C 146 系列工业连接器主要应用于重工业以及使用环境恶劣的场合,例如化工机械、电子机械等等 。
C 146 Series are mainly used in heavy duty applications such as chemical and electronic machine, etc.
M 12 C 112 系列连接器广泛应用于电缆或细绳状设备以及面板的连接 , 芯数为三芯到五芯 . 有带保护级和不带保护级的可选.
M 12 C 112 系列采用 12 毫米的螺纹连接 , 是自动化工业和传感技术的首选连接器 . 该系列可以受 4 安培的电流 .
C 112 connectors are available in a wide variety of cable connectors, cord sets and panel connectors with 3-,4- and 5 contacts. All version are available both shielded and unshielded.
The connectors in the C112 family use a 12 mm thread. These connectors are top choice in automation and sensor technology. Power circuit requirements up to four amps can also be satisfied by this connector design.