美国GARDNER DENVER(格兰登福)变频微油螺杆压缩机 VF50
Gardner Denver集团公司(以下简称“GD”)成立于1859年,是全球的高压活塞式,双螺杆及滑片式空气压缩机,液环泵,容积式鼓风机和真空泵,及其他流体传输设备,公司总部位于美国伊利诺斯州的昆西市。集团销售总额超过20亿美圆,同时是美国证券交易所上市公司。我们的产品通过遍布全世界的代理商网络进行多渠道销售。我们的产品广泛应用于各行各业,从工业到环保业,从保健业到能源业。Established in 1859, headquartered in Quincy, Illinois,USA, Gardner Denver, Inc. has become a leading global manufacturer of screw rotary and vane, high pressure reciprocating air compressors, liquid ring pumps, positive displacement blowers and vacuum pumps and other fluid transfer equipment. As a listed company in New York Stork Exchange, Gardner Denver sales over $2 billion per year. Our products and engineered solutions are sold through multichannel,worldwide distribution systems and are used for applications in virtually every market sector,ranging from industrial movement, to environmental processes, to healthcare applications and energyproduction.自1859年成立开始,GD集团公司,就致力于设计并制造高品质的产品。作为行业的者,我们从不间断开发先进技术的步伐,以满足客户的各种需求。先进的技术,人性化的设计,精良的制造工艺,完善的质量管理体系,及时的售后服务,充足的零配件库存,使Gardner Denver成为可靠与价值的代名词。A proud tradition of innovationSince 1859, Gardner Denver has designed and built the industry’s highest quality products. We havecontinually been a leader in developing advanced technology that meets our customers’ needs.Advanced technology, careful engineering, micro-precision manufacturing, total quality management,and unmatched aftermarket service and spare parts have made Gardner Denver a name that stands forreliability