LBZ系列防爆操作柱产品特点 Features
■ 铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑. ◆ Al-alloy diecasted shell with plastic-sprayed surface■ 内装万能转换开关、按钮、电流表(可按用要求 ◆ Inside is mounted univeral changeover swith,button,ammeter(can mountother 装其他仪表)、指示灯. instruments according to user's requirement)and indicator,etc.■ 转换开关有30多种功能可由用户自由选择,可根据 ◆ There are more than 30 functions of changeover switch available to be chosen 要求特制.■ 万能开关操纵机构经过优化设计,可以自动找正,能 ◆ Can be customized according to user's requirement. 能保证转动灵活,无卡滞现象.■ 电流表量程由用户指定. ◆ The ammeter'smeasuring range can be determinedby users.■ 钢管或电缆布线均可. ◆ Suitable for steel pipe and cable wiring.■ 产品出厂铭牌上只体现总单元内容,名分单元代号 ◆ The marker of product when ex-factory only reflect the content of chief part, 为订货参数. ◆ The code of other parts is ordering parameter.■ 符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079标准要求. ◆ Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request. LBZ系列防爆操作柱主要技术参数 Main te chnical parameters 使用类别 额定电压(v) 额定电流 (A) 防爆标志 防护等级 防腐等级 时线口螺纹(G") 电缆外径(¢,mm) Using sort Rated voltage Rated current Ex-mark Protection Corrosion-proof Inlet's thread Cable's outer category Grade -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC-3 220/380 10 Exde II Bt6 Ip55 Wf1 1 12-17 AC-4