深圳海洋王直销RJW7101手提式防爆探照灯 强光手电筒厂家
适用于石油、石化、船舶、、电力、冶金等行业工作人员作现场移动照明使用。 适用于铁路、航运及其他交通运输业,特殊行业作为信号指示和安全指示。
深圳海洋王直销RJW7101手提式防爆探照灯 强光手电筒厂家
※安全防爆: 本安型最高防爆等级,可在各种易燃易爆场所安全工作。
※功能完善: 具有工作光、强光、信号频闪等三种功能模式设计,轻按开关可自由转换,操作简单方便。
※高效节能: 采用固态免维护LED光源,光效高,聚光好,平均使用寿命长达100000小时。有冷白、暖白两种不同色温的光源,用户可根据实际需要进行选择。
※可靠实用: 特制镍氢电池组无记忆、无污染、容量高、寿命长、性能安全稳定,自放电率低,一次充电强光可连续工作8小时以上。
※防水耐用: 外壳采用进口高硬度合金材料,具有极高的抗强力碰撞和冲击能力;密封性好,有防水功能。
※专业智能: 灯具内配置有电池过放、过充及短路保护装置,智能型充电器设有过充、短路保护和充电显示装置。
※灵活方便: 外表面经阳极氧化处理,造型轻盈美观,携带有手持、肩挎两种方式,携带方便,操作灵活。
深圳海洋王直销RJW7101手提式防爆探照灯 强光手电筒厂家
※RJW7101光源:工作电压:12v 电流:700mA(强光) 350mA(工作光)
※RJW7101光通量:300lm(强光) 150lm(工作光)
※RJW7101连续放电时间(LED2×3w/LED3×3w):强光:8h 工作光:16h 频闪光:10h

I was only looking for the treasure in the dark
Not the tree's and people in the middle of the park
But the treasures buried beneath years and years of time
He put his hand in my hand and he told me, "Son
When they all come looking for you, where you gonna run?
Your hearts wired up to the eyes in your head and they're flashing bright."
Be careful what you wish for when you're young
Be careful what you wish for when you're young
I signed a deal with the devil and he took my soul
To a room with a table in the dark and cold.
I signed my name just the same as I’d done on the line before.
I was in the middle of the cliff and the sea
with a ditch right behind me that the bitch couldn't see
She came right at me with her teeth and her dress
And they both fell of
Be careful what you wish for when you're young
Be careful what you wish for when you're young