深圳鑫盈科润滑油贸易有限公司成立于二零零六年,是一家从事工业润滑油销售的贸易公司。 2008年底公司非常荣幸成为了壳牌润滑油授权经销商。同时也相继成为埃克森美孚、福斯工业润滑油的授权经销商。产品包括:液压油、齿轮油、导轨油 、防锈油、 切削油、润滑脂、合成齿轮油、合成润滑脂、高温润滑脂、绝缘油、冷冻、空气压缩机油 、涡轮机油、燃气发电机油、矿山设备用油、钢铁厂油膜轴承及循环系统油、船舶系统油。 销售服务热线:13926530627蒋先生,电话0755-28027380。
作为世界一流品牌的润滑油经销商,要想赢得客户的长期信赖,就必须拥有充足稳定的货源。公司在深圳中心区建有 2000 平方米的润滑油储存仓库,备货相当充足,常年库存保持在 6000 桶左右,其中180公斤的包装超过 2500 桶, 18 升的包装近 3500 桶。仓储设施齐全,有数十个大型的润滑油货架和两辆专用的装卸叉车。公司还拥有十辆送货汽车,能够按用户的要求及时将润滑油产品送至用户指定地点。
在润滑油产品的经营中,为了将专门化的技术服务带给用户,公司购进了数台国外进口的润滑油专用服务设备,如:德国HYDAC公司生产的润滑油在线检测仪,美国 PALL 公司生产的润滑油过滤加注小车、油液净化、便携式清洁度等级检测仪等设备,能分别为客户在润滑油使用中提供过滤加注、油水分离、现场 NAS 等级检测服务。我们愿以专业的技术服务将自己打造成一流的润滑专家。
【批发道达尔】Total Aurelia XL 4040船舶发动机油
TOTAL-LUNARIA KT32/46/56/68烷基苯合成冷冻机油 】
典型数据 | 单位 | 测试方法 | LUNARIA KT | |||||
15 | 22 | 32 | 46 | 56 | 68 | |||
颜色 | - | ASTM D1500 | L0.5 | L0.5 | L2.0 | L2.0 | L2.0 | L2.0 |
密度(15℃) | kg/dm2 | ASTM D1298 | 0.88 | 0.88 | 0.88 | 0.88 | 0.88 | 0.88 |
运动粘度(40℃) | mm2/a | ASTM D445 | 15 | 22 | 32 | 46 | 56 | 68 |
运动粘度(100℃) | mm2/a | ASTM D445 | 3.1 | 3.5 | 4.9 | 6.1 | 6.5 | 7.1 |
倾点 | ℃ | ASTM D97 | -55 | -42,5 | -40.0 | -37.5 | -35.0 | -30.0 |
絮凝点 | ℃ | DIN 51351 | -60 | -60 | -60 | -60 | -60 | -60 |
闪点(开口杯) | ℃ | ASTM D92 | 186 | 182 | 204 | 206 | 208 | 210 |
总酸值 | mgKOH/g | ASTM D974 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
铜片腐蚀(100℃,3小时) | - | ASTM D130 | 1a | 1a | 1a | 1a | 1a | 1a |
Fales极压实验(60℃,290rpm) | kgf | ASTM D3233 | 240 | 260 | 280 | 300 | 300 | 300 |
Aurelia XL 道达尔船舶发动机油道达尔润滑油
Clean lubrication for tomorrow’s engines
A range generation of lubricants for medium-speed engines running on heavy fuel oils
Aurelia XL has been specially formulated using the latest additive technology demanding environment of the latest marine engines. It has been formulated and tested to have industry leading performance in the following areas: compatibility with residual fuel of different qualities leading to excellent engine cleanliness in both the hot and cold areas of the engine, good high temperature thermal and oxidation stability, low volatility, high load carrying capacity and excellent corrosion protection.
Benefits of Aurelia XL
Lower maintenance costs
Aurelia XL’s superior clean formulation reduces oil consumption by maintaining the ring pack in good condition.
Cleaner crankcases, cam boxes and rocker arms reduce the cleaning required during maintenance operations.
The new clean formula reduced ring sticking and breakage, which contributes to a longer engine life.
