更详细功能,请来电咨询!黄生18211550400 /0755-86614815
- 低亮度条件下的颜色测量
- 颜色测量XYZ, Yxy, Yu’v’
- 其他颜色空间可以通过颜色库选择
- 快速颜色测量(200 samples/second 在亮度条件200Cd/m2)
- 触发输入和输出,用于在线应用
- 机械快门用于精确的暗背景测量
MSE+ 20 mm: specification
Measurement system
Optical system Acceptance angle is 5 (±2.5) degrees.
Measurement spot size 20 mm spot size at 100mm distance. For other distances and spot sizes see table below
Measurement speed Luminance at 22,000 samples/second , Colour measurement at 1ms or higher, depending on luminance level. 150Cd/m2 with DC level light at 30ms.
0.3Cd/m2 at 0.2s. PWM mode not supported.
Measurement distance 50 mm: 18,4 mm spot size
75 mm: 19 mm spot size
100 mm: 20 mm spot size
150 mm: 21,4 mm spot size
200 mm: 23,4 mm spot size
Colorimeter specification
Parameter Range Accuracy Repeatability
Resolution 15bit for X, Y and Z >78dB without averaging for X, Y, Z
Luminance (Y) 0.008 cd/m2–15,000 cd/m2
integration time between 1ms
and 5 seconds
±4% of measured value
Measured at white image of CCFL LCD display
Luminance ~150cd/m2; x,y = 0,325 0,355
Y : ±0.3% for Y at 0.1 cd/m2 (1)
Y : ±0.10% for Y at 1 cd/m2 (1)
Y : ±0.05% for Y at 5 cd/m2 (1)
Y : ±0.03% for Y at 150 cd/m2 (1)
Chromaticity : x,y
Approximates CIE1931 colour
matching functions
±0,001 (after calibration)
Measured at white image of CCFL LCD display
Luminance ~ 150cd/m2; x,y = 0,325 0,355
x,y : ±0.002 for Y at 0.1 cd/m2 (1)
x,y : ±0.001 for Y at 1 cd/m2 (1)
x,y : ±0.0005 for Y at 5 cd/m2 (1)
x,y : ±0.0002 for Y at 150 cd/m2 (1)
Measurement speed
1-2 sample per sec. for Y at 0.1 cd/m2(1)
4-10 samples per sec. for Y at 1 cd/m2 (1)
10-20 samples per sec. for Y at 5 cd/m2 (1)
20-100 samples per sec. for Y >= 150 cd/m2 (1)
CR measurement > 200,000 ±5%(depending on lowest Y value) ±5%(depending on lowest Y value)
(Contrast Method)
10 cd/m2 or higher ±2%
Flicker frequency:30Hz AC/DC 10% sine wave
(JEITA method)
10 cd/m2 or higher ±2dB
Flicker frequency:30Hz AC/DC 10% sine wave
Operating Temperature 10-35°C (2)
Shutter lifetime More then 1 Million
Shutter speed 250ms-300ms
close or open time.
Depending on temperature and lifetime
(1) All measurements are performed 20 times on a CCFL LCD screen with sufficient signal noise ratio, value is based on 2 sigma. Luminance and chromaticity values are based on best performance