
销售部电话: 0512-69579139
传真: 0512-69574139
手机: 18013529139

逆止或閥 Check Valve逆止或閥系列 Check Valve 此元件可執行「或」之功能,也就是說,假如有至少一個的信號出現,則即會有一輸出信號產生。 This device has “OR” logic function, ie, when at least 1 signal is detected, an output signal will be generated. 或閥用於從不同的位置來控制閥或氣壓缸時之用,亦用於「或」邏輯迴路上。 或閥有2輸入口(X,Y)及一輸出口(A)。它會自動封住沒有受壓之一端,如果兩個入口同時有信號,則較高之信號將接通至輸出口A上。 This “OR” valve can be applied to control Pneumatic Valve or Control Valve at different positions, also can be applied to the “OR” logic circuit. There are 2 Input Ports (X,Y) and 1 Output Port (A). It will automatically close the input port which is no pressure loading, if 2 input ports detect pressure signals simultaneously, it will take the stronger signal and open the output port for it. 此元件可執行「或」之功能,也就是說,假如有至少一個的信號出現,則即會有一輸出信號產生。 This device has “OR” logic function, ie, when at least 1 signal is detected, an output signal will be generated. 或閥用於從不同的位置來控制閥或氣壓缸時之用,亦用於「或」邏輯迴路上。 或閥有2輸入口(X,Y)及一輸出口(A)。它會自動封住沒有受壓之一端,如果兩個入口同時有信號,則較高之信號將接通至輸出口A上。 This “OR” valve can be applied to control Pneumatic Valve or Control Valve at different positions, also can be applied to the “OR” logic circuit. There are 2 Input Ports (X,Y) and 1 Output Port (A). It will automatically close the input port which is no pressure loading, if 2 input ports detect pressure signals simultaneously, it will take the stronger signal and open the output port for it. |
Flow Control Valve
Flow Control Valve
This valve is combined with Non Return Valve and Throttle, When air flows from P to A, throttle will activate to control flow. When air flows from A to P, air will directly pass through the no-return valve without restriction. This valve is used to control the moving speed at 2 directions of the pneumatic cylinder.
《產品介紹 note》:
型式/Type | ORS01/3-SUS |
操作壓力/OPERATING PRESSURE | 0.5~70 bar |
環境溫度/TEMPERATURE RANGE | -15~80℃ |
適用流體/SUITABLE FLUID | 一般中性流體 General neutral fluid |
通過面積/ AREA | 78mm2 |
通過孔徑/NORMAL DIAMETER | 10mm |
牙口徑/ CONNECTION | PT 3/8” |
材質/MATERIAL | 閥體/ VALVE BODY | 不銹鋼/SUS |
油封/ SEAL | 丁睛橡膠/Perbunan |
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