Superior protection of all engine parts against corrosion due to Aurelia XL high BN leads to longer component life and longer service intervals.
Aurelia XL’s exceptional resistance to oxidation and thermal break down reduces oil viscosity increases leading to an improvement in lubricants life.
Greater engine reliability
Due to the advanced formula of Aurelia XL your engine will remain cleaner and piston ring belt, cylinder liners and piston under crown deposits (piston cooling gallery) will be reduced. This will lead to greater engine reliability, especially in high stress of engine overload conditions.
Designed and tested for the following applications
Aurelia XL has been developed for use in medium speed main propulsion and auxiliary trunk piston diesel engines in both marine and power plant applications. It is also suitable for use in turbochargers, geared transmissions, oil filled stern tubes and variable pitch propellers and other deck equipment requiring a SAE 30 or 40 grade oil.
Aurelia XL: Main features benefits
Detergency: Keeps the hot part of the engine clean. Reduces built up of deposits on piston rings and piston under crowns and purifier pre-heaters.
Dispersancy: Keeps the cold part of the engine clean reduces the built up of “black paint” or sludge in the crankcase, rocker area and cam box.
Fuel compatibility: Resists the effects of contamination with residual fuel, avoids the formation of black sludge and asphaltenic residues. Helps fuel pump reliability.
Thermal stability: Maintains lubricants performance and avoids increases in viscosity.
Anti-oxidation: Resists the oxidation attack thus avoiding the formation of lacquers and deposits and oil degradation.
Alkalinity reserve (BN): Prevents corrosive wear by rapidly neutralizing the acids formed by the burning of high sulphur fuel.
Extreme pressure anti-wear: Guarantees the presence of a lubricating film, even at high pressure. Reduces engine component wear.
Demulsibility - filterability: Guarantees the easy elimination of water in the case of salt or fresh water contamination. Facilitates easy filtration and the elimination of insoluble contaminants.
Resistant to hydrolysis: The lubricant maintains its performance characteristics after separation from water.
Anti corrosion: Maintains engine part in good condition leading to long engine life.
Aurelia XL
An insurance policy for your engine
Aurelia XL has been formulated with an extra safety margin to ensure that it exceeds the requirements of today’s highly rated engines and that will meet the requirements of tomorrow’s engine designs.
The product has undergone extensive in house laboratory bench and engine tests plus a full set of in service trials to prove its superior performance.
Aurelia XL has been approved by all major diesel engine OEMs following extensive field engine tests.
Available range
Aurelia XL is available in SAE 30 and 40 grades and in a range of BN’s with the major grades being BN 30 BN40 and BN55. For special applications BN 25 and BN 65 grades are also available.
Condition Monitoring – Diagomar Plus
The help reduce costly downtime and to optimize and extend engine oil life Lubmarine recommends that ship operators use Lubmarine’s independent condition monitoring service Diagomar Plus.
Aurelia XL Range Characteristics
Lubricant | Denslty at 15℃(kg/m3) | Pour Pt(℃) | Flash Pt COC(℃) | Vlscosltles(mm2/s)100℃ | S.A.E.Grade | BN(ex TBN)(mgKOH.g) |
Aurelia XL 3025 | 910 | -9 | >230 | 12 | 30 | 25 |
Aurelia XL 3030 | 915 | -9 | >230 | 12 | 30 | 30 |
Aurelia XL 3040 | 920 | -9 | >230 | 12 | 30 | 40 |
Aurelia XL 3055 | 925 | -9 | >230 | 12 | 30 | 55 |
Aurelia XL 3065 | 930 | -9 | >230 | 12 | 30 | 65 |
Aurelia XL 4025 | 915 | -9 | >230 | 14 | 40 | 25 |
Aurelia XL 4030 | 920 | -9 | >230 | 14 | 40 | 30 |
Aurelia XL 4040 | 925 | -9 | >230 | 14 | 40 | 40 |
Aurelia XL 4055 | 930 | -9 | >230 | 14 | 40 | 55 |
Aurelia XL 4065 | 935 | -9 | >230 | 14 | 40 | 65 |
Aurelia XL 5025 | 910 | -9 | >230 | 15 | 50 | 25 |