T140 履带推土机

u 通过国家部门检测和试验,整机的安全性、噪声、发动机排放及可靠性均达到国家标准要求,技术性能处于国内同类机型领先水平;
u 选用上柴和奥地利AVL公司合作生产的D6114发动机,具有牵引力大、油耗低、烟度小、扭矩储备系数大等优点;
u 操纵系统根据人机工程学设计,按功能将操纵手柄集中分置于司机两侧,工作装置采用先导控制,提高了驾驶的舒适性和操控性;
u 驾驶室采用六面体结构,配置可调整带扶手的高级减震座椅和后视镜,减少了司机的疲劳提高了工作效率;
u 采用机电一体化自动报警电子监控系统,对整机工况实时监控,从而保障机器的正常运行;
u 保养点采用人性化设计,提高了保养、维修的方便性;
u 本机具有直倾铲、环卫铲、角铲、推煤铲及松土器等多种装置可供选择;
u 标配暖风装置,选装冷暖两用空调;
Pass fhe test and inspection of the relevant national authorities, with its safety, noise, engine discharge and reliability figu res meeting the requi rement of the national standa rd, technical performance of the advanced level of the similar domestic models.
Use D6114 engine jointly made by Shanghai Diesel and Austrian AVL as the auxiliary power, with such advantages as low oil consumption, little smoke, big torque reserve coefficient and high attractive force of the whole unit.
The operation system is designed based on ergonomics, incorporate the operation handles on both sides of the driver based on the function, and adopt pilot control for the working unit, greatly improving the driving comfort.
Hexahedral cab equips with high-class damping seat chair, rear view glass with armrest and adjustable for forward, backward, upward and downward direction, reducing fatigue whilst improving productivity.
Electromechanically integrated and automatic electronic monitoring system is applied for realtime monitoring for completion machine; the system is applied for ClassⅢaIarm to assure normal operation for machine.
Each maintenance center has humanized design, improving the convenience of repair and maintenance.
Several devices such as direct-pouring shovel,environmentally hygienic,angle shovel,coal-pushed shovel and soil scarifler are available for user.
Standard heating and ventilation equipment, air conditioner optional.
型 号 | Model |
| T140 |
整机重量 | Total weight | kg | 17500(含松土器) |
最大牵引力 | Max towing force | kN | 141 |
发动机型号 | Engine model |
| D6114ZG5B |
发动机标定功率 | Engine rated power | kw | 103 |
发动机标定转速 | Engine rated speed | r/min | 1800 |
轨距 | Track gauge | mm | 1880 |
履带接地长 | Caterpillar track ground length | Mm | 2570 |
履带板宽度 | Caterpillar track board width | mm | 500 |
接地比压 | Land pressure | Kpa | 65 |
外形尺寸(长×宽×高) | Overall dimension (L×W×H) | Mm | 

推土铲(宽×高) | Bulldozer shovel (W×H) | Mm | 3305×1167 |
爬坡能力 | Max towing force | O | 纵向30o |
制动性能 | Max slope angle | O | 30o坡道上下制动可靠 |
起动性能 | Start performance | ℃ | -10℃以上顺利启动 |
最小转弯半径 | Minimum tuming radius | M | 4.2 |
最小离地间隙 | Minimum ground clearance | Mm | 360 |
前进五档行使速度 | Forward five-step driving speed | km/h | 2.52~10.6 |
倒退四档行使速度 | Backward four-step driving speed | Mm | 3.53~10.5 |
铲刀最大提升高度 | Max lifting height of bulldozer shovel | Mm | 915 |
铲刀最大入土深度 | Max in-soil depth of bulldozer shovel | Mm | 400 |
松土器提升高度 | Lifting height of rock ripper | Mm | 510 |
最大松土深度 | Max ripping depth | Mm | 550 |
联系人:高利峰 电话:13383887708 QQ:550426907