我司有P615 /630 / P5-510(9110-510)/P5-51A(9110-51A) /P5-520(9111-520) / P5-52A(9131-52A) /P5-550 (9113-550)/P5-55a(9133-55A) / P5-570 (9117-570)/P5-590 /P6-520(8203-E4A)/ P6-550 (8204-E8A)/P6-570(9117-MMA)/P710/P720/P730/P740/P750 IBM小机大量库存,配件种类齐全,成色9成以上,均可出测试报告,均提供一年质保!网站上发布的产品均为现货,请放心采购!
类型:小型机 整机信息
CPU信息4 路 3.7 GHz 或者 6 路 3.7 GHz 或者 8 路 3.2 GHz 或者 8 路 3.6 GHz POWER7 处理器。
硬盘信息硬盘背板数量为 2
内存提示DDR3 的内存。
内存插槽数量单个CPU 8根插槽,最多32根插槽。
内存是否需要激活内存的容量不需要激活,Active Memory Expansion
是从POWER7开始支持的一项新的内存虚拟技术,需要激活码。Option (4792)-Power Active Memory Expansion
电源描述200v 到 240v 交流。
介质托架用于 DVD-RAM 的薄型托架,用于磁带驱动器或可移动磁盘的半高托架。
适配器插槽2 个 PCI-X 2.0,3个 PCI Express 8x 插槽。
端口4 个以太网 10/100/1000 Mbps 端口(或)2个 10 千兆以太网端口,3 个 USB 端口,2 HMC 端口,2 个串口,2 个
SPCN 端口。
I/O适配器1 个 SAS DASD/SSD 和 DVD-RAM 控制器,可选 175 MB 高速保护缓存。
I/O扩展最多 4 个 PCIe 12x I/O 抽屉,最多 8 个 PCI-x DDR 12x I/O 抽屉。
操作系统AIX, IBM I, LinuX f或者 POWER®。
产品尺寸Depth: 237.0 mm, Width: 400.0 mm, Height: 457.0 mm
产品重量54.4 千克 (120.0 磅)。
配件列表 全部
CPU 硬盘 内存 电源 磁带机 磁带
网卡 光纤卡 RAID卡 SCSI卡 显卡 适配卡
光驱 线缆 导轨 机壳 其他
8336 74Y1833/74Y2451 8-core 3.55GHz POWER7 Processor Card
8332 74Y1840/74Y2453 8-core 3.3GHz POWER7 Processor Card
8335 74Y1845 6-core 3.3GHz POWER7 Processor Card
8334 74Y1855/74Y2457 8-core 3.0 GHz POWER7 Processor Card
EPA1 8-core 3.61GHz POWER7 Processor Card
EPA2 6-core 3.72GHz POWER7 Processor Card
EPA4 8-core 3.22GHz POWER7 Processor Card
1790 600GB 10K RPM SAS SFF Disk Drive (AIX/Linux)
1793 177GB SFF-2 SSD w/ eMLC (AIX/Linux)
1882 42R5661/42R8390/42R8392/46V6830/46V6837 146.8GB 10K RPM SAS SFF
Disk Drive
1883 44V4426/44V4427/44V4428/44V6842 73.4 GB 15K RPM SAS SFF Disk
1885 42R6833/44V6831/44V6833/44V6838 300GB 10K RPM SFF SAS Disk
1886 44V6843/44V6845/44V6850 146GB 15K RPM SFF SAS Disk Drive
1890/1909 58B0/44V6817/44V6821/44V8674 69GB SFF SAS Solid State
1917 146GB 15k RPM SAS SFF-2 Disk Drive (AIX/Linux)
1925 300GB 10k RPM SAS SFF-2 Disk Drive (AIX/Linux)
1964 600GB 10k RPM SAS SFF-2 Disk Drive (AIX/Linux)
1995 58B2/43W7749 177GB SSD Module with eMLC (AIX/Linux)
3586 58B0/44V6819/44V8673 69GB 3.5" SAS Solid State Drive
3647 10N7203/10N7204/10N7232/42R4234 146 GB 15K RPM SAS Disk Drive
3648 10N7207/10N7208/10N7234/42R5648 300 GB 15K RPM SAS Disk Drive
3649 44V4432/44V4433/44V4438/44V4440 450 GB 15K RPM SAS Disk Drive
4367 Bundle: 5 x #2055 and 20 x #1995 (AIX/Linux)
4527 77P8632 16GB (2x8GB) Memory DIMMs, 1066MHz, 2GB DDR3 DRAM
4528 77P8633 32GB (2x16GB) Memory DIMMs, 1066MHz, 2GB DDR3 DRAM
4544 77P8633 Memory Offering, 512GB (Multiples of 16 of 2x16GB
4526 77P8784 8GB (2x4GB) Memory DIMMs, 1066MHz, 2GB DDR3 DRAM
7740 46K5673 Power Supply, 1725 Watt AC, Hot-swap, Base or Redunda
7708 Power Supply, 1700 Watt DC, Hot-swap, Base and Redundant
5619 80/160GB DAT160 SAS Tape Drive
5746 24R1922/35L2086/45E1126/45E1127/45E1129/95P4436/95P4450/96P1203
Half High 800GB/1.6TB LTO4 SAS Tape Drive
5661 46C1932/46C1933 DAT320 160/320 GB Tape Drive
5638 46C2007 1.5TB/3.0TB LTO-5 SAS Tape Drive
5689 23R5635 DAT160 Data Cartridge
