真空管耳机 headphones为爱好古典音乐的发烧友专门打造的HIFI耳机,首次将高保真性的真空管技术运用到头戴式耳机中,同时可DIY更换耳机中音效IC,获得理想的听觉感受;耳机采用快速充电的环保电池,降低环境污染,关爱环境。This HIFI earphone, which is designed for classical music lover, for the first time, is applied with vacuum tube technology with high fidelity. Meanwhile, you are able to change IC in the earphone by yourself to enjoy the ideal listening. This earphone is equipped with environmental fast-charging battery so that it could reduce the pollution and care for environment.
胸部按摩器chest massager作为健康理疗产品,通过按摩乳房,有效帮助乳房发育,健康丰胸;也可帮助产妇产后乳房恢复,辅助预防治疗常见乳腺疾病;作为情趣产品,夫妻或情侣间相互按摩可以挑逗、激发情欲,增添情趣,促进性生活和谐。The chest massager , a kind of the physical health products, not only helps breast develop but also help breast healthily enhance by kneading breast; moreover, it is effective to breast recovery after women delivery and the prevention and therapy of mammary diseases.As sex toy, couples and lovers massage for each other to tease and inspire lust, which can spice up and promote a harmonious sexual life.
戒指传感器ring sensor传统的耳戴式助听器佩戴不舒服而且碍于美观,而此助听器的戒指造型更像一个潮流饰品,小巧精致,使用时只需将佩戴戒指的手指按在头部,便可以利用头骨直接将声音传导给大脑,实现听力,动作潇洒而毫无心理负担。
Traditional ear worn headset is not comfortable and beautiful, but this ring shape of hearing aid look more like a small and exquisite fashion decoration. When people use it, they only need to press the finger wearing the ring on the head and realize listening by using the bone conduct directly the sound to the brain. This action is natural and without psychological burden.
导轨灯 track lamp这是一款炫酷感十足的导轨灯,超薄的机身打破了传统的造型形式。造型上还采用了优美流畅的线条,试图把产品塑造得富有艺术感,而不仅仅是个只有功能性的导轨灯,使导轨灯同时具备了观赏性和使用价值。 This is a cool sense of the full track lights, thin body shape to break the traditional form. Modeling also uses a graceful flowing lines, trying to get rich artistic shaping the product, rather than a guide only functional lights, so light rail along with the ornamental and use value.
净水器 water purifier这个高端定位的台式净水器,在设计上主要运用方和圆两种最基本的几何形态,塑造极简的国际设计风。通过高品质的拉丝质感和层次丰富的显示效果,打破了传统净水器的设备感,将净水器重新定义为厨房家电,突出其在自饮水系统里的重要性和价值感。 This high-end positioning of desktop water purifier, mainly used in the design of square and round two basic geometry, shape international design minimalist style. Through high-quality brushed texture and rich layers display, breaking the traditional sense of the water purifier equipment, water purifiers will redefine kitchen appliances, highlighting its importance and sense of self-worth of drinking water systems.
无线充电蓝牙音响Wireless charging bluetooth stereo设计师以不对称的设计手法塑造产品造型,使产品的设计感十足;同时融入半包裹的形式,增加了产品的层次感;又结合了炫酷的触控界面和变化丰富的灯光效果,更显示出产品的时尚感、科技感。 Designers asymmetric shape product modeling design techniques to make full sense of design products; while incorporating semi-wrapped form, increasing the layering of products; then combines the cool touch interface and extensive changes in lighting effects, and more showing fashion sense, sense of technology.
游戏机 PSP设计师从钢铁侠的造型中获取灵感,以此为出发点,融入了时尚的苹果风元素,并结合了收腰的处理手法,设计出了整个PSP造型。而在局部处理上,设计师采用了渐消面的特征,为产品增色不少,使得产品更薄、更酷。 Designers draw inspiration from the shape of Iron Man, as a starting point, into a stylish Apple style elements and a combination of handling waist, designed the entire PSP style. And in the local treatment, using a feature designer fading face for the product considerably, making the product thinner, cooler.
遥控器 emote-controller此遥控器,采用流动的线条和柔和的曲面造型,使整个机身完全贴合手掌表面,让用户有一个舒适的手感,达到极致的使用体验。 This remote control with flowing lines and soft curved shape, so that the whole body is completely fit the palm surface, allowing users to have a comfortable feel, to achieve the ultimate user experience.
医疗器械medical equipment简洁、平板化的设计形式,使得产品的整体感更强。结合人机工程学,并在设计中充分考虑了人的使用体验、使用感受,充分体现出人性化的设计理念。 Simple, flat design forms, making the overall feeling stronger product. Combine ergonomics, and full consideration in the design of the human experience, the use of feelings, which fully reflects the humanization design.
空气净化器 air purifiers本设计采用空气流动般优美的肌理,人们很容易由此联想到清新的空气从皮肤表面拂过的感觉,让人从视觉的感受获得触觉的享受,与产品的功能相得益彰。同时,不对称的设计形式,更好的突显了产品的现代感和时尚感。 This design uses air flow like a beautiful texture, it is easy to think about all the fresh air blowing through the feeling from the skin surface, people get enjoyment from tactile visual experience, with the product's features complement each other. Meanwhile, asymmetrical design in the form of better highlights the modern and stylish products.
直饮机 drinking machine”智能生态净化机”是这款全新的产品,在设计上以模块化组合形式,展现独特的空间感。配合智能显示面板与金属化机身,打破传统的单体产品形式。“智能生态净化机”能够提供我们需要的良好空气,适宜温度,优质水源,体现出对未来健康生活的展望。 "Smart Eco-purifying machine" is this new product portfolio designed in a modular form, show the unique sense of space. With intelligent display panel with metal fuselage, breaking the traditional single product form. It can provide what we need good air, suitable temperature, water quality, reflecting the vision of the future of healthy living. ![.](http://www.szidf.com/uploadfile/2014/0709/20140709015243464.jpg)