我们引进欧洲钢背拉丝技术代替其他供应商正在使用的传统钢背穿孔及焊网技术,确保了摩擦材料和钢背在任何环境使用过程中都不会发生的断裂和脱落现象。大大提高了剪切强度,达到了零风险。材料方面我们采用的是进口材料和润滑剂。为确保生产的每一片都有稳定的制动性能,我们采用自动配料系统和电脑数控制动化压机生产线。通过一系列的路试,AK-MASTER 惯性台架,装车实验,结果表明我们大巴片和轻卡片摩擦性能无论是从低温到高温都非常稳定,并且使用寿命达到150000公里以上。满足国内主机配套需求而且出口到欧美都多个发达国家。
We adopt protrusion extruder technique instead of traditional way with perforated backing plate being used by other manufacturers to prevent crack and deformation occurring between metal support and friction material, eventually increase the shear strength greatly ,accomplishing zero risk. To make sure every piece of pad meet standard ,We also imported the raw materials add some special lubricant correct dosage mix according formula avoid premature wear ,uniform pressure control prevents cracks on the friction material proper temperature to make all friction component pervade and bond together in the homogenous way. through a series of road –test, trailer-test, and AK-MASTER testing simulation shows our brake cv pad last up to 150,000kms, offering domestic OEM SUPPLIER and exporting to many like Europe and America advanced countries .
颜色:黑,灰。 适用车型:依维柯 材质:半金属