3M Fluorinert Electronic Liquid FC-770 is a thermally stable, fully-fluorinated liquid that has ideal properties for use as a heat transfer fluid in a variety of inertness of Fluorinert liquid FC-770 permits its use as a direct contact single and two-phase coolant in certain supercomputers and sensitive military electronics. Its high dielectric strength and electrical resistivity are ideal for applications in high voltage transformers and power electronics. In the semiconductor manufacturing industry, its wide liquid range makes Fluorinert liquid FC-770 suited for cooling ion implanters, dry etchers and CVD machines. Its low pour point also permits its use in thermal shock and test equipment. 上海刚亚化工有限公司可为您提供3MEGC 电子涂层剂、全系列电子氟化液产品.如 EGC1700、EGC1720、EGC1702、EGC1704、HFE7100、HFE7200、 HFE71IPA、HFE71DE、HFE71DA、HFE71DE、HFE72DA、FC40、 FC43、FC70、FC770、FC3283、PF5060 等等。
3M 电子氟化液、电子涂层剂、氟素化学品,主要用于塑料、金属、玻璃等表面上形成极薄的透明且柔软的薄膜,可对各种精密电子部件、仪器形成高性能的防油、防污、防潮的保护涂层。