X射线金属成份分析光谱仪 型号EDX-1000
4. 工作条件
● 工作温度:15-30℃
● 相对湿度:≤70%
● 电 源:AC: 220V ±5V
● 功 率:150W + 550W
5. 技术性能及指标:
● 元素分析范围从钠(Na)到铀(U);
● 元素含量分析范围为1 PPm到99.99%;
● 测量时间:80-120秒;
● 多次测量重复性可达0.1%;
● 能量分辨率为130±5电子伏特;
● 温度适应范围为15℃至30℃;
● 电源:交流220V±5V(建议配置交流净化稳压电源。);
● 多变量非线性去卷积曲线拟合;
● 高斯平滑滤波校正;
● 高性能FP软件、MLSQ分析;
● 一次可同时分析25个元素;
(1) X光管;
(2) 电制冷半导体探测器(SDD);
(3) 控制系统;
(4) 样品台(包含载物架,为可更换配件);
(5) 准直器;
(6) 滤光片;
(7) 高压电源系统;
(8) 样品腔 190mm*190mm×44mm ;
2. 软件:善时X荧光光谱仪成份分析软件V6.0
3. 计算机一台:品牌:联想
4. 打印机一台
(二)功能、 分析精度及稳定性:
暂时不能分析元素H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O;
1) Cu, Zn, Fe, Ni, Pb, Mn, Ti, W, Au, Ag, Sn等重金属含量的检测限达20~30ppm,对这些金属测试分析稳定的读取允许差值本仪器已达到下列标准:
A. 检测含量大于5%的元素稳定的测试读取差值小于0.1~0.2%
B. 检测含量在0.5~5%的元素稳定的测试读取差值达0.05%~0.1%
C. 检测含量在0.1~0.5%的元素稳定的测试读取差值达0.01~0.03%
D. 检测含量低于0.1%的元素测试读取变化率10~15%
2) Mg, Al, P, S, Si, As等金属成份含量的检测限达50ppm,对这些金属测试分析稳定的读取允许差值本仪器已达到下列标准:
A. 检测含量大于5%的元素稳定的测试读取差值达0.1% ~0.2%
B. 检测含量在0.5~5%的元素稳定的测试读取差值达0.05%~0.1%
C. 检测含量在0.1~0.5%的元素稳定的测试读取差值达0.01~0.03%
D. 检测含量低于0.1%的元素测试读取变化率达10~15%
3). 不锈钢牌号验证;
4). 可以检测分析样品状态:液体,固体,粉末。
(一). 产品优势
1. 可带镀层检测,一机多用省投资
2. 可检测固体、液体、粉末状态材料
3. 能检测分析多达60多种元素,一次检测可显示25种元素针对铜、铁、锌、不锈钢等任意基体做成分分析
4. 运行及维护成本低、无易损易耗品,对使用环境相对要求低
5. 可进行未知标样扫描、无标样定性,半定量分析
6. 操作简单、易学易懂、精准无损、高品质、高性能、高稳定性,快速出检测结果(40-120秒)
7. 可针对客户个性化要求量身定做辅助分析配置硬件
8. 软件终身免费升级
9. 独有专利众多,媲美国外发达国家之同类设备
2. 软件工作架构图
EDX1000型号光谱仪采用了目前国际上最先进的软件算法,基本参数法(FP)。善时公司经过近10年的开发和完善,使软件已经具备了完善的使用内容外,还具备强大的教学和科研开发功能。下面是关于光谱仪和软件的简单介绍: EDX-1000型号光谱仪软件算法的主要处理方法 1) Smoothing谱线光滑处理 2) Escape Peak Removal 逃逸峰去除 3) Sum Peak Removal 叠加峰去除 4) Background Removal 背景勾出 5) Blank Removal 空峰位去除 6) Intensity Extraction 强度提取 7) Peak Integration 图谱整合 8) Peak Overlap Factor Method 波峰叠加因素方法 9) Gaussian Deconvolution 高斯反卷积处理 10) Reference Deconvolution 基准反卷积处理
软件开发的过程中我们参考了如下文献(FP References)
(a) “Principles and Practice of X-ray Spectrometric Analysis,” 2nd Edition, by E.P. Bertin, Plenum Press, New York, NY (1975).
(b) “Principles of Quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis,” by R. Tertian and F. Claisse, Heyden & Son Ltd., London, UK (1982).
(c) “Handbook of X-Ray Spectrometry: Methods and Techniques,” eds. R.E. van Grieken and A.A. Markowicz, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York (1993).
(d) “An Analytical Algorithm for Calculation of Spectral Distributions of X-Ray Tubes for Quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis,” P.A. Pella, L. Feng and J.A. Small, X-Ray Spectrometry 14 (3), 125-135 (1985).
