子消防应急灯具内无独立的电池而由与之相关的母消防应急灯具供电的一组消防应急灯具。 It indicates a set of fire emergency luminaries which are powered by its related main fire emergency luminaries and there is no independent battery in the branch fire emergency luminaries.
公司核心业务是生产、销售以消防应急灯为主的IFA应急灯系列产品。 Company's core business is production and sales to the Fire Emergency Light Emergency Light IFA-based products.
航行灯,应急灯均可由主、应急电源供电。 The navigation lights and signal lights power is supplied both by main and emergency sources.
公司的消防应急灯具严格按照国家标准:GB17945-2000《消防应急灯具》设计制造。 The company's fire emergency lighting in strict accordance with the national standard: GB17945-2000 "Fire emergency lamp" design and manufacturing.
过放电保护部分启动,消防应急灯具不再起应急作用时电池的端电压。 It indicates the battery terminal voltage when the overdischarge protection started and the fire emergency luminaries can't play the role of emergency.
每层楼梯间应安装应急灯。 Emergency lights at every stairwell.
每个房间安装应急灯。 Put a security light in each room.
那些紧急事件出口标志是否装备有应急灯? Are there emergency exits signs that are equipped with emergency lights?
消防应急灯具广泛应用于各类公共场所,具有广阔的市场前景。 The emergency lighting is widely used in public buildings and has a promising future.
稍过一会,应急灯微弱的蓝光熄灭了。 A little later, the faint blue glow of the emergency lights went out.
子消防应急灯具内无独立的电池而由与之相关的母消防应急灯具供电的一组消防应急灯具。 It indicates a set of fire emergency luminaries which are powered by its related main fire emergency luminaries and there is no independent battery in the branch fire emergency luminaries.
公司核心业务是生产、销售以消防应急灯为主的IFA应急灯系列产品。 Company's core business is production and sales to the Fire Emergency Light Emergency Light IFA-based products.
航行灯,应急灯均可由主、应急电源供电。 The navigation lights and signal lights power is supplied both by main and emergency sources.
公司的消防应急灯具严格按照国家标准:GB17945-2000《消防应急灯具》设计制造。 The company's fire emergency lighting in strict accordance with the national standard: GB17945-2000 "Fire emergency lamp" design and manufacturing.
过放电保护部分启动,消防应急灯具不再起应急作用时电池的端电压。 It indicates the battery terminal voltage when the overdischarge protection started and the fire emergency luminaries can't play the role of emergency.
每层楼梯间应安装应急灯。 Emergency lights at every stairwell.
每个房间安装应急灯。 Put a security light in each room.
那些紧急事件出口标志是否装备有应急灯? Are there emergency exits signs that are equipped with emergency lights?
消防应急灯具广泛应用于各类公共场所,具有广阔的市场前景。 The emergency lighting is widely used in public buildings and has a promising future.
稍过一会,应急灯微弱的蓝光熄灭了。 A little later, the faint blue glow of the emergency lights went out.