☞ 适用场所
※ 适用于1区,2区危险场所。
※ 适用于ⅡA,ⅡB,ⅡC类爆炸性气体环境。
※ 适用国防工程,航天工程,港口工程,储备库,大型危险品货柜码头,油田开采现场及石化行业等需要大面积集中照明的场所。
Suitable places
It can be used in zone 1, zone 2 dangerous places.
※ suitable for Ⅱ A, Ⅱ B, Ⅱ C explosive gas environment.
※ suitable defense engineering, aerospace engineering,port engineering, storage, large dangerous goodscontainer terminal, oil field and the petrochemical industryto large concentrated places of lighting.
☞ 结构特性
1.灯杆※ 灯杆由低碳钢板经剪制,折弯,自动焊接成型。灯杆的全部结构件均进行热镀锌及表面防腐处理,使所有内外壁表面均获得妥善保护以延长使用寿命和节约维护费用。灯杆底部开有电器门,内置防爆自动升降机构和防爆电器控制系统。
2.防爆电器控制系统※ 防爆电器控制及保护装置都安装在固定于灯底部的控制箱内。备有照明控制及电机控制器。双回路电力电缆供电,可实现全负荷照明和部分照明,具有手控,光控及电脑时间控制等多种方式,以满足用户的不同需求。
※ 采用拖缆方式供电,防爆电控箱和照明电缆采用特制的具有锁定装置的专用插件连接。
3.防爆自动升降系统※ 本系统由防爆电机,蜗轮蜗杆,卷筒等部分组成。具有自锁性能的蜗轮蜗杆传动机构,可以使灯盘在任何位置停止。设置过扭矩保护,具有自动,手动两种操作功能
4.钢缆导向滑轮系统※ 该组件由三组滑轮臂成120°角排列并被固定在灯杆顶部固定支撑上,每组滑轮臂安装有:
5.挂钩系统※ 挂钩系统的特殊几何开关由计算机辅助设计而成,经过精密的计算和实际论证,可确保灯盘升至预定位置时,挂钩在钢缆的牵引下与卸载装置产生相对运动,从而达到锁定,脱卸的目的。在正常使用情况下,钢缆处于卸荷状态,延长了钢缆的使用寿命,保证灯盘在恶劣天气情况下处于稳定状态
※ 此系统在灯盘正常上升和下降过程中起导向作用,一旦钢丝绳发生断裂时,此系统起制动保护作用,防止灯盘坠落。
※ 导向系统通过弹簧压紧的尼龙轮使灯盘在升降过程中始终处于对中位置,防止灯盘偏斜与灯杆碰撞,损伤灯杆或灯盘防腐表面。
※ 制动系统由彼此成120°角排列的三组装置组成,由三块制动器同时楔入灯杆来完成,一旦悬吊钢绳再次拉紧,制动器从灯杆上放松使灯盘可以重新升降。
※ 在钢缆处于卸荷状态时,制动器始终保护锁定。
※ 先进的液压制动技术防止钢性冲击,制动力更大,制动平稳无噪声。
7.防雷接地装置※ 防爆高杆灯设置有专用的接地装置,其接地电阻不大于10W
Structure characteristics
1 pole, pole made of low carbon steel plate after cutting,bending, welding molding. All structure parts are hot-dip galvanized and post surface treatment, so that all internal and external wall surface are properly protected toprolong the service life and save the maintenance cost.The bottom is provided with electric door, built-inexplosion-proof automatic lifting mechanism and theexplosion-proof electrical control system.
2 explosion-proof electrical control system for explosion-proof electrical control and protection devices are installed in the control box is fixed on the bottom of the lamp. A lighting control and motor controller. Double looppower supply cable, can realize the full load lighting andlighting, with hand control, a variety of control andcomputer time control, to meet the different needs of users.
※ the streamer mode power supply, explosion-proofelectric control box and lighting cable with special plug-inlocking device connected to a special.
3 explosion-proof automatic lifting system, the system is composed of explosion-proof motor, worm gear, reelcomponents. Worm gear transmission mechanism with self-locking performance, can make the lamp disc to stopat any position. Set over torque protection, with automatic, manual two kinds of operation function
4 wire rope guide pulley system, which is composed of three groups of pulley arms form an angle of 120 degreesare arranged and are fixed in the fixed support pole at the top, each pulley arm installed:
Special bearings A. lifetime lubrication seal
B. is dedicated to the lamp disc automatic locking,unloading device off
C. polymer non pulley metal insulating material, no damage to the cable list
D. prevents the cable slide out of the guide wheel limiting device
Special geometry 5 hook hook switch system the systemby computer aided design, through precise calculationand actual argument, can ensure that the lamp panel to a predetermined position, the hook in the cable traction andunloading device to generate relative motion, so as to achieve the purpose of locking, release. Under normal circumstances, the cables in the unloading state, prolong the service life of wire, ensure the lamp panel is in a stable state in case of bad weather
6 steering and brake system
※ this system in lamp disc normal rise and play a role in guiding the process of decline, once the rope breaks, the system braking protection, prevent fall lamp disc.
※ guidance system by nylon wheel spring pressing thelamp panel in the lifting process is always in the position,to prevent the lamp disc skew and the lamp post collision,damage the lamp post or the lamp disc surface.
The braking system by each other into three groups of120 ° arrangement device, is composed of three blocks ofbrake at the same time to complete the wedged pole,once again from the suspension rope taut, brake lamp pole to relax lamp disc can be re lifting.
※ in steel cable in the unloading state, always protect thelock brake.
Hydraulic braking technology, advanced to prevent theimpact of steel, more power, brake smoothly withoutnoise.
7 for lightning protection and earthing device forexplosion proof high pole lamp is provided with the grounding of special device, the grounding resistance of less than 10W
8 of all mechanical drive parts after the non explosion-proof electrical treatment.
☞ 品质保证
※ 本产品严格按照IS09001:2000国际质量管理体系标准进行质量控制,确保产品质量高于国家标准完全达到设计要求,自购买3年内(光源保一年),产品正常使用下出现任何故障(非人为故障)由本公司免费维护。
Quality assurance
※ the products in strict accordance with the IS09001:2000international quality management system standards for quality control, ensure product quality is higher than thenational standard, fully meet the design requirements,since the purchase within 3 years (light source to protect a year), any fault occurs under normal operation (non-human fault) maintenance free by the company.