5747 IBM LTO Ultrium 4 800 GB Data Cartridge
5706 00G2380/00P4289/00P6131/03N5297/03N6070/53P5450/80P4024/80P7033
IBM 2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet PCI-X Adapter
5740 03N5444 4-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet PCI-X Adapter
5768 05H6768/10N6846/11P3847/12R9314/15R7536/46K6602 2-Port Gigabit
Ethernet-SX PCI Express Adapter
5772 576E/05N6768/10N9034/11P3847/12R9314 10 Gigabit Ethernet-CX4
PCIe (x8)Adapter
5769 05N6768/10N9505/11P3847/12R9314/46K7897 10 Gigabit Ethernet-CX4
PCIe (x8)Adapter
5767 10N6845/10N7405/46K6601 2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet PCI
Express Adapter
5717 10N7405/10N8556/46Y3512 4-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI Express
5732 45D4771/46K6696/46K7899 10 Gigabit Ethernet-CX4 PCIe
5759 03N5027/03N5029/03N6768/10N8620/10N3847/12R9314 4 Gb Dual-Port
Fibre Channel PCI-X 2.0 DDR Adapter
5713 03N6056/26K6490/30R5219/32R1926/46K7342/49Y4236 1 Gigabit iSCSI
TOE PCI-X on Copper Media Adapter
5774 05N6768/10N7255/11P3847/12R9314/15R7536 4 Gigabit PCI Express
Dual Port Fibre Channel Adapter
5735 577D/05N6768/10N9824/11P3847/12R9314/46C7006 8 Gigabit PCI
Express Dual Port Fibre Channel Adapter
5708 2B3B/05N6768/11P3847/12R9314/46K8088 10Gb FCoE PCIe Dual Port
2054 43K6366/43K6367/74Y6409 PCIe RAID & SSD SAS Adapter 3Gb
5903 574E/44V4198/44V7436/44V7597/74Y6124 PCIe 380MB Cache Dual - x4
3Gb SAS RAID Adapter
5805 PCIe 380MB Cache Dual - x4 3Gb SAS RAID Adapter
5923 Non-paired PCIe SAS RAID Indicator
5901 57B3/44V4852/44V8580/45K4732 PCIe Dual-x4 SAS Adapter
PCI-X DDR 2.0 Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter
5748 10N7756 POWER GXT145 PCI Express Graphics Accelerator
4764 12R6540/12R6714/41U0441/41U0442/41V0161 PCI-X Cryptographic
Coprocessor (FIPS 4)
4807 45D5803/45D6680/45D7948 PCIe Crypto Coprocessor No BSC 4765-001
4808 45D5803/45D6680/45D7948 PCIe Crypto Coprocessor Gen3 BSC
2728 57D1/46K6692/46K7494 4 port USB PCIe Adapter
5785 57D2/42R5143/46K6734/46K6735/6298965 4 Port Async EIA-232 PCIe
5762 44V4219/44V4220 SATA Slimline DVD-RAM Drive
6001 00G1277/42F6839 Power Control Cable (SPCN-2 meter)
3925 00P2165/23R4632/40H6328/40H6329 Serial Port Converter Cable
9-Pin to 25-Pin
3926 00P2166 Asynch Printer/Terminal Cable 9-pin to 25-pin 4M
4256 00P2969/10N7374/32N1311/44P1375 Extender Cable - USB Keyboards
2459 00P4023/11P1374/12R9322 LC-SC 62.5 Micron Fiber Converter Cable
2118 01K6497/07L9628/76H0518 Converter Cable VHDCI to P Mini-68 pin
to 68 pin 0.3M
7802 05N5292/41V0143/52P7525 Ethernet Cable 15M Hardware Management
Console to System Unit
2861 07L8817/87H3404/87H3405/87H3406/87H3439/87H3568 ARTIC960Hx
4-Port EIA-232 Cable
4242 07L9633/08L0491/42R4755 6 Foot Extender Cable for Displays (15
pin D-shell to 15 pin D-shell
2127 09L0881/09L3305/36R2578/41Y0599 Ultra 320 SCSI Cable 10 Meter
2124 09L3299/36R2585/41Y0596 Ultra 320 SCSI Cable 1 Meter
2125 09L3301/36R2576/41Y0597 Ultra 320 SCSI Cable 3 Meter
2126 09L3303/36R2577/41Y0598 Ultra 320 SCSI Cable 5 Meter
