“SHK 105℃高纹波电流长寿命电解电容,低阻抗 30005000小时”详细介绍 SHKSERIESKNSCHA ● 105℃ High ripple current , Low Impedance.Long Life ● 3000 hours guaranteed for ΦD ≦Φ8; 5000 hous guaranteed for ΦD =Φ10 ● 7000 hours guaranteed for ΦD ≧Φ13 ◆SPECIFICATIONS Item 项目Characteristics 特性 Operating Temperatureange使用温度范围-40 ~ +105℃ Voltage Range 电压等级6.3 ~100 V.DC Nominal Cap. Range 标称容量范围6.8~ 18000 μF Capacitance Tolerance静电容量允许差- 20% ~ + 20% (at 20℃, 120Hz) Leakage Current 漏电流I = 0.01CV or 3(μA) whichever is greater.(after 2 minutes) where,I: Max Leakage Current(μA), C: Nominal Capacitance(μF), V: Rated Voltage(V) (at 20℃) Dissipation Factor (tanδ)(at 120Hz, +20℃) 损耗角 WV6.3101625355063100 tanδ0. Add 0.02 per 1,000 μF for more than 1,000μF items . Low Temp. ImpedanceStability at 120Hz 阻抗稳定性 W.V.6.3101625 ~ 100 Z(-25℃)/Z(+20℃)4322 Z(-40℃)/Z(+20℃)8643 Impedance( Ω )See case size table High Temp. Load Test 高温负荷测试After ΦD ≦Φ8: 3000 hours; ΦD=Φ10: 5000 hours; ΦD≧Φ13: 7000 hours application of DC rated working voltage at +105℃, the capacitor shall meet the following limits. Capacitance change … ≦±20% of the initial measured value Tan δ …≦200% of the initial specified value DC leakage current …≦ the initial specified value High Temp. Non-Load Test 高温,非负载测试 After storage for 1000 hours at 105℃ with no voltage applied ,voltage treatment of JIS-C-5102 article 4-4 is to be given and then measurement shall be made, at which time requirements specified in the table "High Temperature Loading" can be met. ◆DRAWING Unit: (mm) ΦD56.3810131618 P2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 Φd0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 β+1.5 α+0.5 ▼MULTIPLIER FOR RIPPLE CURRENT (1) Frequeny coefficient(2) Temperature coefficient Freq.(HZ)1201K10K100KAmbient 40607085105 Cap(μF)Temperature(℃) 6.8~6800.490.730.921.00Coefficient2.40 2.10 1.78 1.65 1.00 820~18000.600.800.961.00 2200~180000.700.850.981.00
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