VERTEX Precision Pneumatic Ang-Fixed Power Vice VMC-SERIES 鹰牌铣床配件: 精密机械虎钳,分度盘, 鹰牌铣床配件: 精密机械虎钳,油压,磨刀机鹰牌液压虎钳, MC虎钳, 鹰牌铣床配件: 磨刀机精密机械虎钳,分度头,夹头, 鹰牌万能夹具,鹰牌U2磨刀机, 夾鉗卡盤鹰牌铣床配件:精密机械虎钳,鹰牌磨床配件: 鹰牌冲子研磨器, U2磨刀机,砂轮修整器,磁盘/钳, U2磨刀机,鹰牌磁性座,夾鉗卡盤,消磁器, U2磨刀机,磁性工具系列, 鹰牌磁铁过滤机,大理石鹰牌检测定盘,U2磨刀机,鹰牌刀杆,筒夹系列:筒夹, U2磨刀机, 夾鉗卡盤,夹头鹰牌,钻夹头, U2磨刀机,鹰牌搪孔器系列,气动式悬臂攻牙机, 鹰牌攻牙主轴 ,鹰牌切削中心机配件系列: NC分度盘,尾座,夾鉗卡盤,鹰牌 MC虎钳,底座,角度座,鹰牌油雾吸尘清净机,鹰牌车 台灣鷹牌氣動角固虎鉗 Suitable for mass production and to be used on machine centers,Milling machines, drilling machines and special purpose machines.磨刀机,鹰牌刀杆,筒夹系列:筒夹, U2磨刀机, 夾鉗卡盤,夹头鹰牌,钻夹头, U2磨刀机,鹰牌搪孔器系列,气动式悬臂攻牙机, 鹰牌攻牙主轴 ,鹰牌切削中心机配件系列: NC分度盘,尾座,夾鉗卡盤,鹰牌 MC虎钳,底座,角度座,鹰牌油雾吸尘清净机,鹰牌 The greatest safety distance of clamping: MOVE FAST! The switch speed is only 1.5 seconds, and the safety distance of clamping can be up to 8mm. We design the hand wheel safety line in addition for anyone to distinguish the clamping safety distance of tools from exceeding the limit easily by eyes. Down trust “semi-spherical segment” mechanism eliminates jaw liffing and work-piece liffing. The material of the vise itself adopts the one-step design of highductility graphitized casting iron (FCD-60), and the starting rail of the two sides experiences hardening heat treatment (HRC-45*) that can assure good performance on precision, wear-resisting, and tension-resisting.鹰牌铣床配件: 精密机械虎钳,分度盘, 鹰牌铣床配件: 精密机械虎钳,油压,磨刀机鹰牌液压虎钳, MC虎钳, 鹰牌铣床配件: 磨刀机精密机械虎钳,分度头,夹头, 鹰牌万能夹具,鹰牌U2磨刀机, 夾鉗卡盤 If the source of air pressure is under low pressure exertion of 8kgf/ c㎡, it can achieve the super strong clamping capacity of 9000 kg/ c㎡. The clamping capacity from 0~9000kg/ c㎡ can be freely set and adjust via pressure regulator. 鹰牌铣床配件:精密机械虎钳,鹰牌磨床配件: 鹰牌冲子研磨器, U2磨刀机,砂轮修整器,磁盘/钳, U2磨刀机,鹰牌磁性座,夾鉗卡盤,消磁器, U2磨刀机,磁性工具系列, 鹰牌磁铁过滤机,大理石鹰牌检测定盘,U2 Automatically seeking the highest source of air pressure: When the pressure regulator sets the regulator sets the required pressure, it will not be out of order because the source of air pressure is low. COOPERATION, ACCURACY,RESPONSIBILITY,SPEED,INNOVATION, C.A.RE.S. VERTEX THE BEST YOU CAN TRUST! 车床配件:夾鉗卡盤,高速活动顶针, 鹰牌夹头, U2磨刀机,卡盘, 鹰牌夹盘配件,夾鉗卡盤,3/4爪夹头,软爪, 鹰牌硬爪,VDI刀杆,鹰牌义车车刀架,夾鉗卡盤鹰牌特殊精密机械:精密端/立铣刀研磨机,精密鹰牌鑚头研磨机,磨刀机,夾鉗卡盤, 机械虎钳 Tw, taiwan,MC power vise Milling machine accessories: machinery,industrial vise,clamping kit,机床附件, 台灣鷹牌,万能倾斜vise,內外藏, vise強力油壓,倍力增壓, vise角固,K型Tw, taiwan,,超開口,MC橫立兩用,机床附件,分度盤, ,rotary table,piding head,hydraulic vise, precision pneumatic,mechanical vise,台灣横立两用分度盘, ,头,台湾厂,可倾斜分度盘,头Tw, taiwan,,machine, 分度盘、分度头production台湾,机床附件vise,鹰牌,manufacturing, 台湾虎鉗可倾斜分度盘,taiwan, 分度盘, vise分度头,供应,台鹰牌回转工作台Tw, taiwan,, machine free vise,power feed,milling倍力增压,角固,K型,超开口,MC虎钳供应vise, 床附件, Tw, taiwan,台灣鷹牌,万能倾斜,內外藏,強力油壓, 鹰牌,万能 |