2128 09L3307/19P1904/36R2579/41Y0600 Ultra 320 SCSI Cable 20 Meter
6006 09P1251/22R5239/93H8045 Power Control Cable (SPCN-3 meter)
2456 09P3044/11P1352/11P1373/12R9321 LC-SC 50 Micron Fiber Converter
2934 10N6535/12H1204/40H0744/40H2206 Asynchronous Terminal/Printer
Cable EIA-232
3124 10N7158/88G4771/88G4853 Serial to Serial Port Cable for
3125 10N7159/88G4772/88G4854 Serial to Serial Port Cable for
3927 10N7712 Serial Port Null Modem Cable 9-pin to 9-pin 3.7M
3928 10N7713 Serial Port Null Modem Cable 9-pin to 9-pin 10M
1828 15R8139/45D2235 1.5 Meter 12X to 4X Channel Conversion Cable
1841 15R8140/45D2236 3 Meter 12X to 4X Channel Conversion Cable
7801 16R0449/41V0479/52P7524 Ethernet Cable 6M Hardware Management
Console to System Unit
6007 21F9358/22R5221/55F4533 Power Control Cable (SPCN 15 meter)
6029 21F9359/22R5222 Power Control Cable (SPCN 30 meter)
6008 21F9469/22R5219/55F4532/74F0188 Power Control Cable (SPCN 6
2936 30F9453/42R5206/53F3205/53F3662/6223741/6323741 Asynchronous
Cable EIA-232/V.24
2951 33F8985/93H2899/93H5263 Cable V.24 / EIA-232
1834 39J5642/42R6157/42R6160 8.0 Meter 12X Cable
1827 39J5836/97P4299 3m RIO to RIO-2 Cable
2954 40F9904/93H2902/93H5267 Cable X.21
1829 41V0226/42V2129 0.6 Meter 12X Cable
1830 41V0227/42R6153/42V3130 1.5 Meter 12X cable
2138 41Y0601/42D9817 0.55 Meter Ultra 320 SCSI Cable
1025 42R5087/43L6774/75G3801/87G6236 Modem Cable - US/Canada and
General Use
3668 42R5751 SAS Cable, DASD Backplane to Rear Bulkhead
3657 42R5815/46K5450 Right Angle SAS Tape Drive Cable
1878 42R6067/42R6069/44V7190 Op Panel Cable for Rack-mount Drawer
w/2.5" DASD
3653 42R6727/44V4148 SAS Cable (EE) Drawer to Drawer 3M
3654 42R6728/44V4149 SAS Cable (EE) Drawer to Drawer 6M
3661 42R6742/44V4154 SAS Cable (X Adapter to SAS Enclosure Dual
Controller/ Dual Path 3M
3662 42R6743/44V4155 SAS Cable (X) Adapter to SAS Enclosure, Dual
Controller/ Dual Path 6M
3663 42R6744/44V4156 SAS Cable (X) Adapter to SAS Enclosure, Dual
Controller/ Dual Path 15M
3679 42R6751/44V4041 SAS Cable (AI)-1M
3652 42R6762/44V4147 SAS Cable (EE Drawer to Drawer 1M
3691 42R6788/44V4157 SAS Cable (YO Adapter to SAS Enclosure Single
Controller/Dual Path 1.5 M
3692 42R6789/44V4158 SAS Cable (YO) Adapter to SAS Enclosure, Single
Controller/Dual Path 3 M
3693 42R6790/44V4159 SAS Cable (YO) Adapter to SAS Enclosure, Single
Controller/Dual Path 6 M
3694 42R6791/44V4160 SAS Cable (YO) Adapter to SAS Enclosure, Single
Controller/Dual Path 15 M
3686 42R6792/44V4161 SAS Cable (YI) System to SAS Enclosure, Single
Controller/Dual Path 1.5M
3687 42R6793/44V4162 SAS Cable (YI) System to SAS Enclosure, Single
Controller/Dual Path 3M
3684 42R8118/44V4163 SAS Cable (AE Adapter to Enclosure single
controller/ single path 3M
3685 42R8120/44V4164 SAS Cable (AE) Adapter to Enclosure, single
controller/ single path 6M
1840 42V2132 3.0 Meter 12X Cable
1861 44V3421/45D4785 0.6 Meter 12X DDR Cable
1862 44V3423/45D4786 1.5 Meter 12X DDR Cable
