建湖县富捷旋耕刀厂是以旋耕机弯刀为主业,多元化经营的中型企业,致力于研发刀具类专业产品,是国内生产刀片品种最齐全的专业厂家,产品已涉足农机、造纸、卷烟、橡塑、食品、木材加工、现代装璜、冶金、机电等行业。主导产品有:农机类;T、S系列旋耕机弯刀、开垦刀、田圆管理刀、割草刀、圆盘耙片、耕耘刀;工业类:旋切机刀片、木材削片机刀片、粉木机刀片、模切机刀片、旋刨机刀片、刮平机刀片、平板切纸刀、裁纸刀、塑料破碎机刀、卷烟机及造纸机械刀片。建富发展目标:力争建设成为中国驰名.世界著名的刀具机械集团。Jianhu County Fujie Rotary Colter Plant,a mid-scale enterprise in multi-project business and mainly in production fo cutters of rotary cultivator,is engaged in developing and resear-ching the special products of the bit tool series so that,as a special plant,blade she prod-uces is the most complete in variety in China.The products are related to many fields such as agricultural machinery,papermaking,cigarette,rubber&plastic,food,wood processing,modern decor-ation,metallurgy,electromechanical and others,classified as processing,modern decoratio-n,metallurgy,electromechanical and others,classified as follows:Agricultural machinery:Series T&S bent cutters of rotary cultivator,reclaiming knife,field-managing knife,mowing knife,round harrow and cultivating knife:Industrial products:blade of rotary cutter,blade of cutter for w-ood,blade of cutter for mould,blade of rotary planer,paper-cut knife of flat,blade of crusher for plastic and mechanical blade for cigarette and paper making. Becoming a famous cutter machinery group at home and abrodad is Fujie's developing target.