(e) “Addition of M- and L-Series Lines to NIST Algorithm for Calculation of X-Ray Tube Output Spectral Distributions,” P.A. Pella, L. Feng and J.A. Small, X-Ray Spectrometry 20, 109-110 (1991).
(f) “Quantification of Continuous and Characteristic Tube Spectra for Fundamental Parameter Analysis,” H. Ebel, M.F. Ebel, J. Wernisch, Ch. Poehn and H. Wiederschwinger, X-Ray Spectrometry 18, 89-100 (1989).
(g) “An Algorithm for the Description of White and Characteristic Tube Spectra (11 ≤ Z ≤ 83, 10keV ≤ E0 ≤ 50keV),” H. Ebel, H. Wiederschwinger and J. Wernisch, Advances in X-Ray Analysis, 35, 721-726 (1992).
(h) “Spectra of X-Ray Tubes with Transmission Anodes for Fundamental Parameter Analysis,” H. Ebel, M.F. Ebel, Ch. Poehn and B. Schoβmann, Advances in X-Ray Analysis, 35, 721-726 (1992).
(i) “Comparison of Various Descriptions of X-Ray Tube Spectra,” B. Schoβmann, H. Wiederschwinger, H. Ebel and J. Wernisch, Advances in X-Ray Analysis, 39, 127-135 (1992).
(j) “Relative Intensities of K, L and M Shell X-ray Lines,” T.P. Schreiber & A.M. Wims, X-Ray Spectrometry 11(2), 42 (1982).
(k) “Calculation of X-ray Fluorescence Cross Sections for K and L Shells,” M.O. Krause, E.Ricci, C.J. Sparks and C.W. Nestor, Adv. X-ray Analysis, 21, 119 (1978).
(l) X-Ray Data Booklet, Center for X-ray Optics, ed. D. Vaughan, LBL, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 (1986).
(m) “Revised Tables of Mass Attenuation Coefficients,” Corporation Scientifique Claisse Inc., 7, 1301 (1977).
(n) "Atomic Radiative and Radiationless Yields for K and L shells," M.O. Krause, J. Phys. Chem. Reference Data 8 (2), 307-327 (1979).
(o) “The Electron Microprobe,” eds. T.D. McKinley, K.F.J. Heinrich and D.B. Wittry, Wiley, New York (1966).
(p) “Compilation of X-Ray Cross Sections,” UCRL-50174 Sec II, Rev. 1, Lawrence Radiation Lab., University of California, Livermore, CA (1969).
(q) “X-ray Interactions: Photoabsorption, Scattering, Transmission, and Reflection at E = 50-30,000 eV, Z = 1-92,” B.L. Henke, E.M. Gullikson and J.C. Davis, Atomic Data and Nuclear Tables, 54, 181-342 (1993).
(r) “Reevaluation of X-Ray Atomic Energy Levels,” J.A. Bearden and A.F. Burr, Rev. Mod. Phys., 39 (1), 125-142 (1967).
(s) “Fluorescence Yields, ώk (12 ≤ Z ≤ 42) and ώl3 (38 ≤ Z ≤ 79), from a Comparison of Literature and Experiments (SEM),” W. Hanke, J. Wernisch and C. Pohn, X-Ray Spectrometry 14 (1),43 (1985).
(t) “Least-Squares Fits of Fundamental Parameters for Quantitative X-Ray Analysis as a Function of Z (11 ≤ Z ≤ 83) and E (1 ≤ E ≤ 50 keV),” C. Poehn, J. Wernisch and W. Hanke, X-Ray Spectrometry 14 (3),120 (1985).
(u) “Calculation of X-Ray Fluorescence Intensities from Bulk and Multilayer Samples,” D.K.G. de Boer, X-Ray Spectrometry 19, 145-154 (1990).
(v) “Theoretical Formulas for Film Thickness Measurement by Means of Fluorescence X-Rays,” T. Shiraiwa and N. Fujino, Adv. X-Ray Analysis, 12, 446 (1969).
(w) “X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Multiple-Layer Films,” M. Mantler, Analytica Chimica Acta, 188, 25-35 (1986).
(x) “General Approach for Quantitative Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Analysis Based on Fundamental Parameters,” F. He and P.J. Van Espen, Anal. Chem., 63, 2237-2244 (1991).
(y) “Quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Single- and Multi-Layer Thin Films,” Thin Solid Films 157, 283 (1988).
(z) “Fundamental-Parameter Method for Quantitative Elemental Analysis with Monochromatic X-Ray Sources,” presented at 25th Annual Denver X-ray Conference, Denver, Colorado (1976).
4. 稳定性分析数据
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6. 保修期内,提供全天 24小时(包含节假日)技术支持及现场维护服务。在接到设备故障报修后,提供远程故障解决方案(1小时内), 如有需要,24小时内派人上门维修和排除故障。