1865 44V3426/45D2571/45D5271 3.0 Meter 12X DDR Cable
3681 44V4151/44V8231 3M SAS CABLE, ADPTR TO ADPTR (AA)
3682 44V4152/44V8230 6M SAS CABLE, ADPTR TO ADPTR (AA)
3688 44V5132 SAS Cable (AT 0.6 Meter)
3669 44V5252 SAS Cable, DASD Backplane (Split) to Rear Bulkhead
1864 45D4788 8.0 Meter 12X DDR Cable
2863 53G0638/87H3407/87H3408/87H3409/87H3566 ARTIC960Hx 4-Port X.21
2952 71F0163/93H2900/93H5264 Cable V.35
2953 73H2508/93H2901/93H5265 Cable V.36 / EIA-499
2864 87H3398/87H3399/87H3400/87H3442/87H3565 ARTIC960Hx 4-Port V.35
(DTE Cable
3656 95P4084 SAS SFF Cable
1111 CAT5E Ethernet Cable, 3M BLUE
1112 CAT5E Ethernet Cable, 10M BLUE
1113 CAT5E Ethernet Cable, 25M BLUE
1115 CAT5E Ethernet Cable, 3M GREEN
1116 CAT5E Ethernet Cable, 10M GREEN
1117 CAT5E Ethernet Cable, 25M GREEN
1118 CAT5E Ethernet Cable, 3M YELLOW
1119 CAT5E Ethernet Cable, 10M YELLOW
1121 CAT5E Ethernet Cable, 25M YELLOW
6458 Power Cable- Drawer to IBM PDU 14-foot 250V/10A
6460 Power Cord (14-foot Drawer To OEM PDU (125V 15A Plug Type #4
6469 Power Cord (14-foot Drawer to OEM PDU (250V 15A United States
Plug Type #5
6470 Power Cord (6-foot To Wall (125V 15A Plug Type #4
6471 Power Cord (9-foot To Wall/OEM PDU (125V 15A Plug Type #70
6472 Power Cord (9-foot To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 16A Plug Type #18
6473 Power Cord (9-foot To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 10A Plug Type 19
6474 Power Cord (9-foot) To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 13A) Plug Type #23
6475 Power Cord (9-foot) To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 16A) Plug Type #32
6476 Power Cord (9-foot) To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 10A) Plug Type #24
6477 Power Cord (9-foot) To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 16A) Plug Type #22
6478 Power Cord (9-foot) To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 16A) Plug Type #25
6479 Power Cord (9-foot) To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 10A) Plug Type #6
6487 Power Cord (6-foot To Wall (250V 15A United States Plug Type
6488 Power Cord (9-foot To Wall/OEM PDU (125V 15A or 250V 10A Plug
Type #2
6493 Power Cord (9-foot) To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 10A) Plug Type #62
6494 Power Cord (9-foot) To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 10A) Plug Type #69
6495 Power Cord (9-foot) To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 10A) Plug Type #73
6496 Power Cord (9-foot) To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 10A) Plug Type #66
6497 Power Cord (6-foot) To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 10A) Plug Type #10
6498 Power Cord (6-foot) To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 15A) Plug Type #34
6651 Power Cord (9-foot To Wall/OEM PDU (125V 15A Plug Type #75
6659 Power Cord (9-foot To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 15A Plug Type #76
6660 Power Cord (14-foot Drawer To OEM PDU (125V 15A Plug Type #59
(DENAN marking
