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ABB德国进口CLMD43/22.7KVAR 480VABB德国进口CLMD43ABB德国进口ABB电容器 18KVAR 500VABB德国进口CLMD43ABB德国进口CLMD43ABB德国进口ABB电容器 32KVAR 525V
AC 800M高完整性控制器,能够提供IEC 61508和TüV认证的控制环境,可以将安全及业务关键型过程控制集成到一个控制器中,同时又不会损失安全完整性。
AC500、AC500-eCo、AC500-S和 AC500-XC 可扩展型可编程控制器系列为小型、中型和高端应用提供了解决方案。我们的AC500 平台具有不同的性能特征,是高度可靠性、极端环境或安全解决方案的理想选择。
我们的AC500 可编程控制器平台支持软硬件互通和兼容性,包括紧凑型可编程控制器、高端和安全可编程控制器产品。
With the AC500 PLC range we provide a reliable and powerful platform to design and create scalable, cost-effective and flexible automation solutions.
The scalability of the AC500 PLCs is achieved by offering a large variety of devices to design and implement configurations suitable for simple control tasks or complex automation solutions.
The AC500 PLC provides action flexibility with one integrated software.
The AC500 PLC range consists of various CPUs, I/O modules, communication modules, communication interface modules and accessories.
The “all modules used on any CPUs concept” in combination with our life cycle policy helps our customers to react quickly, flexibly and economically on new requirements.
Our AC500 is designed to offer the needed easiness, security and reliability to expand the automation system to new challenges.
The memory, performance and the networking capabilities mean more functionality, advanced visualization, more operating comfort – for even better inpidual customer solutions.
ABB德国进口CLMD63/60KVAR 400VABB德国进口CLMD43 63、生活得最有意义的人,并不就是年岁活得的人,而是对生活最有感受的人。——卢梭ABB德国进口CLMD43ABB德国进口ABB电容器 5KVAR 400VABB德国进口R7% 50KVAR 480V 50HzABB德国进口CLMD43