Some common troubleshooting meth that need to be known before purchasing a touch one machine for emergency management in special cases. 1, normal shutdown sequence: Start menu - turn off the computer, don't switch off the computer directly from the power supply, causing the loss of data or hard drive damage.. 2 no signal input: Check if the computer has turned on; Signal transmission lines are not damaged or released signs; The source is correct (the source is the current input signal to the connection port of the device). 3, touch screen calibration: Start - control panel - small icons display --TabletPC-- touch screen calibration; Start - all program --Timelink-- touch screen calibration. 4, touch no response: Check touch line: touch line is the USB line, see if loose or damage; Touch the box is blocked: clean the dust or debris around the frame, because it will block the touch screen emitted from the infrared. A piece of precious wood maintenance results will decay, a diamond do not wipe clean forever do not shine, even touch sent quality excellent touch one machine is in accordance with the regulations governing the use of operation and regular maintenance, to avoid the fault occurrence and treatment in a timely manner.