6665 Power Cord 3 M (10 ft Drawer to IBM PDU 250V/10A
6669 Power Cord (14-foot Drawer to OEM PDU (250V 15A Plug Type #57
(DENAN marking
6670 Power Cord (6-foot To Wall (125V 15A Plug Type #59 (DENAN
6671 Power Cord (9-foot) Drawer to IBM PDU 250V/10A
6672 Power Cord (5-foot) Drawer to IBM PDU 250V/10A
6680 Power Cord (9-foot) To Wall/OEM PDU (250V 10A) Plug Type #6
6687 Power Cord (6-foot) To Wall (250V 15A) Plug Type #57 (DENAN
1854 10 Meter 12X to 4X Enhanced Channel Conversion Cable
6586 10N7683/80P3263 Modem Tray for 19-Inch Rack
7841 Ruggedize Rack Kit
7840 Side-by-Side for 1.8m Racks
Juniper EXP4200 Ethernet Switch
IBM T541H /L150p 15" TFT Color Monitor
1425 07H6891/23R3230/46F4593 200V 6-Ft Wtrtght Line Cord
5002 07H9163/07H9163/31H3140/31H3140 AS/400 CDSC - Rochester Mfg
1426 11F0113/11F0115/41V2003 200V 14-Ft Locking Line Cord
1424 11F0114/11F0117/11F0117/41V2004 200V 6-Ft Locking Line Cord
1458 12J5119/39M5274 200V 6-Ft (1.8mUpper Locking Cord
1457 12J5120/39M5262 200V 6-Ft (1.8mUpper Line Cord
1476 12J5988/39M5295/40K9767 4.3m/200V/12A Pwr Cd UK
3639 13F9959/31P9575/31P9577/31P9584/31P9587/31P9590/73P0261 L180P
TFT 17" Color Display
1439 13F99809/39M5124 4.3m 200V/10A Power Cord EU/Asia
1440 13F9998/39M5131 4.3m 200V/10A Pwr Cd Denmark
1441 14F0016/39M5145 4.3m 200V/10A Pwr Cd S Afric
1443 14F0034/39M5152 4.3m 200V/10A Pwr Cd UK
1442 14F0052/39M5159 4.3m 200V/10A Pwr Cd Swiss
1451 14F1547/39M5261 200V (6-Ft) 1.8m Line Cord
1452 14F1548/39M5263 200V 14-Ft Line Cord
1453 14F1549/39M5273 200V 6-Ft Locking Line Cord
1454 14F1550/39M5275 200V 12A 14-Ft TL Line Cord
1455 14F1551/39M5313/86F2645 200V 6-Ft Wtrtght Line Cord
1456 14F1552/39M5315/86F2646 200V (14-Ft) 4.3m Watertight Line Cord
1406 14F1553/39M5279/39Y5565/40K9772 200V 16A 4.3m (14-Ft) TL Line
1420 14F1554/39M5383/40K9766 4.3m 200V/16A Power Cord EU/Asia
1421 14F1555/36L8823/39M5323/40K9769 4.3m 200V/16A Power Cord CH/DK
1418 14F1557/39M5291/40K9770 4.3m 200V/16A Power Cord S. Africa
1419 14F1561/39M5311/40K9771 4.3m 200V/16A Power Cord Israel
1450 21H7691 4.3m 200V/16A Pwr Cd EU 2-PH
1449 21H7693 4.3m 200V/32A Power Cord EU 1-PH
2145 21H8079 Primary OS - IBM i
1427 23R3231/46F4594 200V 14-Ft Wtrtght Line Cord
1414 39M5115/41V1961/86G7878 200V 6-Ft Locking Line Cord
1104 39M5516/44E8889/44V3429/46C5381/46C5394/49Y9890 USB External
Docking Station for Removable Disk Drive
3645 39Y9919/40k5342 IBM T117 Flat Panel Monitor
3641 40K7317/40K5341/73P4360 T115 TFT 15" Color Display
1415 41V1966/73F4931 200V 1.8m (6-Ft) Watertight Line Cord
2146 44H6111 Primary OS - AIX
1103 46C5370/46C5380 USB Internal Docking Station for Removable Disk
1106 46C5374/46C5375 USB 160 GB Removable Disk Drive
1107 46C5379/46C5395 USB 500 GB Removable Disk Drive
8340 74Y2244 Enhanced DASD/Media Backplane for 2.5" DASD/SATA DVD/
Tape with External SAS Port
1459 93M5314/55H6644 200V 6-Ft Upper Wtrtght Cord
0712 Manufacturing Routing Code for CSC
1114 Smart Analytics System routing indicator
1140 Custom Service Specify, Rochester Minn, USA
