Liaocheng Development Zone, Xinhao Material Co., Ltd., is a company specializing in the production of seamless steel tube, high pressure seamless steel pipe, alloy steel pipe, manufacturing enterprises, selling all over the country, widely used in chemical industry, aviation and nuclear power, shipbuilding, petroleum, machinery and military field, and exported to the European Union, the United States, Australia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other more than 50 countries and regions, and relates to the chemical industry, real estate and other industries. Our factory covers an area of 500 mu, building area of 46700 square meters, with a total investment of 800000000 yuan, an annual output of 500000 tons of seamless steel pipe, annual sales of 4000000000 yuan. Shandong is currently the largest seamless steel pipe production enterprises. The company is located in the beautiful North City, the famous seamless steel tube production and trade base ---- Liaocheng city development zone. Close to the Beijing Kowloon, Ji Han railway, Ji Han expressway, the territory extending in all directions, transport facilities, geographical location is extremely advantageous. Liaocheng Development Zone, Xinhao Material Co., Ltd., is a company specializing in the production of seamless steel tube, high pressure seamless steel pipe, alloy steel pipe, manufacturing enterprises, selling all over the country, widely used in chemical industry, aviation and nuclear power, shipbuilding, petroleum, machinery and military field, and exported to the European Union, the United States, Australia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other more than 50 countries and regions, and relates to the chemical industry, real estate and other industries. Our factory covers an area of 500 mu, building area of 46700 square meters, with a total investment of 800000000 yuan, an annual output of 500000 tons of seamless steel pipe, annual sales of 4000000000 yuan. Shandong is currently the largest seamless steel pipe production enterprises. The company is located in the beautiful North City, the famous seamless steel tube production and trade base ---- Liaocheng city development zone. Close to the Beijing Kowloon Railway, Jinan, Jinan Handan - Handan highway, convenient transportation, domestic lead in all directions, the geographical position is very superior.
公司位于山东省聊城市(国家级)经济开发区嫩江路中段。公司始建于1998年,占地16万平方米。现有职工660人,技术人员50余人,管理人员30人.目前主要生产碳素钢,合金钢无缝钢管。规格为5-426*0.5-60MM,长度为 2-16M 的各种类型无缝钢管,年产销售能力30万吨。公司拥有大中小型冷拔机28台,辊底式热处理炉两座,大中型穿孔机9 台和¢ 230 型热轧钢管机组三套等先进的生产设备和成熟的生产工艺。拥有现代化的科研中心,具备有力学性能测试、工艺性能测试、涡流探伤,超声波探伤、液压试验、金相检测、高精度碳硫分析等一整套的检测手段,以及一批高素质的工艺技术人员和检验人员
聊城拥有亚洲最大的钢管市场,聊城钢管市场内拥有1000多家生产销售公司。具有,全国钢管规格最全、钢管数量最多之称。一些优秀企业公司,正在进一步完善配套服务,打造金融服务、电子信息发布、网络平台交易、物流配送为一体的市场,以市场贸易进一步推动聊城钢管产业的发展。当然,要把钢管产业做大做强,就要继续优化产业结构,精心培育特色钢管产业基地,促进产业集聚,实现产业的跨越式发展。聊城大小钢管制造厂家达200余家,可生产Φ12~~Φ426系列的无缝管;生产Φ4~~Φ1020焊接钢管。均以通过ISO技术认证,年生产量40000万吨!可为用户加工定做各种非标特殊型号的大口径无缝管、螺旋管、20#、Q235、16mn方矩管。同时常年经营包头、成都、天津、衡阳、宝钢、西宁、鞍山、冶钢、安钢、新兴、本溪等几大钢厂的无缝钢管等管道产品,同时与以上钢厂常年保持业务联系。可经营6-820各种规格型号的无缝钢管,公司常年备有大量现货库存供客户选择。是专业经营无缝钢管的大型物资流通企业 , 在钢管行业中有较高的信誉,库存多, 常年经营成钢、冶钢、鞍钢、包钢、天津等 厂生产的优质无缝钢管, 规格齐全,保质保量。