Vacuum hot water boiler furnace heating medium (boiler), in the whole process of boiler operation, not, not, it does not increase, reduction, only enclosed in a vacuum chamber of the boiler in the boiler of the heat transfer tube and a heat exchanger between heat transfer. The heat medium furnace is fully deoxidized pure water, no corrosion, no scale, so that the service life of the boiler for more than 20 years or even longer. Since the boiler is in the overall operation of the negative pressure, it is absolutely safe.
● 安全保障:负压状态下运行,100%安全。
● 使用寿命:20年以上(半永久性)。
● 使用寿命:国家明文规定无需报批年检。
● 使用地点:可放地下室、楼顶、绿化带;只需人员兼守。
● 锅炉配备国际先进的进口燃烧器,燃烧充分,烟气中的有害成分低于国家标准,属于环保产品。