英国Asda公司是英国家在自己生产的食品和软饮料中禁止使用人工色素和香料的超市。 Asda致力于“无污染”食品的生产,它向公众表示,到今年年底,那个超市的9000个注册食品和软饮料将不含任何色素,香料,甜味剂,氢化油脂,以及味精这样的添加剂。所有Asda自己生产的产品也将在2008年,即提前两年使产品质量符合食品安全标准所规定的含盐量。仅仅一年,公司就减少了156吨的盐。
(Reminder: The original documents of items#1, #7, #8, #11, #12, and #9,#14~#16 (if applicable) , the certificate/ license and training records of #17  (if applicable) etc. need to be presented at the time of the audit.注意:在审核当日必须提供审核员以下#1、#7、#8、#11、 #12项, 以及#9、 #14~#16项(如适用) , 还有#17,#18 所述的证明/培训记录(如适用)的各项文件之原件).
8.Personnel file
9. Health examination report and registration for workers between 16 to 18 years old.
10. Local official minimum wage document(当地政府关于最低工资的文件)
11. Payroll records and production recordsfor past 12 months:(最近一年的工资 /生产记录)
(a)Time card / attendance record(工时卡/考勤记录)
(b)Piece rate worker production record/ Piece rate wages calculation record(计件工生产记录及计件工资计算记录)
(c)Payroll computation (manual, computer, etc.)(工资计算记录-手工或电脑)
(d)Pay slip/wage sheetwith workers’signatures (有工人签名的工资条/薪资表)
(e)Wages deduction / fines record (工资扣除/罚款记录)
12.Insurance – Official Statement issued by Local Government and Insurance Receipt
13. Tradeunion representative election procedure, work union responsibilities and work union meeting minutes(工会代表选举程序,工会职责,工会组织会议记录)
14. Kitchen / canteen hygiene certificate (厨房/餐厅卫生许可证)
15. Kitchen / canteen worker’s healthcertificate (厨房/餐厅人员健康证)
16. Discharge permit(for sewage, wastewater, air emission, open burning etc.) (废气/废物/废水等的排污许可证明)
17. Factory safety records -工厂安全管理记录
18. Training record -工厂培训记录
甲、Emergency evacuation and fire fighting training (消防培训、演习记录)
乙、Machinery safety training (机器安全操作培训记录)
丙、Chemical safety training (化学品安全使用培训记录)
丁、Medical and first aid training (医疗与急救培训记录)
戊、Hygiene / health training (卫生/健康培训记录)
己、Others(if applicable) (其他培训记录如适用)