埃克森美孚ExxonMobil系列PP型号特点简介;PP(聚丙烯)英文名称:Polypropylene。它是一种高密度、无侧链、高结晶必的线性聚合物,具有优良的综合性能。未着色时呈白色半透明,蜡状;比聚乙烯轻。透明度也较聚乙烯好,比聚乙烯刚硬。PP是一种半结晶性材料。它比PE要更坚硬并且有更高的熔点。由于均聚物型的PP温度高于0℃以上时非常脆,因此许多商业的PP材料是加入1~4%乙烯的无规则共聚物或更高比率乙烯含量的钳段式共聚物。共聚物型的PP材料有较低的热扭曲温度(100℃)、更高的透明度、低光泽度、低刚性,但是有有更强的抗冲击强度。PP的冲击强度随着乙烯含量的增加而增大。PP的维卡软化温度为150℃。由于结晶度较高,这种材料的表面刚度和抗划痕特性很好。 埃克森美孚ExxonMobil系列PP同系列通用型号介绍LD 051.LQ blown film resin is a fractional melt index grade designedLD 071 Series case wrap film resins combine good processability with excellent strengthLD 100 series are LDPE grades, offering a good balance of optical and mechanical properties. LD 100.BW is a LDPE grade, offering a good balance of optical and mechanical properties. LD 100BW is a LDPE containing low antioxidants suitable for the production of LV and MV crosslinkedLD 104BR is an LDPE grade, which offers good optical properties combined with increased stiffness.LD 105 resins are homopolymer packaging film resins designed for applications requiring outstandingLD 129.24 is a medium density homopolymer film resin with good clarity and excellent stiffness. LD 136.MN is a homopolymer film resin with good clarity. LD 150 series are LDPE grades, offering good blend mechanical properties and stiffness.LD 151 series LDPE grades offer an excellent combination of high clarity with high stiffness.LD 151 BW LDPE grades offer an excellent combination of high clarity with high stiffness. LD 152BW is an LDPE grade offering an excellent combination of optical properties and stiffness.LD 158 series are LDPE grades, specially designed for lamination and co-extruded films. LD 159AC is an LDPE grade, which offers good draw down combined with good mechanical strength.LD 160 series are LDPE grades, which offer good draw down and optical properties.LD 171BA is an LDPE grade, which offers good film rigidity combined with very good optical properties.LD 200.48 is a general purpose LDPE extrusion coating grade, designed for flexible packagingLD 250 is an LDPE extrusion coating grade, especially designed for low speed extrusion coatingLD 302 resins are 3.5 wt% vinyl acetate copolymer, high clarity film resins. 我公司专业经营埃克森美孚ExxonMobil系列PP,货源稳定、现货库存、质量保证,原厂原包,假一赔十。可提供SGS、ROHS、UL黄卡、MSDS、FDA、COC、PDF物性表等各项数据,欢迎来电洽谈! 公司承诺:1、可提供原料出厂证明和物性表,UL黄卡,ROHS报告,SGS等资料、品质保证;2、提供塑胶原料国内一般贸易开17%增值税发票,最优质的售后服务与技术支持。3、凡在我司购买材料均可以提供能力范围内技术支持,提供相关环保等资料。4、本公司原料25公斤起订,批量可折扣,款到发货或货到付款,珠三角一天内到达,国内各地3-4天到货.(物流运送所有货物都有套外保护袋,验货时可拆开)。5、本公司所售原料均为原厂原包装正牌料,杜绝一切副牌料,不开封,无破损! 签订购销合同和质量保证,长期合作!6、品种齐全,公司有独立和完善的进货渠道,质量保证,货源稳定。7、质量保证,公司被政府评为塑胶市场诚信经营商户。8、顾客至上,服务优质,公司注重人才引进和培养,重视吸收优秀大学生团队,与时俱进实力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保证产品质量。坚守诚信为本,以质量求生存,以服务求发展,精诚合作,互利双赢!欢迎广大朋友面议洽谈、或来电咨询,携手合作,共创美好未来!