Parameter Description
Recording Memory: 1Mb non-volatile flash memory. Data retained when power is turned off.
Recording Interval: 1; 2; 5; 10; 15; 30 seconds or 1; 2; 5; 10; 15; 30 minutes.
Recording Capacity: Dependant on sample rate and number of values recorded. Two values can be recorded
for up to 7 days at 10s intervals. More values or faster sample rates reduce the
maximum duration.
RTC Battery Type: CR 1616 3V Lithium. Clock runs for >1 year without power.
RTC accuracy Real Time Clock error <1second per day.
Parameter Description
Profile Limits Number of profiles = 64 maximum.
Total number of segments (all programs) = 255 maximum.
Loop Back 1 to 9999 loops back to specified segment.
Profile Cycling 1 to 9999 or Infinite repeats per profile.
Sequence Repeats 1 to 9999 or Infinite repeats of joined profile sequences.
Segment Types Ramp Up/Down over time, Ramp Rate Up/Down, Step, Dwell, Hold, Join A Profile, End
or Repeat Sequence Then End.
Timebase hh:mm:ss (Hours, Minutes & Seconds).
Segment Time Maximum segment time 99:59:59 hh:mm:ss. Use loop-back for longer segments (e.g.
24:00:00 x 100 loops = 100 days).
Ramp Rate 0.001 to 9999.9 display units per hour.
Hold Segment Release Release With Key Press, At Time Of Day or Digital Input.
Start From 1st segment starts from current setpoint or current input value.
Delayed Start After 0 to 99:59 (hh:mm) delay, or at specified day(s) & time.
End On Keep Last Profile Setpoint, Use Controller Setpoint or Control Outputs Off.
Abort Action Keep Last Profile Setpoint, Use Controller Setpoint or Control Outputs Off.
Power/signal Loss Recovery Continue Profile, Restart Profile, Keep Last Profile Setpoint, Use Controller Setpoint or
Control Outputs Off.
Auto-Hold Hold if input >Band above and/or below SP for each segment.
Profile Control Run, Manual Hold/Release, Abort or jump to next segment.
Segment Events Events turn on for the duration of the segment. For End Segments, the event state
persists until another profile starts, the user exits from profiler mode, or the unit is
powered down.
DCP200 Model Selection Guide
Digital Controller Programmer
Select the desired Key Number. The arrow to the right marks the selection available.
Make one selection each from Table I thru V, using the column below the proper arrow.
A dot ( ) denotes unrestricted availability. A letter denotes restricted availability.
Key Number I