吉林电子厂含铬废水处理/电子厂废水处理环保工程承包/原青供 重金属废水及污泥处理 简介重金属指比重大于4或5的金属,约有45种,通常的重金属污染,主要是指汞、铅、镉、铬以及砷等生物毒性显著的重金属的环境污染,还包括具有一定毒性的重金属如锌、铜、钴、镍、锡、钒等。重金属污染物难以治理,它们在水体中积累到一定的限度就会对水体一水生植物一水生动物系统产生严重危害,并可能通过食物链影响到人类的自身健康。在矿冶、机械制造、化工、电子、仪表等工业中的许多生产过程中都产生重金属废水,这些重金属污染成为关系到人类健康和生命的重大环境问题。技术特点 重金属废水处理的方法大致可以分为三大类:(1)化学法;(2)物理处理法;(3)生物处理法。化学法是目前国内外处理含重金属废水的主要方法。与常规重金属处理相比的特点原水适应性强,可对不同重金属进行处理。在重金属废水处理工艺中,采用高效络合剂反应技术,可脱除废水中99%以上的重金属。采用先进的重金属晶化处理技术,对废水分离出的络合污泥中重金属离子进行晶化反应,使排出的重金属离子完全稳定固化,不产生重金属再溶性二次污染。操作管理方便,全程自动化。
Heavy metals in waste water and sludge treatment Summary As a special waste landfill leachate, high concentrations of organic matter, high ammonia concentration, Shuizhi big change, Hou Qi poor biodegradability, the proportion of microbial imbalance, etc. Tedian Ying Yang elements, Yin Ci in the choice of La Ji leachate biological treatment process O'clock, Bixuxiangxi Ceding waste seepage filtrate of the various components of its characteristics in order to take corresponding countermeasures. After years of research and engineering practice, we developed a strong physical and chemical pretreatment + anaerobic + aerobic biological treatment process membrane treatment combinations, the treatment of landfill leachate has a good effect can adapt to all kinds of quality changes. Technical Characteristics Heavy metal wastewater treatment methods can be roughly pided into three categories: (1) chemical method; (2) physical treatment; (3) biological treatment. Chemical methods at home and abroad deal with the heavy metal-containing wastewater. Characteristics compared with conventional heavy metal processing Adaptability of raw water, Treatment of different heavy metals Heavy metals in the wastewater treatment process, efficient complexing agent reaction to the removal of more than 99% of the heavy metals in the wastewaters. Using advanced processing technology of heavy metal crystallization, crystallization reaction of heavy metal ion complexation sludge wastewater separation, the discharge of heavy metal ions completely stable curing, does not produce the heavy metal re-insoluble secondary pollution Convenience of operation, full automation. 固定电话:021-60295535 手机号码:13813885238 在线QQ:1153675886