H32SS
Desoutter ERAL2-40
Desoutter ERAL4-140
Desoutter EME20-200F
Desoutter ERAL2-40
Desoutter ERAL4-140
Desoutter EME20-200F
Stuewe IS4 75??115????75????115??78??
Stuewe HSD50-81(dw=50)????50????90??26??
Stuewe WK50-12(dw=50)????50????112??60??
Stuewe WKL30-12 A(dw=30)????30????76??70??
Stuewe IS4 60??90????60????90??64??
rexroth A4VSG125HD1T/30R+A4VSG7 1HD1T/11R
Bosch 0820 039 115
Bosch 0822 352 007
Bosch Repair kits for the cylinder 0822 352 007
Helios 240V 4KW.CL140210-100 NO.6.028.294
MERZ GmbH IEC 947-3 EN 60947-3 ,185673
abb M3ARS 100LC 6
ebmpapst TYPE:"A2D250-AA02-01 160W , 230/460V. 50/60HZ
METROHM P/N:6.0338.100
Reotron Type Reotron AF700-DP24
Rahmer + Jansen GmbH SPIDEX ALU/D 24/32
Brannan RX-111-4-H210-4-14-060-99-60
Hilge 3A1-001-28-AEE05
MICHAUD-CHAILLY Patin et rotule avec axe en acier contre ??crou R??f, 2259,468
REXROTH 2Z180H10XL-C00-0-V
siemens 6FC5210-0DF22-2AA0
AHP Merkle GmbH BZ500.63/
Hoyer MS114M-4 SN.SH5307270824
COAX 0/820/038/980;COAX
COAX 5-PCD-1/10/NC;
IAI RCS2-SA7C-A-60-4-50-T2-R1
IAI RCS2-SA7C-A-60-8-500-T2-X
Leroy Somer LS63 no.170025-2001
Heiko SZ30
Maag Pump Systems GmbH pump??refitherm 56/56;A2 / W1 / R2;Z 12;D6.N
Maag Pump Systems GmbH pump + Gear box + Motor,see the photo
VSE VS 0,2 GPO12V 32N11/4 - 10...28VDC
VSE PUR 4pol. gelb 5m , Artikel : 7100
legris COIL NFF2 10W 24VOLT-DC
Ziehl TR600
Heidenhain 631715-25
Mayr 2-932-333-35(2/932.333,DID2=??3)
Mayr 3-932-333-35
Steimel Type:TEL 10/210 RDG/LFM-H,only pump
Spieth MSW50.46?? M50??1.5-5H??
Spieth MSW45.28??M45??1.5??
Spieth HSD50-81(dw=50)????50????90??26??
Spieth WK50-12(dw=50)????50????112??60??
Spieth WKL30-12 A(dw=30)????30????76??70??
Spieth IS4 60??90????60????90??64??
Spieth IS4 75??115????75????115??78??
Lenze Vertrieb GmbH 88N31-1GHCR-056C31,NR.00935789
PTM P-S-EM-R-H-02-NW12.5-450-V
NORD 19551031
baumer GXMMW.A203P33,523103,Profibus-DP//V1.22
Steimel TFL 10-240 KRDG
Steimel SF 4/112 RD
Rexroth 4WE4D10/AG24N9K4
Helios Art. Nr. 75483-001 ersetzt
schmersal BPION
GMC-I Gossen Metrawatt GmbH SINEAX 1538 AC220V
Leroy Somer 3~HE22/T 1420rpm for the motor MOT.3~LSMV200L-T N??675972WK002 S1 380V 1472rpm 30KW 50Hz 57.8A
Scanwill MP-T-P-7.0-G
Dunkermotoren GR42*40,8842702170
Dunkermotoren GR63*25??8844101905
Dunkermotoren GR42*25,8842701006
WERMA 84010000
WERMA 84020000
WERMA 84050000
tecsis GmbH CP11-321.602,G1/2,60414801
COMER Motor Type??DRIVE AX 132K 4 ID.Nr??218C/11/5
Siko GmbH MSA510/1-0027SSI-E1-12
ASKUBAL 102171
ASKUBAL 102152
fairchild 4514A
fairchild 4514AE
fairchild TD7800-414
fairchild 24CS80550000
wika 212.20.100+821.1
wika 212.20.160+821.111
Rexroth 821300350
Rexroth 821002003
Rexroth 821300850
Rexroth 821201010
Gemue 51425D19521
Gemue 51415D19521
Gemue 51425D19511
Gemue TYPE 0324
Gemue 51232D881021
PS Automation GmbH PSQ101
PS Automation GmbH PSL201
PS Automation GmbH PSL312MA
PS Automation GmbH PSL320MA
TWK ZN-P2L3-D07 S/N??208342
LALMEK Verkstad AB Type??NG6/CETOP3,
PMA KS40-108-9090E-D51
Parker VP01.14.00.B1,S26-58347-H
Parker S26-59427-0
Parker S26-58349-C VP0134 0R B1
Parker :R5V10,493,32,P2G,0R,Ai152,056-40680-G
Parker R4PV1XX-00X32A1BSP20
Marechal Electric Group 01NA313(0120000313N)
Marechal Electric Group 0128057z0080
Marechal Electric Group 0124057z0080
CITEL DS50PV-1000/30
ROPEX Industrie-Elektronik GmbH MODEL:T-408-1 Art. No.885441
ROPEX Industrie-Elektronik GmbH MODEL:RES-408 :400V 50/60HZ Art. No.740843
Zemic Europe B.V. L6E?? 300KG ;35mmX40mmX150mm
DEMKE TYPE:153-24 S/N:00560
cabur XCSF10
cabur XCSF20
STOEBER C102G0420071K4
Italvibras 15/80-S02
Walther-Prazision HP004-0-XX001
Walther-Prazision HP004-2-XX001
GERWAH EKN15 pt07/08
Wagner Magnete GmbH & Co. KG 752-LT/EP60
Wagner Magnete GmbH & Co. KG 752-ST/2 1
LAP GmbH Laser Applikationen pol/ant;USB;ZUI-00076
Fraba OCD-DPC1B-0012-C10C-H3P-134
ATR Industrie-Elektronik GmbH VM7
Vogel Mecafluid TYPE:PVP.3.GVP NO.M222364
rexroth R900561290 4WE6JA6X/EG24N9K4
rexroth R988001714
Uhde High VALVE SEAT,PN:11-009519
hawe PMVP4-43-G24
BSA Motorsport SGDV-1R9D01A
BSA Motorsport SGDV-2R8A01A
BSA Motorsport SGDV-R90A01A
BSA Motorsport CIMR-VU4A0007FAA
BSA Motorsport CIMR-VU4A0004FAA
BSA Motorsport CIMR-JU4A0011BAA
BSA Motorsport SGDM-10DN
BSA Motorsport SGDM-20DN
BSA Motorsport SGMAH-04AAF4C
Jakob GmbH 062765884-0000 KUPLU KM20 D1=12/H7-D2=19/H7 JAKOB
HEIDEN power GmbH 1306-0044 0-400w
HARDY HI2110WI 240VAC 47-63HZ 17AMP 10WAT
Siemens 6SE7021-8EB51-Z C23+G91
Layher AG 412 010,Brass