GRG产品是采用GRG专用石膏—超细结晶石膏(改良的ɑ石膏)为基料与专用连续刚性的增强玻璃纤维、我司开发的专有添加剂(符合英国原厂的添加剂要求),在模具上经过特殊工艺层压而成的预铸式新型装饰材料,在综合性能上达到了英国的质量标准。GRG产品是采用高密度Alpha石膏粉、增强玻璃纤维,以及一些微量环保添加剂制成的预铸式新型装饰材料,产品表面光洁平滑呈白色,材质表面光洁、细腻,白度达到90%以上,并且可以和各种涂料及面饰材料良好地粘结,形成极佳的装饰效果、环保安全不含任何有害元素。此种材料可制成各种平面板、各种功能型产品及各种艺术造型,是目前国际上建筑材料装饰界最流行的更新换代产品。正常情况下,建筑设计师们经常会推荐应用在工商业建筑为抵抗高的冲击而增加其稳定性的吊顶为主。此外,由于GRG材料的防水性能和良好的声学性 GRG性能: 选形丰富任意―采用预铸式加工工艺的GRG产品可以定制单曲面、双曲面、三维覆面各种几何形状、镂空花纹、浮雕图案等任意艺术造型,充分发挥设计。 强度高、质量轻―GRG产品的弯曲强度达到Mpa20-25(ASTMD790-2002测试方式)。拉伸强度达到Mpa8-15(ASTMD256-2002测试方式,且6-8mm厚的标准板重量仅为6-9kg/m2,能满足大板块吊顶分割需求的同时,减轻主体重量及构件负荷。 不变形、不开裂―出于主材石膏热膨胀系数低、干湿收缩率小于0.01%,使GRG产品不受环境冷、热、干、湿变形影响,性能稳定不变形。独特布纤加工工艺使产品不龟裂使用寿命长。 声学反射性能―GRG具有良好的声波反射性能,经同济声学研究所测试:30mm单片重量48kg的GRG板,声学反射系数R≥0.97,符合专业声学反射要求,适用于大剧院、音乐厅等声学原声厅。 它主要以壁薄、质轻、强度高及不燃性(A1级防火材料),并可对室内环境的湿度进行调节,以其能达到舒适的生活环境。其高强度、高硬度和很好的柔韧性,能满足最终被制成任意造型、大规格及有质感效果的产品。在120℃高温下存放72小时无变形。 联系TEL:15221136321(Mr LI) QQ:512936236 Choose any-using the form rich cast type processing technology of the product can be customized GRG single curved surface and hyperboloid, 3 d by various geometric shape, face hollow out decorative pattern, such as design of art form any relief, give full play to the design. High strength, light quality-GRG products to the bending strength Mpa20-25 (ASTMD790-2002 test means). Tensile strength to Mpa8-15 (ASTMD256-2002 testing methods, and 6-8 mm thick standards board weight only 6-9 kg/m2, can satisfy the plate condole top pision at the same time, reduce demand and main body weight component load. Deformation, cracks-out of material thermal expansion coefficient, dry and wet plaster low shrinkage of less than 0.01%, make GRG products do not suffer environmental cold, hot, dry, wet deformation, performance stability deformation. Unique cloth fiber processing technology make products not cracked long service life. Acoustic reflection GRG has good performance-the sound waves reflected performance, the institute of acoustics tongji test: 30 mm 48 kg weight of single chip GRG board, acoustic reflection coefficient R quartile 0.97, conform to the professional requirements and acoustic reflection, and is suitable for the concert hall, the grand theatre, acoustic acoustic hall. It mainly wall thin, qualitative light, intensity tall and incombustible (A1 level fire materials), and can be used for indoor environment humidity on the adjustment, with its can achieve the comfortable life environment. The high strength, high hardness and good flexibility, can satisfy the eventually be made into any shape, large size and has the effect of simple sense products. In 120Degrees Celsius high temperature store 72 hours without distortion.