中华尊驰 骏捷FRV FSV CROSS全系车型后备箱卡扣批发A13
产品用途(Application) |
目前广泛应用于汽车面壳、面板,LED灯具,展示架,PC板及机板之固定,或者散热器或者风扇固定,取代螺丝,不需工具即可完成装配. 特点是容易固定,提高生产效率。该产品具有重量轻、体积小、美观、环保、不生锈、安装方便、快捷等优点。颜色有黑色,白色,自然色,还可按照客户所需颜色调色,规格齐全。 Nylon rivet is widely applied to fasten and fix auto panels, LED lamps, display racks, PC board, machineboards, radiators fans, etc. It replaces screws in function and easily to mount without tools.The rivet is easily to be fixed and greatly improve productivity; it is light in weight, small in size, artistic,environmental protected, stainless, conveniently and fast to mount. It is complete in spec. with perse color (asblack, white, and natural, etc.) in supply; moreover, the color can be customized. |
产品性能(Function) |
该系列产品为单体式尼龙铆钉只有一个部件。作用是对两个分离的物件起到铆合作用。主要利用尼龙材料本身的弹性和记忆性能,从而实现其连接和紧固的功能。安装时只需轻推即可,推入孔内时钉肋会反向钩住产品从而锁定,安全可靠;无需使用安装工具,易手工安装,省时、快捷。 Nylon rivet has only one part completely; it functions to riveting two separated parts. The nylon rivet realizesthe function of connection and fastening by utilizing the flexibility and shape memory of nylon material. Youneed just lightly push to mount,as the fins of rivet will hook up the parts on opposite direction and then it will be fixed;it is safe, reliable and time effective, which can be easily and fast to mount without tools. |
南宫宏达汽车塑料卡扣经销处:经销批发:塑料扣具,塑料卡扣,塑料铆钉,塑料固定扣,塑胶扣具,塑胶卡扣,塑胶铆钉,塑胶固定扣,汽车卡扣,汽车铆钉,汽车固定扣,汽车扣件,汽车扣具,汽车内饰扣,汽车扣钉,汽车塑料卡扣,汽车塑料件,汽车塑胶件,尼龙卡扣,尼龙铆钉,尼龙固定扣,尼龙扣件,尼龙扣具,尼龙内饰扣,尼龙展示扣,倒刺铆钉,展示架铆钉,树形铆钉,树形卡扣,树形固定扣,树形扣具,树形扣件,尼龙膨胀铆钉,尼龙膨胀螺丝,塑胶膨胀铆钉,塑胶膨胀螺钉,旋转铆钉,推进式铆钉,旋转卡扣,推进式卡扣,旋转扣件,旋转扣件,推进式扣件,推进式扣具等塑料连接件产品,汽车塑料内外装饰件,塑料卡扣、汽车塑料卡钉,接插件,定位卡,固定扣,卡扣,汽车胶钉.内饰扣.穿心钉,条子钉.密封条塑料钉扣,尼龙铆钉.扣具.雨刮器帽.发动机盖胶堆胶扣堵塞、塑料钉、孔盖、油管夹,双管卡子,四管卡子,门护板卡扣,顶蓬拄塞卡扣,遮阳板管卡,子母扣,地毯卡扣 ,包角卡扣,顶棚卡扣,玻璃大托架,玻璃后托架,中网大、小卡扣、轮毂罩内、外卡扣,隔热垫大、小卡扣,车门下水条卡扣,大灯内、外卡扣,内饰板卡扣,前档托架扣,工作台大、小卡扣,座椅卡扣,地板压条卡扣,前侧板卡扣,喷水嘴, 扎线带 喉箍等。可来图来样加工定做 南宫宏达汽车塑料卡扣经销处,品种齐全、价格合理,重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。 主营产品:汽车配件; 汽车卡扣; 塑料卡扣; 塑料扣具; 塑料铆钉; 塑料连接管; 门板扣; 塑料定位器; 塑料定位夹; 塑料快丝座; 尼龙卡扣; 油管卡; 倒刺卡扣; 叶子板卡扣; 中网卡扣; 玻璃托卡扣; 膨胀卡扣; 顶篷卡扣; 牌照扣; 门饰板卡扣等