普通用途钢丝绳芯输送带 General Used Steel Cord Conveyor Belt 结构 抗拉体选用高强度、低延伸镀锌钢丝绳,芯胶采用与钢丝绳粘合性好、耐疲劳、耐老化、弹性好的胶料,覆盖胶选用强度高、耐磨、耐老化胶料组成。 Configuration Using high strength galvanized steel cord and special compound which is with excelleng elasticity,not easy to corrode and giving a longer service life. 用途 适用于煤炭、矿山、港口、电力、冶金、建材等行业的物料输送,具有拉伸强度大、寿命长、使用伸长小、成槽性好耐曲挠性好,用于长距离、大跨度、大运量和高速度物料输送。 Application Applie for conveying materials that require high strength,longevity,lesselongation,good flexibility.good slot molding at the occasion of long distance in coal mining,electricity,metallurgy, timbering,etc.
规格型号 强度规格:630N/mm~5400N/mm 宽度规格:800mm~2000mm Specification Strength specifications:160N/ram~3150N/mm Width specifications:300mm~2000mm 

主要技术指标GB/T9770—2001/Main Specification 1.覆盖胶性能/ Cover Rubber Performance 
2、钢丝绳的粘合强度/Adhesion strength of steel cord 
 型号标记/Belting is commonly Specified As Following Parttern
 钢丝绳输送带计量方法/Steel cord conveyor belt calculate method