1413 125V 4.3m (14-Ft) Line Cord
1416 200V 14-Ft Locking Line Cord
1417 200V 4.3m (14-Ft) Watertight Line Cord
1477 4.3m 200V/16A Pwr Cd
2147 Primary OS - Linux
3632 Widescreen LCD Monitor
3640 L171P TFT 17" Black Display
3642 ThinkVision L191p Flat Panel Monitor
3644 IBM T119 Flat Panel Monitor
4650 Rack Indicator-Not Factory Integrated
4651 Rack Indicator, Rack #1
4660 Rack Indicator, Rack #10
4661 Rack Indicator, Rack #11
4662 Rack Indicator, Rack #12
4663 Rack Indicator, Rack #13
4664 Rack Indicator, Rack #14
4665 Rack Indicator, Rack #15
4666 Rack Indicator, Rack #16
5000 Software Preload Required
5001 Customer Solution Center
5550 Sys Console On HMC
5553 Sys Console-Ethernet No IOP
5983 USB Keybd-US English Euro
6577 Power Cable - Drawer to IBM PDU, 200-240V/10A
7305 SDI Software Pre-Install Indicator
7314 Dual 5796 Unit Enclosure
7793 PowerVM Express
7794 PowerVM Standard
7795 PowerVM Enterprise
8143 Linux Software Preinstall
8144 Linux Software Preinstall (SDIs)
9300 Language Group Specify - US English
9359 specify mode-1 1(1)5901/5278 for EXP24S #5887
9360 Specify mode-1 1(2)5901/5278 for EXP24S #5887
9361 Specify mode-2 1(2)5901/5278 for EXP24S #5887
9365 Specify mode-4 1(4)5901/5278 for EXP24S #5887
9366 -Specify mode-2 1(4)5901/5278 for EXP24S #5887
9367 -Specify mode-1 1(2)5903/5805 for EXP24S #5887
9368 Specify mode-2 1(4)5903/5805 for EXP24S #5887
9382 Specify mode-1 1(1)5904/6/8 for EXP24S #5887
9383 Specify mode-1 1(2) 5904/6/8 for EXP24S #5887
9384 Specify mode-1 & CEC SAS port for EXP24 #5887
9440 New AIX License Core Counter
9441 New IBM i License Core Counter
9442 New Red Hat License Core Counter
9443 New SUSE License Core Counter
9444 Other AIX License Core Counter
9445 Other Linux License Core Counter
9446 3rd Party Linux Core Counter
9447 VIOS Core Counter
9461 Month Indicator
9462 Day Indicator
9463 Hour Indicator
9464 Minute Indicator
9465 Qty Indicator
9466 Countable Member Indicator
9666 POWER7 Tivoli Storage Manager Specify
ERA5 Rational Appliance Cobol Solution Tracking Code
ERA6 Rational Appliance C/C++ Solution Tracking code
5959 Full Width Quiet Touch Keyboard -- USB, Hungarian, #208
6492 4.3m (14-Ft) 1PH/48-60A Pwr Cord
7204 Quantity 150 of #2124
7205 Quantity 150 of #2125
7206 Quantity 150 of #2126
7207 Quantity 150 of #2127
7208 Quantity 150 of #2128
7213 Quantity 150 of #2138
5787 TotalStorage EXP24 Disk Twr
5796 PCI-DDR 12X Expansion Drawer
7307 Dual I/O Unit Enclosure
7780 2.0m Rack Side Attach Kit
5877 12X I/O Drawer PCIe, No Disk
5802 12X I/O Drawer PCIe, SFF disk
5887 EXP24S SFF Gen2-bay Drawer
6580 41V0489 Optional Rack Security Kit
7118 Environmental Monitoring Probe
6248 12R8349/44V0103 1.8m Rack Acoustic Doors
6068 Opt Front Door for 1.8m Rack
6069 Opt Front Door for 2.0m Rack
6249 2.0m Rack Acoustic Doors
6263 1.8m Rack Trim Kit
6272 2.0m Rack Trim Kit
5786 TotalStorage EXP24 Disk Dwr
4276 04N7533/09N3435/25R9043 VGA to DVI Connection Converter
1109 IBM Ethernet Switch J48E