江西铝方通吊顶厂家生产铝方通吊顶 铝方通表面处理。
铝方通的表面处理主要有以下几种:喷涂、烤漆、滚涂、覆膜。其中喷涂、烤漆使用寿命短,容易出现色差,滚涂使用寿命居中,覆膜板又可分为普通膜与进口膜,进口膜的使用寿命基本上能达到20年不变色。 浏览更多宏铝建材供应的江西铝方通吊顶厂家生产铝方通吊顶请访问 LDB360.com
Aluminum square tube, aluminum square tube is evolved from the grille ceiling to product, before there is a very big market grille smallpox smallpox, because the structure is simple, moreover, ventilation performance is high, moreover, because the grille smallpox can spell woven together, so long
Without restriction, however, because the grille ceiling is horizontal and vertical cross installed, so the use of the number of products will be more, but this time, aluminum Fangtong research and development out, buckle type suspended ceiling aluminum square tube is a single direction of the card, the product size ten
Division is flexible, and can use the installation space of different installation get unique decoration effect. At the same time, you can also use the aluminum side different size or color combination through the installation, by installing a simple way, so that the whole design scheme of the unique wind
Grid, shine. 订购江西铝方通吊顶厂家生产铝方通吊顶如何保证质量?这个是很多经销商业主最为担心的问题,地域时间成为客户选择厂家的一大障碍。
广东省宏铝建材有限公司;是专业设计、生产、销售、安装施工高档工程铝扣板天花,铝单板,包柱铝单板,铝幕墙,双曲铝单板,镂空铝单板,铝蜂窝板,铝质瓦楞板,,格栅天花,挂片天花, 造型天花,条形铝扣板,吸音铝天花,微孔铝天花,抗菌铝天花,磨砂拉丝天花板,艺术天花,滚涂铝扣板,覆膜铝天花,集成吊顶,以及最新室内外木纹铝质墙面和吊顶装饰系列材料的全国最大的铝制装饰材料生产企业,是全国十大吊顶品牌之一,有近二十年的专业生产经验。