塑料 10 聚氨酯硬质泡沫塑料力学性能 聚氨酯硬质泡沫塑料力学性能试验方法 GJB1585A-2004 11 密度 塑料 非泡沫塑料密度的测定第1部分:浸渍法、液体比重瓶法和滴定法 GB/T
Shore Hardness Type A ASTM
D2240-05(2010) BS 2782-3:1981 365B
(已作废,被BS EN ISO 868-2003 AMD.1-2003取代 )ISO 868-2003 GB/T 2411-2008 邵氏D型硬度
Shore Hardness Type D ASTM
D2240-05(2010) BS 2782-3:1981 365B
(已作废,被BS EN ISO 868-2003 AMD.1-2003取代 )ISO 868-2003 GB/T 2411-2008 洛氏硬度
D785-08 ISO 2039-2:1987 JIS K7202-2:2001 GB/T 3398.2-2008 巴氏硬度
Barcol HardnessASTM
D2583-13a GB/T 3854-2005 拉伸强度
Tensile StrengthASTM D638-10 ASTM D1784-11 Section11.3
(PVC/CPVC)ISO 527-2:2012 GB/T 1040.2:2006 JIS K 7113:1995
K7162-1994(R2011)取代)ISO 6259-3:1997
(Polyolefin pipe)GB/T 8804.3-2003
Elongation at breakASTM D638-10 ISO 527-2:2012 GB/T 1040.2-2006 ISO 6259-3:1997
(Polyolefin pipes)GB/T 8804.3-2003
Tensile ModulusASTM
D638-10 ASTM D1784-11 Section11.3
(IDT ASTM D638)ISO 527-2:2012 GB/T 1040.2:2006 泊松比
Poisson ratioISO
527-2:2012 GB/T 1040.2:2006 ASTM D638-10 弯曲强度
Flexural StrengthASTM D790-10
Method A、B ASTM D229-13 Section 12~24
(IDT ASTM D638)ISO 178-2010, AMD.1-2013
Method A、BGB/T 9341-2008 DIN 53452:1977
(已作废,被DIN EN ISO 178-2013取代)弯曲模量
Flexural modulusASTM D790-10
Method A ASTM D229-09b Section 12~24
(IDT ASTM D638)ISO 178-2010 Method A、B GB/T 9341-2008 悬臂梁冲击强度
IZOD Impact StrengthASTM D256-10(有缺口) Method A、C、E ASTM D229-13 Section 26
(电绝缘用的硬板材)ASTM D1784-11 Section11.4
(PVC/CPVC)ASTM D4812-11(无缺口) ISO 180:2000,AMD 2:2013 GB/T 1843-2008 JIS K7110-1999 简支梁冲击强度
CHARPY Impact StrengthGB/T
(玻璃纤维增强塑料)ASTM D6110-10(有缺口) ISO 179-1-2010 GB/T 1043.1-2008 小试样冲击强度
Dynstat Impact StrengthDIN
53435-1983 低温环境中的悬臂梁和简支梁冲击强度
IZOD and CHARPY Impact Strength in Low temperature
Environment参考上述悬臂梁和简支梁测试标准 压缩强度
Compressive StrengthASTM
D695-10 ISO 604-2002 GB/T 1041-2008 压缩模量
Compressive ModulusASTM
D695-10 ISO 604-2002 GB/T 1041-2008 落锤冲击强度
Falling Weight Impact StrengthASTM
D5420-10(硬质塑料) ASTM D4226-01(2013)
Taber Abrasion ResistanceASTM
D1044-13(透明塑料) ISO 9352-2012 GB/T 5478-2008 穿孔剪切强度
Shear Strength by PunchASTM D732-10 密度
(Immersion Method)
Method A、BISO 1183-1:2012 Method A
(Immersion Method)GB/T 1033.1-2008 Method A
(浸泡法)JIS-K-7112:1999 Method A BS 2782-6:1991
Methods 620A-620D
Method A
(已作废,被BS ISO 1183-1:2012取代)DIN 53479:1976 Method A
(已作废,被DIN EN ISO 175-2011取代)熔融指数
Melt index(MI)ISO
Procedure A、BGB/T 3682-2000
Method A、BJIS-K-7210:1999 ASTM D1238-13
Procedure A,B,C流动速率比
Flow rate ratioISO
1133-1:2011 GB/T 3682-2000 ASTM D1238-13 Procedure D 热变形温度
Heat deflection temperature(HDT)ASTM
D648-07 ISO 75-2:2013 GB/T 1634.2-2004 GB/T 17748-2008
(建筑幕墙用铝塑复合板)ASTM D1784-11 Section11.5
Vicat softening temperature(VST)ASTM
D1525-09 ISO 306:2004 GB/T 1633-2000 IEC 60065:2011 Table 3 note f GB/T 8802-2001
(塑料管材、管件)ISO 2507.1-1995
ISO 2507.2-1995
(塑料管材、管件)BS EN ISO 8442-1 Section 6.5
(餐厨用刀具、容器)EN 1329-1:2000 Section 8
(PVC-U管及管件)EN 727:1994
Brittleness temperatureASTM
D746-13 ISO 974-2000 GB/T 5470-2008 透光率
Luminous transmittance ASTM
Method AGB/T 2410-2008
Method AJIS
K7361-1:1997 ISO 13468-1:1996 雾度
Method AGB/T 2410-2008
Method AISO 14782-1999,Cor 1.2005 JIS K7136: 2000 镜面光泽度
Specular glossASTM D2457-13 ASTM D523-08 GB/T 8807-88 吸水率
Water AbsorptionASTM
D570-98(2010)e1 ASTM D349-13 Section 26-27
(电绝缘层压棒)ASTM D229-13 Section 27
(IDT ASTM D570)ISO 62-2008 JIS K7209:2000 GB/T 1034-2008 耐化学试剂
Chemical ResitanceASTM
D543-06 方法A
(浸泡法)GB/T 11547-2008
Resistance to environmental stress cracking(ESC)ASTM
(乙烯塑料)GB/T 1842-2008
(聚乙烯)GB/T 2951.41-2008
(电线电缆等用料)ISO 8442-1:1997 clause 6.6
Ball pressure testIEC 60695-10-2-2003,COR-2006 GB/T 5169.21-2006 模具收缩率
Shrinkage from
mold dimensionASTM
Type A/ Type D2ISO 294-4:2001,COR.1-2007 GB/T 17037.4-2003 GB/T 15585-1995 粘数
Viscosity NumberISO
(聚酰胺)GB/T 12006.1-2009
(聚酰胺)ISO 1628-5-1998
(热塑性聚酯)GB/T 1632.5-2008
Water ContentISO 15512-2008
Method B ASTM D6869-03(2011) 挥发物含量
Volatile Matter ContentASTM
Mass Loss of PlasticizerGB/T
1669-2001 尺寸稳定性
Dimensional stabilityASTM
D1710-08 Clause 12.5 机加工裁样
Specimen Preparation/ 注塑加工制样
Specimen preparation
from injection molding参考相关材料性能参数