The optical fiber unit is positioned in the centre. Two parallel Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) are placed at the two sides. A steel wire as the additional strength member is also applied. Then the cable is completed with a black or color LSZH sheath.
·产品特点 Characteristics
· 特種耐彎光纖,提供更大的帶寬,增強網絡傳輸特性; · Special low-bend-sensitivity fiber provides high bandwidth and excellent communication transmission property;
· 兩根平行FRP使光纜具有良好的抗壓性能,保護光纖; · Two parallel FRP strength members ensure good performance of crush resistance to protect the fiber;
· 單根鋼絲 或鋼絞線附加加強元件,使光纜具有良好的抗拉性能; · Single steel wire or massagers as the additional strength member ensures good performance of tensile strength;
· 光纜結構簡單,重量輕,實用性強; · Simple structure, light weight and high practicability;
· 獨特的凹槽設計,易剝離,方便接續,簡化安裝和維護; · Novel flute design, easily strip and splice, simplify the installation and maintenance;
· 低煙無鹵阻燃護套,環保。 · Low smoke, zero halogen and flame retardant sheath.