加工定制 是 材质 PET保护膜 厚度 0.05(mm)
适用范围 贴合 用途 手机保护膜 属性 属性值
平面显示器面板,平板电脑,手机,PDA,LCD显示器,MP3,数码相机等成品端保护作用。厚度 0.03MM-0.1MM 粘度 中粘、低粘 单双层齐全.
Used for PCB goldfinger, powder coating, such as high temperature, and what is widely used in battery rice dumplings partial melting membrane, insulation and battery pole ears fixed, and fixed battery assembly batteries and flexible circuit insulation. Coil and capacitance and wire entanglement. Polyimide Tape (Kapoton Tape), also known as goldfinger Tape, polyimide film as the backing material, imported silicone pressure sensitive adhesive, good stickiness, good stick take, acid and alkali resistance, radiation resistance, high temperature resistance, solvent resistance, permeability of tin, glue, adhesive sealing, electrical insulation level (H), radiation resistance, etc. Polyimide Tape (KAPTON) gold finger protection can be used for PCB, printed circuit boards goldfinger, tin furnace, motor, transformer, heating equipment, electrical insulation, lithium batteries, tin furnace, hot tin hole processing the stages in the shelter