YCA 标准型 Standard style
YCAN 充液耐震型 Vibration-proof type
● 耐压10MPa
● 耐震型
● 长尾隔膜
● 各种安装形式
● Withstanding pressure10MPa
● Vibration-proof type
● Capillary diaphragm
● Multifold mounting type
Mainly used for measuring the difference between two pressure values, in the plus and minus ends of filter, the level of liquid, the entrance and exit of pump, oil pipeline, gas pipeline and high pressure pump station and so on. It is excellent while overpressure take place, also suitable for corrosion environments.
执行标准:Q/YG BBI009-2005
精度: 1.6%, 2.5% (高于 0.1MPa可选 1.6级)
表头形式:外径 100,150 密闭型干表(充油 YCAN可选)
膜片材质:316L(负压膜片) 316Ti(正压膜片)
动压: 0.7×满量程
过压保护:双边耐压达到 10 MPa
温度漂移:随介质温度每变化± 10℃, 指针指示位置漂移± 0.8%
仪表量程:16KPa、25KPa、40KPa⋯⋯600kPa (见规格代码表)
表连接: M20 ×1.5 G1/2” NPT1/2, NPT1/4内螺纹(不配三阀组时)另外还可以做成长尾法兰连接、长尾螺纹连接、隔膜长尾法兰连接(主要用于粘稠介质或特殊材料膜片)。
表盘:铝,白地黑字 (表盘可以根据用户要求设计为非标形式)仪表应配三阀组或五阀组使用。
表壳充油: YCAN 充填硅油;YCA为干式
Executive standard: Q/YG BBI009-2005
Accuracy: 1.6%, 2.5%
Window: laminated safe glass
Pointer: aluminium, black, zero adjustable
Case: DS100, 150 airtight type dry gauge (oil filled YCAN available)
Protection: IP65
Diaphragm material: 316L(for negative pressure)316Ti(for positive pressure)
Process connection: 316ss
Case material: 304SS
Movement: stainless steel 304ss
The material of blow out vent and filling plug: oil resistant rubber
Steady: full scale value
Fluctuating: 0.7 × FS
Overpressure protection: both ends support 10 MPa
Operate temperature: -20℃~60℃
Thermal drift: ± 0.8% every ± 10℃ of media temperature
Range: 16KPa、25KPa、40KPa⋯⋯600KPa (detail in range table)
Connection: M20× 1.5 G1/2” NPT1/2,NPT1/4 thread inside (without 3-way manifold)or capillary connection, capillary threaded connection,diaphragm capillary flanged connection (mainly used in viscous medium or diaphragm in special materials).
Dial: aluminium, white with black letters (can be made as required) The instrument should be used with 3-way manifold group or 5-way manifold.
Oil filling: YCAN Silicon filled; type YCA is dry.
差压表安装 Differential pressure gauges dimensions
(一) 后背板安装 Back mounting
Note: 1. back mounting fit for plate mounting
注:1、后背板只适合平面安装(如仪表板、机器外表平面等);(instrument plate, and outer surface etc)
2、注意平面要坚固,使差压表安装后牢固,不会发生掉落; 2.Make sure the plane and mount the
3、 特殊后背板可按客户要求出图加工或照来样加工。 differential gauge are tight, which will not fall off.
(二) 固定支架安装 Steady rest mounting
注:1、固定支架安装只适用于管道安装(横向或竖向; Note: 1. Steady rest mounting is suitable for pipe
2、注意管道的外径不能大于60mm; (horizontal or vertical)
3、 仪表可以装到支架上方或下方,方便用户自由选择。 2.Outer diameter of pipe cannot over 60mm
选型代码 code | 量程规格 ranges | 选型代码 code | 量程规格 ranges | 选型代码 code | 量程规格 ranges |
K110 | 16KPa | K192 | 100 KPa | K220 | 400KPa |
K150 | 40KPa | K196 | 160 KPa | K240 | 600KPa |
K170 | 60KPa | K200 | 250KPa | 以上量程为常见量程 |
以上量程以外规格另行商定 other rang please con snct with us
Three Valves mounting, disassembly and method of application
安装 Mounting
1. 正常使用差压表必须配三阀组或五阀组以保护差压表正常工作。
2. 差压表和三阀组用两个索母紧固。索母和差压表接头密封面应加四氟垫片。
3. 装有三阀组的差压表在使用前必须把中间阀门打开,并把正压阀门和负压阀门打开。(当P+ 和P- 任意的压力先进入时,中间阀门能起到平衡差压表两腔体内的压力的作用,以免打坏差压表。)
4. 当P+、P- 的压力正常进入三阀组后,再关闭中间阀门使差压表正常工作。如差压表表针有轻微离零属正常,只需把表针调到零位即可(注意必须用肥皂水检验所有密封口是否泄露,如有泄露必须紧固。)
5. 差压表有后背板式安装(如图)和立管固定方法。(管卡子卡到管子上)。
1. Use differential gauge must fit out three valves in order o insure it’s normalworking.
2. The differential gauge and there valves are connected by two uts tightly, nut and socket are with PTFEspacer.
3. Open the middle valve, negative pressure valve and positive ressure valve before use the differential gauge, when either of P- or P+ input, the middle valve can have equilibrium activity, and avoid to damage the gauge.
4. When P- and P+ normal input the three valves, the close the middle valve, to make the gauge works right. If the gauge’s pointer is not at zero, please adjust itto zero (note must use soap water to inspect the seal, if has leak, please tight.)
5. The differential pressure gauge has back plate mounting (see the chart) and tandpipe fixed (the pipe with clamp).
拆卸 Disassembly
1. 首先打开三阀组的中间阀门。并打开正压和负压阀门(正压负压阀门原始为打开)
2. 关闭总进气的两个阀门。(在设备的主管道上)
3. 拆下更换仪表(卸两个索母)注意用扳子卡住差压表的接头,只拆三阀组上的上索母。先松开一点放空压力,再把卡到管子上的卡子螺母松掉,并把卡子拿下。
4. 再把三阀组上的两个索母慢慢松开把差压表取下。(注意一定要两个索母同时松)
5. 把新表装上的方法同上面安装方法最好换上两个新的四氟垫 (确保不漏)
6. 把卡子卡好
7. 先开总开关(两个),再关上差压表三阀组中间的阀门(新接口用肥皂水试漏)。
8. 两分钟后把差压表表针调到零位。(如没有轻微离零不用调整)
1. Open the middle valve, negative pressure valve and positive pressure valve(negative pressure valve and positive pressure valve original state is open).
2. Close these two input valves (on the main pipe of equipment).
3. Discharge instrument (discharge two nuts), use spanner lock the socket of gauge, and just discharge the nuts on three valves.Discharge pressure, then put off the nuts and clamp.
4. Screw down the two nuts and take down the differential pressure gauge (note screw down these two nuts together)
5. Then install the new gauge (same as mounting method), change two spacers to ensure it will not leak.
6. Fix the clamp.
7. Open main switch (two), then close the middle valve. (use soap water to inspect leak)
8. Two minutes later, set the pointer at zero (if it does not out off zero, you needn’t to adjust).
注:在装表或卸表时,必须保证中间阀门和P+、P- 两个阀门全部开启,以确保仪表能正常使用。