LC 导热硅胶片是高性能间隙填充导热材料,主要用于电子设备与散热片或产品
外壳间的传递界面。LC 导热硅胶片具有良好的粘性、柔性、良好的压缩性能以及
以达到接触充分,散热效果明显增加。LC 导热硅胶片具有一定的微粘性,相比普通
LC thermal conductive silicon pad is high-performance, thermal conductive
gap filling materials, mainly for thetransmission interface between the electronic
equipment and heat sink or product outer coving. Nice stickiness,flexibility, good
compression performance and excellent heat conductivity are designed for LC
series , which make the products can discharge gas from the electronic original
and heat sink, to achieve fully conforming and obviously cooling effect. compared
to common thermal conductive & insulating materials, LC series has certain
stickiness which bring great convenience in the product installation processing,
not easy to fall off and easy to operate