活性炭细多孔表面大面积和可以吸收水分,如果周围环境的湿度,空气干燥,可以释放水分。此功能的优势,尤其是在中国的沿海城市和内陆干旱的城市。阻止有害电磁波。活性炭具有优良的导电性,可以有效地阻止电磁波辐射。活性炭的远红外热效果能产生最适合人体吸收远红外线波长,若要使对象,微热量,促进人体衰老细胞的活化,加快血液循环,改善人体的环境。用法:此活性炭放在车里可以净化空气,吸附空调放电脑旁边可以发挥辐射效应。删除减少的气喘或鼻子过敏源的气味、 湿度、 螨类和抗菌效果。释放远红外线,负离子,通过快速的血液循环,促进新陈代谢,增加空气中负离子及活化的细胞,并有益于人类健康。
中国好皮雕,环保聚氨酯,和表层进口的土耳其耐划伤皮雕中,均可以根据客户选择添加活性炭。形成可以持续释放负氧离子的好皮雕.长达30年不用换的欧逸好皮雕!30年不脱层,不退皮!我司采用的中间材料环保聚氨酯,是中国著名品牌所生产供应,该环保聚氨酯,专业是用来做记忆枕头的。所以枕头都可以采用的材料,我们的皮雕选用,那环保程度可想而知。 欧逸皮雕 中国好皮雕。承载着对您和您的家人健康而负责。欧逸皮雕,只为高档软装享受者而生产!
背景一块的运用更加广泛,金奈皮雕在沙发背景墙软包皮雕,电视背景墙软包皮雕,床头背景墙软包皮雕,屏风背景墙软包皮雕,儿童医院背景墙软包皮雕,学校背景墙软包皮雕,婴幼儿场所 背景墙软包皮雕,图书馆背景墙软包皮雕,天花吊顶背景墙软包皮雕,KTV背景墙软包皮雕,大面积使用可以实现马上装,马上住。无甲醛,全身经过测试环保,没有味道。
Ouyi leather carving wall panels, made in Soya which is the aesthetic development base of leather carving panels. And we are the only designated manufacturer of Chinese good leather carving panels.
Ouyi leather carving panels widely used in home decorative project, such as all kinds of soft package used in villa, apartment, drawing room, suspended ceiling, bed room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, screen ect. for decorative purposes. Also, they can be used as leather carving background panels, such as sofa background wall, TV background wall, bedside background wall, screen background wall, children’s hospital background wall, school background wall, Infants and young children place background wall, library background wall, suspended ceiling background wall, KTV background wall, no matter how big the area you want to decorate, we can help you to complete them asap. Our leather carving panels are good for health, each panel has the test, no taste, no formaldehyde.
Ouyi leather carving panels, good leather carving panels, lifetime can last for more than 30 years. So that Ouyi leather carving panels also can be used in hotel, Leisure Club, gym, hospital, movie theater, mall, brand monopolized shop, official building, office, meeting room, reception room, antechamber, KTV , coffee house, PUB. clothing shop ect. as leather carving soft packages for décor.
Ouyi leather carving panel is made of SOYA who is one of the biggest manufacturers home and abroad for leather carving handicrafts. All the manufacturing machines are researched and developed independently with many proprietary technology , so as the moulds. The panels have processed many characteristics, such as fire resistance (D Grade), strong durability, easy maintenance, waterproof, sound insulation and green environment protection. Ouyi leather wall panels added activated carbon to keep a negative state to release negative ions continuously.
The whole productive technology goes through more than 30 process. Each process is checked strictly to make sure every single product is quality goods for you and for your family.
Ouyi leather carving panels-the first brand in the world, we can do better than what we said.