深圳鑫盈科润滑油贸易有限公司成立于二零零六年,是一家从事工业润滑油销售的贸易公司。 2008年底公司非常荣幸成为了壳牌润滑油授权经销商。同时也相继成为埃克森美孚、福斯工业润滑油的授权经销商。产品包括:液压油、齿轮油、导轨油 、防锈油、 切削油、润滑脂、合成齿轮油、合成润滑脂、高温润滑脂、绝缘油、冷冻、空气压缩机油 、涡轮机油、燃气发电机油、矿山设备用油、钢铁厂油膜轴承及循环系统油、船舶系统油。 销售服务热线:13926530627蒋先生,电话0755-28027380。
作为世界一流品牌的润滑油经销商,要想赢得客户的长期信赖,就必须拥有充足稳定的货源。公司在深圳中心区建有 2000 平方米的润滑油储存仓库,备货相当充足,常年库存保持在 6000 桶左右,其中180公斤的包装超过 2500 桶, 18 升的包装近 3500 桶。仓储设施齐全,有数十个大型的润滑油货架和两辆专用的装卸叉车。公司还拥有十辆送货汽车,能够按用户的要求及时将润滑油产品送至用户指定地点。
户,公司购进了数台国外进口的润滑油专用服务设备,如:德国HYDAC公司生产的润滑油在线检测仪,美国 PALL 公司生产的润滑油过滤加注小车、油液净化、便携式清洁度等级检测仪等设备,能分别为客户在润滑油使用中提供过滤加注、油水分离、现场 NAS 等级检测服务。我们愿以专业的技术服务将自己打造成一流的润滑专家。齿轮油
RENOLIN UNISYN CLP 系列全合成聚烯烃基极压齿轮油。与矿物油完全相容,满足并超过DIN HC及ISO CKC等级,并取得FLENDER认可。
RENOLIN CLP 系列高极压工业齿轮油。具有极强的极压抗磨和防腐蚀性能。符合美钢USS 224、美国齿轮制造商协会AGMA250.44及德国DIN 51517-3的规格。
RENOLIN MR 系列齿轮箱磨合防锈油,具有极佳的抗极压,防腐防锈性能,可作为齿轮箱及机组的磨合油及防锈油。
RENOLIN MR 10 Z被ZF公司推荐用于动力转向试验台测试用油。
New Century Street
Product Hanley
I N F O R M A T I O N Staffordshire, ST1 5HU
Heavy duty - EP - industrial gear oils of highest
performance, outstanding extreme pressure
characteristics and load carrying capacity
Description (continued on page 2) Advantages / Benefits
The RENOLIN CLP products are industrial gear oils of * Excellent corrosion protection
the latest generation, having outstanding extreme
pressure characteristics (EP/AW properties) and an * Low foaming, excellent air release
extremely high load carrying capacity. They are
industrial gear oils with excellent demulsifying * Excellent demulsifying properties (water and
properties which can be used in all types of enclosed
water-containing fluids are separated fast)
gear drives with circulation or splash lubrication
systems. * High oxidation resistance
* Extremely high load-carrying capacity,
Specifications extreme pressure-, anti-wear performance
The RENOLIN CLP oils meet and in many cases
exceed the requirements: * Excellent bearing wear protection (under
mixed friction conditions) – FE8
* DIN 51 517-3 (2004): CLP
* ISO 6743-6: CKC
* Excellent protection from scuffing, excellent
* ISO 12925-1: CKC
* AISE 224 wear protection - FZG
* AGMA 9005/D94
* David Brown S1 53.101 * Excellent micropitting resistance in the load
The products of the RENOLIN CLP series are stage and endurance test
approved for example by:
* High Brugger wear protection
* A. Friedrich Flender AG, Bocholt, Germany,
Flender BA 7300, 01/2007, table A * Excellent elastomer compatibility (static and
* Bosch Rexroth: Lohmann und Stolterfoht,
Witten, Germany
* Müller Weingarten AG, Germany * Good compatibility with
DT 55 005, 10/2003
paint materials
Health, Safety and Environment October 2007 GDUK Page 1 of 6
Health, safety and environmental information is provided for this product in the relevant Safety Data Sheet. This provides guidance on
potential hazards, precautions and first-aid measures, together with environmental effects and disposal of used products.
The above information is supplied to the best of our knowledge and belief on the basis of the RENOLIN UNISYN CKC 68 Polyalphaolefin-Based Industrial Gear and Lubricating Oils
current state-of-the-art and our own development work. Subject to amendment. 详细内容 RENOLIN UNISYN CKC
The specific benefits of using RENOLIN UNISYN CKC oils are:
RENOLIN UNISYN CKC oils can be used in bearings, lubrication systems and gearboxes subject to high or fluctuating temperatures.
In gearboxes and lubricating systems where the sump temperatures exceed 90°C, normal mineral oil change intervals can be significantly extended with RENOLIN UNISYN CKC oils which, in turn, substantially lower operating and disposal costs.
When changing-over to RENOLIN UNISYN CKC oils in machines and equipment which operate at temperatures of over 60°C, one viscosity grade lower than the normal mineral oil grade should be selected.RENOLIN UNISYN CKC 68 100 150 220 320 460 680 Lubricating oil type acc. to ISO 6743-6 CKC 68 CKC 100 CKC 150 CKC 220 CKC 320 CKC 460 CKC 680 acc. to DIN 51 502 HC 68 HC 100 HC 150 HC 220 HC 320 HC 460 HC 680 Characteristics Unit Test method Kinematic viscosity at 40 °C mm²/s 72 104 151 221 315 479 668 ASTM D 445 at 100 °C mm²/s 11.1 14.9 19.4 25.8 33.3 45 62 ASTM D 445 Viscosity index 146 149 147 148 148 149 159 ASTM D 2270 Density at 15 °C kg/l 0.837 0.842 0.848 0.85 0.851 0.853 0.855 ASTM D 1298 Flash point, Cleveland open cup °C 248 254 230 232 234 304 262 ASTM D 92 Pour point °C -51 – 45 – 45 – 42 – 39 – 33 – 33 ASTM D 97 Neutralization number mg KOH/g 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 ASTM D 974 Foaming, seq. I ml 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I III seq. II ml 15/0 15/0 15/0 15/0 15/0 15/0 15/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I III seq. III ml 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I III Copper corrosion degree of corr. 1a-100A24 1a-100A24 1a-100A24 1a-100A24 1a-100A24 1a-100A24 1a-100A24 ASTM D 130 Rust prevention pass B pass B pass B pass B pass B pass B pass B ASTM D 665 Four ball EP test N 2200 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 ASTM D 2783 FZG mechanical gear rig test load stage > 12 > 12 > 12 > 12 > 12 > 12 > 12 DIN 51 354-2